Reviews for Bent by Moonlight Silk

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DivaG (Chapter 101) - Fri 30 May 2014

wow, this time I have to comend Sessshoumaru for his cunning. Finally, he refuses to be manipulated and it's great. I like the way he is rebuilding his relationship and trust with Kagome, it's sweet. Great job.



Tana_san (Chapter 101) - Fri 30 May 2014

Woo Hooo!!!! That my friend was pure genius!!!! I applaud your greatness and cunning!!! I had thought perhaps he had entered her rear end but quickly realized my error and then I figured he might have the power to kill his own seed when you said reiki. Blows my mind!!! I forgot that being mated with Kagome that their souls entwined as did their powers. That was so great.

It's true that if she's not able to conceive it's not his fault as he has proof that he's had several children with other women, one being human. I think that will make Kagome feel more at ease too and his other children as well. The princess has told her cousins and step mother of their sexual encounters so it's not like he hasn't slept with her and she's spent many a night in his room as well. Sesshoumaru just did a move on her that the old Sessh would have done. I'm glad he didn't allow her or the humans to get their way. Like he said, this was war and people play dirty and they betrayed him, so fair is fair. I am just so very happy with all this I'm doing a victory dance in my head.

I know it's nearing an end but I just have to say that this will be a fic that I will re read over and over again.  I'm so proud of you!!! You've done such an awesome job and you kept the characters in their true characters.   JEN

Urami Bushi (Chapter 101) - Fri 30 May 2014

I say good going Sesshomaru why should he be subject to the schemes of that witch.... 

DivaG (Chapter 100) - Fri 30 May 2014

I knew it, Hotaru and her big mouth. Now the princess is going to seriously consider that killing Kagome is the key for her happiness. I just hope that Jaken warns Sesshoumaru, so he will not be made a fool again, being manipulated in another scheme this time by the princess and her relatives.

Ana (Chapter 100) - Thu 29 May 2014

o.O I was not expecting that revelation from him.... And I really don't know what to think off all this... xD

Thanks for the update! <3

Kitten (Chapter 100) - Thu 29 May 2014

Oh!!! more, More, please!! Can't wait for the next chapter.

vhfluffy (Chapter 99) - Wed 28 May 2014

You my friend are an exceptional writer! You have a wonderful way with words that not only depict a character but also make us feel and feel for the characters emotions. Good story progression...Good job and keep it up!

Now for the critic...I love the story and the progression. However, I feel like Sesshomaru played dirty by accepting and bedding the princess. He could have countered by offering to marry her to one of his close confidants....Tora? Or his first born? Now in no way am I berating you as a writer my dear. After all the story wouldn't be sooo intriguing if everything was just I don't know why it just isn't sitting right with me. I feel like poor Kagome is suffering way more...i feel her heartache at the thought of her loved one sleeping with another person whether he's into it or not (pun ultimately he is slowly losing his life essence as well...

Not putting any ideas in your head but am hoping Kagome's doctor friend plays a role in making Sesshomaru realise what he lost and he really finds a good solution to bring his plans to fruition without causing anymore heartache.

Once again, you're doing an exceptional job. The very fact that I feel unsettled about the storyline goes to show that you've touched my emotions and no doubt many readers who feel the same about the situation.

Keep it coming...can't wait for the next chapter!

Tana_san (Chapter 99) - Tue 27 May 2014

Excellent explainations threaded throughtout this whole chapter. I feel it has really helped all of them through this hard time and I honestly was happy to read that Sessh and the pups extended their stay for a few days. A few days are better than none at all at this point in time. Sesshoumaru does nedd to get back and assess any damage this situation could have created and having Shippo play the part of a spy as well as keep his job completing the dam and creating jobs to get the job done is important.

I also think that I like the idea of having Sessh ask Kagome to hold out and wait for him is a good idea. He needs to explain to her just what happened when they separated and broke their bond. That the bracelet she wears holds his youki within it to help sustain her life but also takes away from him because they aren't together to consummate their union. Tell her he needs and wants her and this knowledge will help give him the much needed balance for him to continue on with this farse of a union with the princess. He never did give Kagome any explaination over their separation and breaking the bond they share. He told her that a mating between them was much more than that of a human marriage but I can't remember seeing anywhere that he told he that one or both could die if the bond was broken.

I agree too the Aiko needs to go back and apologise for her anger and resentment. She and all the children have to try to apologise for their ill-mannered reactions toward this woman. I know this is a time when everyone just did what was told and accepted it whether they liked it or not but Kagome has brought to this union and family upbringing future traditions and ideals and this is partly why it's so hard on everyone. You have two intirely different cultures living in this family and though the princess was a surprise that made Sesshoumaru look like the big bad father, he has to find someway to make it work and hasn't had that great of success. Open talking is greatly required.

I hope Kagome promises to wait for him and I hope the children will learn to come and go on visits to their mother and treat the princess with understanding why she is there and hopefully the princess will come to understand that if she doesn't learn to accept her relationship with Sesshoumaru can never become what she wants that she'll never have any happiness while being there. Why alienate the whole family and remain this angery shrew who believes she can change her husband? They will eventually have to try and produce an heir but that doesn't mean that she will carry to full term as even Kagome has had great difficulty there. She'll have to be made aware that giving birth to a hanyou child is a danger to both she and the child and that the child will possibly grow up with problems such as InuYasha has at times. Doesn't the princess have any jugdement over her own body? Can the Emperor make her try to produce offspring?

I appreciated the healer was able to explain some of what Sessh is going through and I hope she will take into consideration that she needs to make changes for the good of all invovled. This chapter did well in making a better hope that Kagome and Sesshoumaru may actually make it back together.   JEN

SashaMarie (Chapter 99) - Tue 27 May 2014

Please update, I can't wait to find out what happens next. I love this story so far. Thank you.

Shaneka (Chapter 99) - Mon 26 May 2014

Excellent chapter waiting anxiously for the next chapter.

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 99) - Mon 26 May 2014

I hope something good happens, keep it coming.


LoveAndFaith (Chapter 98) - Mon 26 May 2014

What Sesshomaru did was not right, keep it coming.

Aviva (Chapter 99) - Mon 26 May 2014

Great chapter, i look forward to the time when kag/sess are together and happy again.  

Urami Bushi (Chapter 99) - Sun 25 May 2014

Omg I hope she chooses to give up on her quest to make Sesshomaru love her.

Monica (Chapter 99) - Sun 25 May 2014

I'm sitting here and thinking 'sweet Jesus...'

this was a very satisfying update, it doesn't make me pine any less for sesshoumaru and kagome to be reunited as mates.

reading your story is like watching the tv show addictive, heart wrenching and keeps the viewer/reader guessing as to what happens next.

fantastic update as always!


DivaG (Chapter 99) - Sun 25 May 2014

Hummmmm, that was trick. will the princess  be an ally or a new enemy? take care Sesshoumaru

M (Chapter 99) - Sun 25 May 2014

Please don't tell me that they are going to use Kagome's baby into fooling the emperor that it's the princess's and Sesshomaru's child, because I think that will destroy Kagome. And me too.

Ana (Chapter 99) - Sun 25 May 2014

This chapter actually helped me a lot! ^^ I'm not saying that I changed my mind on the relationship that Sess x Kag should have from here! But know I see that there is a chance to make things right!^^ Nice work! ;) 

Thanks for the update! <3 

Urami Bushi (Chapter 98) - Sun 25 May 2014

Although I dnt agree with Sesshomaru agreeing to the human emperors terms he played it smart by ensuring that hed gain the emperor's kingdom with the use of the knowledge that he wouldn't produce an heir, and although kagome suffers especially at a delicate time with her being pregnant I have no doubt that in the end Sesshomaru and Kagome will finally be able to have their happy ending that they diserve and have to fought so to have.

DivaG (Chapter 98) - Sat 24 May 2014

Following the path of the story, I agree with you,  and I commend the writter , for her story is very well written, but, when They first met Bokuseno, he made it clear that follow the path of conquest would be the easiet way, he never said it would  be the only one. Even so, Sesshoumaru chose to follow this path, knowing it would put his family at risk. It is why I find him weak minded, it'all. All the suffering Kagome is through, is because he chose the easiest way.

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