333Tenshi (Chapter 1) - Thu 10 May 2018

Very funny

Sesshomaru's Secret Admirer (Chapter 1) - Mon 27 Oct 2014

*dies of laughter*

I lost count of how many times you've made me laugh and grin while reading your one-shots.

Ohhhh Sesshomaru! His smirk....it's so clearly graved into my mind. And oh my goodness, Kagome's blush....I think it grew shades no other story has every reached.

Well done.

You've surpassed all limits, yet kept within realistic boundaries.

How you do it?.....I don't know.


Yin - Yang M (Chapter 1) - Thu 20 Feb 2014

love it. you should do part to this.

MomoDesu (Chapter 1) - Mon 20 Jan 2014

Gah! A panty raid Sesshoumaru! This begs for a second tale with an actual Mission Impossible style panty raid!

Cuffin_Insane (Chapter 1) - Sun 08 Sep 2013

I LOVED IT!... You should make it into a 2-shot >.>..... definately ^.^...   They arent dating yet >.>... How could you leave me hanging like that >:O  ...lmao awesome hun ^.^

Lady Arolen Night (Chapter 1) - Sun 25 Aug 2013

I do have an account on here but I haven't logged in to read in a while. PLEASE tell me there is more to this!!!

sarah chau (Chapter 1) - Tue 16 Jul 2013

omg, that was hilarious~ poor poor kagome! someone should tell her about boys picking on girls they like! great story!

Denise (Chapter 1) - Fri 14 Jun 2013

This was an interesting story. I don't think he was a pervert, I feel like he was trying to get her attention in a weird way lol. :) There should be a part two were they someone how talk about there differences. Very funny story!!!

~krazy4fluffy~ (Chapter 1) - Sun 02 Jun 2013


Couldn't stop smiling the entire time xDDD

matsujun (Chapter 1) - Fri 17 May 2013

Can you like make a sequel? or Continue it cuz i really really liked it and what to know what happens!!!!!!

Rosalynn (Chapter 1) - Thu 16 May 2013


typicalyssa (Chapter 1) - Sat 11 May 2013

This is precious! Had me laughing out loud literally. XD

typicalyssa (Chapter 1) - Sat 11 May 2013

This is precious! Had me laughing out loud literally. XD

TKE (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013

LMAO!!!! That was really funny and cute, poor Kagome....

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013

This was funny.

cassandra (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013
Oh god! That was funny! At first I thought maybe they were talking about her virginity from the way she was acting.

phoenixgodess75 (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013

o please don't. I would like to see this as a chapter story. I love it!

jk (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013

oohhhhhh  i love this needs to become chapter n not oneshot pretty darn good

daapatemysoul (Chapter 1) - Fri 10 May 2013

What?!? No way can you give up your "Sesshomaru is a pervert" career!!! That was waaaay to adorable and hysterical, all at the same time, to not be turned in a chapter fic. Especially since I can 150% see him pulling a stunt like that. Think of it this way- it would excellent community service to keep the fic up. After all, I'd be forced to take a break from my home improvement projects whenever you post and as my physical therapist just scolded me resoundly for doing too much, you'd be doing the disabled community a huge favor. Well, okay, so maybe only 1 member of the disabled community, but who's counting? ;)

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