So good.....I read this one-shot too....and I'm starting to feel more than embarrassed.
I read so many...manny...mannnyyyy fanfictions for many yearsssss and have never bothered to remember the titles and authors apologies for forgetting yours. I shall not dare to now.
This one-shot is beautiful. Once again, you stay true to all the character's original portrayal, yet play with it more. I don't think I'll ever tire of your writing style or stories. I love them. My treasuresssss~
Oh oh! I wonder what happened to Inuyasha. Did he fall during the final battle with Naruku? Does Kagome Not want Sessy because she doesn't want to feel like she is somehow "replacing" Inuyasha with Sessy like Inu did with she and Kikuyo? (Don't think I spelled the name right.) Please continue. It's very good so far.
Great story!
I think you could easily make a chapter story of what they were talking about at the end with InuYasha.
The kids are totally cute!
Love the whole thing, so it's on my favorites now.
Hope you write more soon!