Wonderful story I loved it!!!
One of my favorites story
i love shippos thought proccess lol
XDDD That last line was good. Took me a sec and then sucker punched me. XDD
I love how much he wants to be her friend while simultaneously trying to maintain the way he is. It's sweet.
No matter how many times I reread this chapter that last line from Miroku always makes me laugh. This is a great story, and I love reading it.
Very nice ending! I think you wrapped things up well. I did wonder where Shippo was that he didn't come to meet Kagome's mother, and if Sango and Miroku had any children. I think the idea of them all attending school in America and Kagome going to University before was nice. I also liked the way certain thingsa improved at the shrine. And I don't think I've ever read another fic where kagome was given credit for changing the world for the better by improving realtions between demons and humans before. Really nice!
I appreciate your attention to little etails of life in the Western Palace. It seems very reasonable to me that Kagome would want to give the female children the same opportunity to be educated as the male children, considering the time period she lived in. I also liked they way she spoke up with her suggestion to make Atsuki his assistant. It's also nice to seee she isn't afraid to step on some toes, when the situation warrants it. Standing firm with the demoness at the fabric store and with Rin's nanny were two good ways of showing she isn't a pushover or intimidated by demons. I always felt Kagome carried herself with a good amount of confidence. Nicely done!
I really love the idea that Sesshoumaru found a new use for Seiko's artistic talents!
Love the mating gift! And I even feel a little sorry for Sesshoumaru's mother that his father was so cruel with her mating gift.
I'm so glad you had Sesshoumaru continue with his plan to kill his mother's concubine. I was almost afraid he was becoming a little too soft. It's good that even he realizes he needs to attain a balance between his compassion and his suspicious nature. He will still need to be ruthless in some matters.Nice.
I have really been enjoying Shippou in this story. I love his knowledge of dark magic. It's so nice to have him in the spotlight for his helpfulness.
LOL! Her embarrasment at realizing everyone had heard her and Sesshoumaru at the hot springs was priceless. Gotta love Miroku! That poor guy had to be wishing it was him and Sango the whole time. ^_^
I'm really glad that you addressed Inuyasha's jealousy over Kagome newfound happiness. It's only natural that he would feel like he was losing her, even if they were just friends. So glad for the little heart-to-heart talk Kagome had with him. Nice work!
This was a sweet chapter. So glad him being the dog is finally out in the open. I was surprised the scar around his neck healed then. I thought perhaps it was permanent since he obtained it while he was just a mortal dog, and that it would stay because he had been like that when it happened. Honestly, I am surprised, and delighted, that there is so much more to come for this story. Looking forward to it!
I can't wait to see what Sesshoumaru had Totosai make for Kagome.
How intewresting that Kagome is not reacting to finding out Sesshoumaru's secret the way he and Inuyasha both feared she would. Instead, it answered her questions and quelled her fears.
Poor Sesshoumaru. He is really eating his heart out for her. And poor Kagome is just so scared of loving him. Your portrayal of Inuyasha in this is one of my favorites.
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