All five chapters are great, keep it coming.
All five chapters are great, keep it coming.
Oh Kagome lol how long will Sesshomaru's patience last! I can't wait for more~!
Rosalynn (Chapter 135) - Thu 16 May 2013
All five chapters are great, keep it coming.
Rosalynn (Chapter 130) - Wed 15 May 2013
Uh oh. I sense a cat-fight coming!
All five chapters are great, keep it coming.
Rosalynn (Chapter 125) - Tue 14 May 2013
Lol that girl is crazzzzy~! Please update soon!
KEdakumi (Chapter 121) - Tue 14 May 2013
Don't do it Fluffy! You'lllll beee sorrrrryyyy...
Quick! Do another 'not retreating' move! :P
Both chapters are great, keep it coming.
All three chapters are great, keep it coming.
All five chapters are great, keep it coming. Happy Mother's Day!
KEdakumi (Chapter 115) - Sun 12 May 2013
Almost purifying him...:D that would make for a good lesson in patience.
All five chapters are great, keep it coming.
Whoa 100 already! Thats amazing congrats!!
Action Woohoo~!!! :-)
Hahaha! That was funny! She'll be sleepy in the morning~!
Keep it coming.
KEdakumi (Chapter 105) - Fri 10 May 2013
And Sesshoumaru saves her! Yeah! Wonder if he'll catch on that she knew it was coming. Poor Fluffy, now, hopefully he'll have someone to work his 'depression' out on. :)
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