Nice entry. Loved how you incorporated the prompt! And the idea of seeing a couple of hundred years old festival in the making must be truly awesome. Specially if that feast was first hosted by no other than Sesshoumaru's mom!
The kid has more insight than the adult!!
Always the case.
Except with my little sisters. Those three are coo-coo gone. (Yes, I have three little sisters; ages: 9, 7, and 6). Lol
Hahahahaha awwwwkward!
I can't believe Kagome blurted that out xD
And Sesshoumaru is kinda dense, isn't he? hahaha
loved it
Here, the scenario was rather good. Buuuut... the marshmallows pack felt forced. Of course, what can one expect when the whole setting is on the Sengoku Jidai and in the whole anime, marshmallows weren't really ever mentioned. xD
But I think you could have done a better job! I encourage you to be more creative. :P
More, keep it coming.
But it's sooo cuuuuuuuuuute when he's jealous!!
Yes, yes, more Inu/Kag so that the Sessh/Kag can come. :P
Who invited Inuyasha? lol
Shouldn't he be all lovey dovey with Kikyo? :P
I've never been hungover ._.
You should be careful with how you start your sentences. Sometimes they start with the same structure and thus end up sounding redundant. :)
I'm too kind-hearted to ever do this to Jaken >_<
Listen to him, Kags. He's really old and wise.
Why in the seven hells would Sesshoumaru's bedroom be down an eerie staircase? xDDDD Hahahahahaha that's just... WOW! Imaginative.
Hoping to see the answer to that in the next few chapters!
PS. hmmm if this was MA or M rated and Sesshoumaru has Kagome in her room... Ahhh Smut Tournament has me thinking perverted things. Sorry! xD
Oh, oh, I'm too curious to leave a proper review.
Brb xD
Maybe she thought it was a closet... Lol
Does each room have its private bathing room? Cause having so many hot springs would be awesome. I'd just jump from one to the next xD... Or maybe they're all joined to one.
Anywhoooo... Perhaps this was one of the most embarassing moments for Kagome. Poor her.
SHE IS WEIRD. Hahahahahaha
Kudos for making her like that. I love a Lady Taisho that is fun and transparent like that. Specially if she's cunning and kinda devilish in her own little ways.
I bet it will irk Sesshoumaru to no end xD
Chicken hehehe the most mundane word coming out of the most uncommon being's mouth.
DUM-DUM-DUUUUMMMM... *gloom and doom music*
Poor Sesshoumaru hehehe
Go, Kags! You encourage him. Let him not be afraid by hugging him and kissing him and supporting him! Lolz
Poor Kags :( Doesn't Sesshoumaru have a heart? >_< I feel bad for her. But I guess he's just testing her strengths.
Obviously, as you already said, she's too clumsy to travel on her own.
Rescue her, Sesshy-kun!
He is spoiled, isn't he.
Two different worlds! You convey it so well. :)
Jaken in war paint xDDD Awesome xD Just... terribly awesome! XD
Hahaha well, from his point of view, she's a pup, and from her point of view, he's freaking ancient!
I love the little interactions they have. But I do wonder, why does Sesshy watch her quite often? I bet it's cause of her morning rituals. Ya know, brush teeth, moisturize, etc, etc.
Good job with the details! <3
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