I like the interesting take on the story you made it's very original, I can't wait to read more. Hope you start writing again.
This is a great story. Please continue it
Great Story
Can't wait to see what happen next.
More, Maya Angelou passed away, keep it coming. How God Created Mother God took the fragrance of a flower, The majesty of a tree, The gentleness of a morning a dew The calm of a quiet sea, The beauty of a twilight hour The soul of a starry night The laughter of the rippling brook, The grace of a bird in flight, Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, And when His masterpiece was through, He called it simply...MOTHER. Happy Mother's Day!
Ohh I feel a lemon coming...yay! Update please!
I like it!
next chapter please
Good chapter! Hope Katgome's mental preparation helps her. Can't wait fo the next upate!
Great chapter, but I keep wondering what time frame this is set in?
Based on the hoops, I'm thinking it's early to mid 1800's?
I look forward to more!
Update soon, yes?
I cant wait for the lemony goodness! Bring it on!!
Keep it coming.
I'm hooked with your story!!! You have to update this!!!
great update!
sorry i'm a bit tired{exhausted beyond comprehension}
i hope you update again soon.
~me- cause i can't speel it right now
It was hot listening to Sesshomaru plotting to make Kagome want him. Gread descriptions of the surroundings. I can picture it all in my head. Can't wait to see where this goes!
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