Hi again, Moonlight! I just adore this fic!!! Sorry it took me so long to review anything but I got so overly amused with everything that I just forgot.
Now, at the beginning...Sesshoumaru didn't give Kagome much of a choice when he told her he wanted her to sleep with him or she could find her own way home and she knew the he had her in a magical garden so she only had one choice. He wanted her verbal concent so it wouldn't be rape becaus the grat Lord of the West would never need to rape a female, right? So the deed happened. He keeps forgtting just how human Kagome is and as she has lived among youkai doesn't mean she knows all their ways.
Also, if he would have told Kagome at any time that he did have interest in her, she probably never would have married InuYasha so quickly as InuYasha was acting quite oddly she had said to Sango. He also could have told her that though he thought it to be improbable he could have said he could or couldn't scense her fertility and therefore, he was not sure as their powers were opposing. Again, I think she wouldn't have married InuYasha until she was sure even if he didn't tell her he had interest in her.
OK so she married InuYasha and she and Sesshoumaru left each other on a bad note but still, he should have at least kept in touch with Rin. He could always have sent Jaken or Ah Un for her and he would have known of her pregnancy. That alone would have spiked his curiousity.
Now over the pups health, he didn't fault her for not knowing what to do about their need for blood as they were youkai. InuYasha never even told her that, so both males are at fault. I was wondering if they needed their father's blood for a reason but you didn't go into it so...
Now he's angry that she didn't think to named because they weren't humaniod. I think for the trials Kagome has gone through she did very well. She was depressed, severely and that alone was overpowering her judgement. At least she took care of them and played with them and I'm quite sure she called them some name of affection. Like Sweetness, Little one, my little pups, you know something. Usually back in those days both Parents named the children and normally the names were not of relatives or friends. They would pick a name that fit their child, like Sesshoumaru's parents named him for who they saw he would be. He's being over judgemental when he wasn't even there. He had NO knowledge of what she went through at all.
Well, this is it for now, I'm excited to read more. The pups sound very intelligent and I wonder when Kagome will name them or if she waits for Sessh to come back. Hugs, JEN
Gosh I wish I had seen this when it came out! Great work and the flow is wonderful.
Yes, I agree with you on the morals of this story. We all make mistakes and must face the consequenses. We must learn from them and hopefully not make the same mistakes again.
Love this story. It was bitter-sweet. Are you going to write a sequel?
That was a beautiful story! Reminds mine of some of the decisions I've made in my past and had to deal with promptly I'm order to acclaim a better solution. Bravo bravo!!!!!!
Very great story :) I'm happy that you weren't afraid to venture into dark themes (making Inuyasha evil, insanity, rape, etc.)it is clear how hard you worked on this fiction, and as a fan I thank you for your determination and excellent creativity!
This story had a great and exciting plot and was entertaining to read. Besides a couple missing puction or capitilation, the story was easy to follow. Though the events that happened in this were nessasary for the story, I still have some questions that I don't remember being answered : Did Inuyasha still were the Beads of Subduction?, Who was Inuyasha trying to protect when he used the Wind Scar in the end? and What were the names of the twin boys?. This story had happy, sad, dark, loving, and bitter moments, and the blend results in an intriging tale that I could not stop reading. Great work, please grace the world with more of your awesome writing!
This story was amazing and I enjoyed it!
This was an exciting and emotional story. i hope that you will write another soon! Have fun reading! It's my favorite past time. Thanks again for the story and finishing it. I hate starting a story and it's not finished. I'll be waiting for the next one. Bye!
exams have really put the brakes on my time to read all the lovely stories, but they are over now. Anyhow I loved the ending, original and I couldn't come up with anything better my friend. Good luck on your next story.
I missed so may updates and the story is finished. I just read several chapters back to back and I had to leave a little review. The story is amazing, and the lemons are so sweet!!
me gusto mucho esta historia y como se resolbio todo para megor espero que sigas escribiendo por que tienes talento
I like your solution to the problem of how to deal with Inuyasha. It was surprisingly different.
I want to say that I loved the ending!!! Amazing. I wasn't sure if you were going to take the suggestions. I am totally happy of how the story turned out. :D Great Job!!! Good luck writting your next story.
It sucks that the story is over now but I really loved reading it. Excellent work!
He should die. He had several chances to let her go and stop tormenting her, but he chose to show her no mercy. Moving forward if he won, he still wouldn't have let it die. I don't see a way for him to redeem himself or have any positive interaction with anyone. He'd be a continued threat whether he could fight or not. I'm not really sure if all that's happened would qualify as a life lesson, more of a horror or extremely dark drama where no one is ok at the end... Everyone involved will probably have some PTSD symptoms or something.
Need to add: No way in hell should Rin and Inuyasha have a second chance. He was way too abusive physically and mentally to her. Plus her hatred goes way too deep for him. Also, that would put him as part of the family which would include Sesshoumaru and Kagome. I know he was dealt a raw deal in the beginning but he let it scramble his brain and he opted for a sick revenge.
I think Inuyasha should die because of his state of mind. He will never leave them alone, that includes Rin and his daughter. He might disappear for awhile but they would never be able to trust him to stay away. His hate is too much for Kagome and Sesshoumaru. Plus he's overly possessive for his daughter and would never be able to stay away from her. His mind is just too corrupted and he's done too much damage. Also it fits the flow of the story.
As much as I hate Inuyasha for what he did to Rin, I think they should make him stay with Rin and her baby for her honors sake. Who knows, maybe in time he could change and Rin may grow to care for him.
I feel like he shouldn't die. There should be another punishment for him. Like you have said and other readers is that Rin is the only innocent one. I hope Sesshoumaru and Kagome get a lashing from Rin (even though I have a feeling she won't). Lets see what happens!!!
I wonder how they will all live with themselves. Like Kagome said, the only innocent one was Rin. I wonder how Kagome and Sesshoumaru will deal with everything that happened because of them?
great story i would say let him live but turn him human with kagomes holy powers, that way he can suffer but never be a threat to anyone because of the lose of his arm
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