Interesting chapter! Can't wait to see the next one :)
Whew! I caught up!
Man, My head has just been spinning with all the twists and turns and character backstories (in a good way) I am so totally loving this story and can't wait for more. I am still very very VERY impressed with the constant updates, especially since you're writing as fast as you're posting. I wish I had a muse even half as cooperative as yours.
There is so much that I would love to say about this fic...but my brains is "blah"ing on me right now, so I will just say LOVE IT! WAY TO GO AND KEEP IT UP!
Keep it coming.
Great chap :D!! Updating everyday is hardwork :O people must understand ><
Sorry no one celebrated the one month anniversary with you. I am so blown away by how amazing this is and how awesome it is that you've been able to update it fiction is completely written and is in the process of being edited, but I update very sporadically....perhaps I Should change that.
I thoroughly enjoyed chapter 31....blushing while reading the whole thing, lol. I think it takes some guts to get yourself to write like that (I myself haven't done it.....), but it was very well done.
Well they didn't waste anytime. Its nice that they have become so close in such a short amount of time. Though it does make things more complicated. I can't wait to see what happens next and how they keep this from everybody :)
omg only one chappy tonight? how so utterly cruel and evil of you, please, please try to at least post two tomorrow. so cannot wait!!!
This makes up for the horrible joke that you played. ;) Great job! Keep it coming
I was wondering if that's what Kagome's plan was! Sesshomaru's reaction to her bleeding was kind of cute-oh, and wasn't respecting him to say he loved her, but loved that!!
Can't wait to see more!
this is such a great story i was so entranced by the kagome and sesshomaru parts that all the other parts with kaede and rin and shippo are just filler chappy please please write more and update faster!!!!!!!
Lol I swear my heart stopped yesterday when I read the April Fools prank lol! I really thought you where serious! Lol please update soon~!
I wonder why Kaede and Matsu are acting that way. It takes being protective to a whole other level. Things are already pretty tense and the western Lord hasn't even shown up yet. Oh brother...I can't wait to see what happens next :)
omg! i wanted to kill you for that awful april fools joke! but this story is amazing. i admit i rather like the thought of sesshomaru as a merman. can't wait for the next update! :)
Not going to lie I was thinking of reaching through my screen and strangling you for a moment there. :/ But all is well! Did I mention I hate April fools day? Anywho great update can't wait for more!
Yay!...just finished chapter 27 and will be reading a bit more...but I am soo sooo SOOO very happy that Sesshoumaru is the Mer-prince. I suspected as much when we started to see the personality of the Western Lord....but I still had a fear.
This is very well done so far, even if you have been sick, and now I must be off to read a bit more. Won't finish what you have so far by the time I must go to bed....but I am getting closer. Keep up the great work!
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