Oh, yes, Sesshomaru, it will be fun!
Keep it coming.
Aw! This is so adorable!
Update soon!
Ooh, I like this chapter a lot :D Protective Sesshoumaru's always good~ So is an 'insecure' Sesshoumaru :D
Great chapter, I wonder what type of toothpaste she will pick too.
Up date soon.
Aww.....He really cares for her!I hope he WILL break tradition or somehow be able to hold to it and Kagome give him the "required" heir.Update soon please!
Oh why doesn't Sesshomaru admit he's in love already! It's obvious he loves her. I hope he lets go of his pride and gets with her.
another good one... i think its time dhe got a new flavour toothpaste... lol... maybe bubblegum, he seemed to like that flavour... hehe
Who knew Sesshomaru could be such a flirt? Update soon!
Muahahah, love the last few sentences of this chapter, keep it coming! I'm looking forward to finding out which flavors our dearest Sesshoumaru will discover next!
They kissed! Sneaky Sesshoumaru! Another funny chapter!
-has to fan herself because of the hotness- Nice idea for a story! I can imagine Sesshoumaru being overwhelmed by Kagome's ever-changing fragrances.
I love this fic. the last part was very cute. XD
Oh my god! I have goosebumps. That was hot as hell and they didn't do anything more than kiss! I can't wait to see what happens next.
me gusta!
I effing loved this chapter! So full of fluff and so very cute!
Still amazing, ant wait for ch. 3!!!
ZOMG - I'm playing hookey at work and reading this cuz I can't stop myself!! Funny thing about your updates... I can't just let them sit and wait until I get home, I have to read NOW! This is sooooo darn good, definitely one of my new faves!!!
I was so excited to see the update for this story in my email that I literally squealed and jumped right over to read it! I'm loving this story! Can't wait to read more!
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