I've always held a great fascination for dragons, I mean who couldn't? This story has been so much fun to read and Nero is a super cute character :) This version of Kagome actually makes me think that she's a real teenaged girl (with parts that are funny, irritating, etc). However I have to say that this chapter seemed to have a lot of misuse of grammar, vocabulary, etc. I don't recall the other chapters having quite so many obvious mistakes but maybe I need to re-read them again? It did take away from the story a bit as I was distracted by the errors rather than completely focusing on the details of your tale. Anyway, the story itself is still a lot of fun to read and I eagerly look forward to the next chapter!
Godd#mn!!! This story is freakin' AWESOME! Looking forward to more. xD
I really hope that the blood that splashed on those last few lines wasn't Shippo's >_<!!!!
Great and amazing work!
Update soon, please!
This is so interesting. :D
This is really cute and sweet and lovely. And I love your characterization of Sesshoumaru and Kagome. For a story that's a little off-the-trail of what's called "normal" (because, let's be honest, dragons ain't normal lol), your descriptions make the story more believable as a Sesh/Kag ff.
Great work! <3
No~~~~~~~!!!!!! What happens next!? :O Keep writing this amazing story!! I need to know more! I hate blackouts... This chapter (all of them) are really well written, the action scenes, the anger, it is too real for me. I get absorbed into your story. I love it! Going to stop the squeals of the fan girl in me now.
Such a good chapter.... I was at the edge of my seat. I can't wait to see what happens next.
NUUUUUU......kagome, dont die and leave poor NAro alone!!!! TT.TT. Please keep it comming!!
Update soon.........thank you
Dude!!! freaking awesome cilff hangger!!! awwwww!!! I can't wait for the next chapter it's gonna be fantastic!!!!! >w<
by the way I'm supper glad Kagome told Inuyasha off! take that you two-timer prick!!
That is one big cliffhanger you left us.... WHY?! I was so happy to see that you updated... and then I was left with one leg off the cliff to hang and wait for the next chapter. I hope it comes soon!
Oh how i love this story! Its so cute yet still a very compelling story. Plz keep up the great work cant wait to read more.
OMG I love your little story. I hopee you update soon (like very soon if possible) Keep up the good work :]
And then the shit hit the fan.
Well dauuuuum, woo-boy this was some chapter, it was freakin awesome and packed full of stuff! I can't wait till the next update
^_^ I'm happy that you posted this chapter. I hope that there will be more soon.
I'm loving this story! It's very unique and entertaining. I hate that I won't have internet for the next four days because I'm desperate to see what happens next. Keep up the great work!
Please update.......thanks
I live your fic. I couldn't wait for the day to end so I could finish reading this chapter. Only to realize its the last one. ;.; can't wait to read the next. : )
LOL! I loved “It’s almost like training a dog” part. Most of it was really funny. I hope to read more soon. I really love this story.
I am so glad that you finaly was able to update i am happy you were able to make time to do so out of ur busy time
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