Its a good storey, but idk I just imagined what if there was like a meeting or gathering of some sort and katsuro went to the western palace and saw shippo? Starts following him to try and find kagome, but something goes wrong and he trys to kill shippo instead. Shippo Cry's out screaming for kagome, while she's unconscious she hears her son scream and her powers react to protect him. Still unconscious engulfed by her powers rushes to him. An all out fight between her and katsuro...,..ya I don't know it just came to me lol, anyways I love this storey (?∇?)/
I like your story. I like that you made the villan power hungry but capaple of forming reasonable plots for power. I look forward to the next chapter.
please keep updating please
I am working on Chapter Three my friends. Life has handed me lemons, and instead of writing my fanfiction, I drank some lemonade. Hopefully I will have the next chapter up some time this week. I will also try to be better at updating more often. When I originally posted this, I basically had chapter one written, and half of chapter two. After these two chapters, I didn't have much of an idea of where my story was going. So I am working on this.
Sorry it has taken so long. I will be brainstorming a lot more. It also doesn't help I am a perfectionist and like to read through my chapters half a dozen or so times before I actually post them. That and I am trying to average around 10000 words a chapter. :)
Wish me luck!
~ Ata
Darn! Just when it started to get interesting! Please update this story soon!
I love the way you portrayed rin and jaken's game of tag! LOL it was so hysterical to read it from the pov of the "prey". So far I'm really enjoying this story. You have an interesting OC, a great voice for kags, and I can already tell that I'm going to adore this portrayal of sess! He sounds very sweet and caring underneath it all. Good work thus far!
Keep it coming.
Wow, I like this chapter. Nice a long, very descriptive and a good hint of where the story could go. That was one, slick, slimy, sly youkai and I'm happy she didn't fall for his trickery. Will you be updating again soon? Iknow most of the month is gone...but I'm trying to catch up on my reading of stories on Dokuga! ^.^
Oh my gosh. This is so amazing, I'm so excited about it and cannot wait for the next chapter! Please keep up the good work!
This story sounds interesting, keep it coming.
Hello to you!
wow, such a long chapter! I like it :)
The begin seems interesting... Grrrr, damn youkai! I know he woud have brought only problem!! And I think this is not the last time we see him...
And now? O_o
I wait for your next chapter :)
Bye Byeeee
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