That's my girl Kagome, good on for putting Katasurou in his place.
hahaha seshoumaru got friendzoned.
now they will live happily ever after. the end.
Ahhh.... the friend zone... not a place for sesshomaru to be, poor guy
XDD a bit funny though
thanks for the update!
ok.... Kgome honey, we need to talk! o.O How can someone put Sesshomaru in the friend zone like that!!!!It Sess we are talking in here right *-* That’s a crime against society! xD
Kidding obviously! xD Loved the update! Thank you! :3
Argh! I can't wait for them to just ravage each other already the tension is just too much. Great update.
Justa small thing with this passage
“The evening meal isn’t for a few more hours, so there isn’t a lot of time left to make you presentable.”
The first part "The evening meal isn’t for a few more hours" gives the impression there is plenty of time wich is then contradicted by the following statement "so there isn’t a lot of time left to make you presentable.”
The first part should be changed to “The evening meal is only (or perhapps "merely" instead of only) a few hours away" that gives the indication of lack of time in both parts of the staement.
That´s the spirit Kagome! :3 The guy was going to far! o.O
And I´m dying to know what will Kag will say to Sess related with the mating! xD
Thank you for the update! *-*
Nicely subtle. So it was Naraku's miasma and not Sesshy's. Right. Now that is a nice plot-twist. Unexpected but well played. Now Sesshy walks in being the saviour that arrives just in the knick of time to help Kagome. It is hilarious that he starts to notice her womanlynesh! Seriously! It's quite amusing to read. It's almost as if he's never really noticed that she's a girl. I think the cleavage would have been a good indicator or maybe he's a hip-man. If he stares at her tuckus in the next chapter I really will be convinced that he's only taking notice of her now, since she's done something worthy of notice, i.e. coming through his barrier.
I'm surprised that Sesshy helped Kagome at all. It is good that he has his arm back, and I assume is in possession of Bakusaiga now too, though I wonder if Rin will appear or Jaken as well. Hmm. The Western Lord with a human ward and a potential human mate. What will youkai society thinks if he ends up sampling the forbidden fruit? Kids with puppy ears, OR, a potential social societal melt-down with numerous youkai being up in arms over his choice in a spouse, if it does come down to Kagome. Sesshy could find himself in the middle of a civil war with Kagome on one side, Naraku on the other, and his former youkai allies hemming him in.
Something to ponder I think.
Another subtly done chapter, with just the right amount of foreshadowing to make it fascinatingly frustrating. XD What a cliff-hanger. Sesshy Miko-naps Kagome, and he wants to track down Inuyasha for a showdown. I must read on!
~ Pyre
Wowsers! Sai is totally helpful one minute, defending Kagome, and now she's digging her claws in? She's so contradictory! I like her! It kinda does make for a O_O reaction when she shares smoochies with Kagome though. I was thinking 'wait she clawed her now she wants to kiss it better'? Sai needs to make up her mind. Does she want to date Kagome or kill her? But Sai is connected to Naraku, which raises eyebrows, and makes her all the more mysterious. I'm not entirely sure if Kagome should trust her or purify her, or maybe both.
Wait, now Sesshy's trying to melt Kagome into a little pile of Miko-goo? I thought he was trying to snag her on a date? He needs to make up his mind too. He's either 'dating' Kagome or ready to kill her. It can't be both ways but with a name that means 'The Killing Perfection', by the Kami he could seriously kill her literally or with kindness. Does Sesshy even know how to be kind, barring his influence on little Rin?
I'm not sure. He has come across as almost amused by the demonesses vying for his favour. I mean if he's that much of a catch, yeah, I'd be the smart one and leave him behind. Barrier or not. The guy is seriously what I term 'High Maintenance - Avoid at all costs'. But this being Dokuga, I'm sure his 'charming personality' will make Kagome swoon, provided she doesn't purify him instead.
Nice complication with Sai too. I sense some inter-youkai competion for the Miko's favour in the cards. I shall read on.
Wow. Honestly. Wow. I'm not entirely sure if Sai is trying to actually help Kagome or seduce her at this stage. XD. I'm caught between 'canines lick their wounds to cleanse them' and 'Sai has an ulterior motive'. I dunno. She's very mysterious. It is curious that Kagome made it through Sesshy's barrier without being zapped, fried, or setting off magical alarm bells. It's almost as if she wasn't merely drawn in by Sesshy's call psychic or otherwise, but kinda of I dunno tempted to respond, almost as if to slap him in the face, sorta, that he might be presented with an unusual option in a potential mate, rather than a traditional youkai.
Interesting development. I bet Sai will complicate things nicely. She seems secretive almost, sly, but then again she is a fox youkai. Sly by tradition. I like her. I do wonder how she managed to dispatch that unknown demoness though. *grins and taps chin*. I'll have to read on to find out what she does.
XD Wait... Kagome broke into Sesshy's barrier by accident? It sounds like she was aware of that psychic call but not aware of it's meaning. Nicely done. I love how you've put Sesshy being all surprised about it, although if he can attract one Miko, he might attract them all. Free For All Brawl! YEAH!
*cheers on Kagome*.
Again a great depiction of Kagome being all heroic and super-brave! She's not intimidated. Well if she was at this stage it would be her spleen on youkai claws! There wouldn't be much for Sesshy to love after that. The sly git however does seem more interested in Kagome now than he was before. *grins*.
I'm starting to like this ficlet more and more. Onto the next chapter! Woot!
LOL! Wow! Kagome just gets herself from one pickle into another! I mean lugging a backpack around it hard enough, but when it's packed to bursting with stuff, and she has to climb out of the well with it too. Talk about a work-out! I loved the subliminal call thing, you know that pull you get when you need to do something or go somewhere and you don't know why.
Very subtly played. I particularly enjoyed the demoness, especially with her being a backhanded sly observer that turned assassin. She kinda does match Sesshy for bloodthirstyness. >.> She's scary, but then so is Kagome. You know. I always forget that she's an archer. Thanks for the reminder! LOL!
Great chapter!
I like how Kagome isn't intimidated by the demoness. Well how could she be after going up against Sesshy? I mean he's intimidating, seriously, and arrogant too!
It is an absolutly wonderful story and I can't wait for more!!!
Yea Keep it up. This is your story and the people that want you to chang it need to write their own.
Yeap. finished all 29.
looking forward for more!
w00000t is this the prelude to more citrus!
awwwwww. i thought its going to be a hot miroku sango sai threesome
yeah! but i like plots too just like i love lemons!
Also, Haru and Sai ^_^''
I actually like the Sai OC. i hope she finds happiness in the end. maybe a threesome with kxs or with inuyasha.
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