Gotta agree SweetHeart, Jak would be the one I'd go to when in such a distressed state. Him being who he is (or who we all conjured him up to be) would have been through lots of different types of stress in his life and have met and dealt with many types of people too, so yeah, Jak was the perfect one to help her get her %&#! together. Goood call! I went back after reading your PM and looked at it all again. I can see where she might have flown off the handle...especially after that "repacement ****" was thrown at her. JEN
I am greatly impressed. This fic has drama AND comedy. Kagome on the warpath! Gotta love it! I was having a little difficulty with Kags being angry with Sessh after their sexcapade, but just went with it. All the rest, most excellent! Keep it up. JEN
It's been five months and four weeks since you updated, I'm glad your back. Great chapter, please update the next chapters soon and not inmonths and weeks. Keep it coming.