Oh noes!
lol cuddles!
Oh. Wow. It's his son. Kagome is his mother reincarnated. Ohh wow! That's amazing. So not expecting that!
wow im totally hooked on this..cant wait to read more
He killed her! xD
I know this is really bad of me considering Kagome was drunk as a skunk but I SO wanted the steaminess to continue!
haha, maybe next time. *nudge nudge*
Sesshomaru's girl was pregnant?! omfg! where is this mystery baby? I wanna know!!!!
I love your story and I just can't wait for more! The email alert in my inbox when you do update makes me jump with joy! Mentally of course but still! Joyful!
I am confused though. You rated your story MA indiciating adult situations foul language and potential gore and yet you're censoring your curse words now. whats up with that? It kinda takes away from the story for me. They're just words anyone under 18 shouldn't be reading your story anyway so I really wouldn't think it's a big deal.
Anywho, boo on Inuyasha, liarface. >:|
Nothing loosens the tounge better then a good drink. :P Can't wait to see what happens next.
I hope that scum-bag guard died a horrible painful death for what he did!
And effing inuyasha! WTF is wrong with him! grrrr!
XD Really nice job on this chapter btw!
Can't wait to see what happens next.
Please, please, please let him 'out' Inuyasha. I'd love to see her really ticked at both Inu and Inu-papa for conspiring. :)
I vote for snitching on Inuyasha lol. Hell have no fury like a miko scorned.
So some things cleared up. Others still in the dark. Wonder how them both knowing about her Inu instincts will come into play. I can't wait to see what happens next and how long Sesshoumaru can hold off :)
I like it so far. Update as soon as possible please. But please re-edit your lastest chapter.
Sorry, I'm too lazy to sign in right now. :P
I really really really really want to kow what's up with shippo and Shin-mi! I wanna know soooo bad!
haha, sorry, I don't take cliff-hangers very well... no matter how small they migt be.
And sarcastic Sesshomaru cracked me up!
This was a really reat chapter and I can't wait to see more
Uh oh...this might be a good thing or a bad thing. Kagome might finally figure out what is really going on, but no one else might be ready for it. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
That's true. If they really want him home, they are doing an awful job of showing it. Poor fluffy. Can't wait to see Inuyasha (and his father) get it when Kagome finds out about Kikyo. Can't let Inupapa off the hook since he practically orginized it all. Hope she kicks them both in the shin when she finds out.
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.