Keep up the good work, keep her with Sessh, he shold be her protector,husband and mate for life...
Lol, I loved the end of that chapter... *punch!* hey, lets go get lunch...
I hope Inuyasha gets some help for his violence issues (I like happy endings)
Sessygurl (Chapter 6) - Fri 23 Mar 2012
The knight in shining armour, even if he doesnt want to be. I loved every moment of this chapter. Is she attracted to Sesshoumaru at all and why does she let that ass get so close to her anyway. Why does that ass even want her back?
O_O is Sess going to save her?
Brittany (Chapter 5) - Thu 08 Mar 2012
OMG!!! You need to update, I knew he was going to get angry but to push her over the balcony? Holy crap. I hope Sesshomaru gets there in time. Well he mostly likely will or that would be the end.
OMg OMG OMG!!!!! Im shaking in anticipation. I cant wait for more. This is getting so good.
Omg! This chapter is awesome, I can't wait to see if Sesshoumaru gets there in time to catch her! Oh hurry Sesshy!
amy (Chapter 5) - Wed 07 Mar 2012
Save Kagome, keep her safe!
Much better :D
Ok. So. I think this story has a heckuva lot of potential. I really do. I think you have a good idea going. There's just a few little things... It seems to move very fast from one incident to another. It kind of leaves you in a whirlwind of trying to figure out what is going on. I definitely appreciate the concept, it's great. I think you should maybe consider revising it a bit, slowing the interactions a bit or expanding a bit more on the truly intense interactions. Keep up the hard work, your language is good :). Make sure you also try to keep it in a single tense to make it flow better, as you seemed to switch back and forth from past to present tense. I know it's hard, but I know you can do it!! :)). Good luck on your fic :D
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