Great chaptrer, i can understand Shippo's feelings and i hope he forgives Kagome soon. update soon please.
Absolutely beautiful. A few spelling errors that caught me off guard only because the surrounding text was so well written. I love what you've done with Kagome. I love how you have grown the rest of the cast. Lovely.
I just read all of your story in one sitting. I loved it. I can't wait for more chapters. I really enjoy stories that show Kagome as someone who has grown and become strong. I like the idea of her being equal to Sesshoumaru. Thank you for the wonderful story and I really look forward to future chapters. :-)
Keep it coming.
lol curious puppy he'll get himself trapped before he know3s it!
I'm glad your back it's been a month since your last update, great chapter. Please update soon.
That was totally AWESOME! I love how you've made Kagome kick-a$$ while retaining her purity and acceptance across species -basically those traits I consider the redeeming qualities of her original character.
Sesshomaru's thoughts throughout this chapter where spectacular.
Thanks so much for writing!
*giggles* well i'm tottly tickled for this :3 more please! i cant wait to see how these two come together, and sess' comment about how it couldnt be "It was a full scent, carrying the notes of a female in her prime, and it could not possibly be… Not wasting a single second more, Sesshomaru shoved off, landing lightly on the tiled roof to look out over the village." does that mean that he needs to freeze her body as it is so that no more time is wasted on her aging? either way i really loved this, and i look forward to more!
i LOVE IT! please update soon, i cant wait for them to meet!
Keep it coming, Happy Mothers Day!
Ohh, she's there! Woo-hoo! I can't wait to see Kagome and Sesshoumaru's meeting. How will they react to seeing each other after so long? And Kagome's reunion with Shippo! I'm excited about that too!
*pouts at you* more!
An interesting start. You're quite talented at creating engrossing imagery.
Fantastic chapter! I feel as if your every word painted a picture in my mind! Those first few paragraphs we intense and I swear I could the feel the evil of this new enemy! My heart is breaking for Rin I hope that Sesshoumaru will truly listen to what she has to say! OMG Kagome is heading West not only to find her Son. but I do believe so much more! I can't wait for your next chapter!
OMG!! I totally love that last line!!!! LOL Thia is a wonderful fic and I can't wait to see the reactions of the others. I'm also deadly curious about this new evil!! more please!
Beautifully rendered. I look forward to seeing how Rin tells her lord she has wonderlust. I Did interpret that correctly, I hope?
LOVE Kagome's greeting to Inuyasha. I'm certain she had something else in mind before he fell.
Thanks for writing.
Great chapter.
Did you know that Whitney Houston pass away on febraury 11, 2012?HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!!
lol nice! kagome's first words to him are rather awesome!
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