More please!
I've always said that roses are over rated! Love it!
Keep it coming.
*more more more. . . omq. more. . :) that qot me on edqe mannn. well done*
Looking forward to next chapter. After reading the Author's note I now see the purpose of Jyunchi's scene. Good idea.
Wow, intense!
Cliffhanger too. Will Sesshomaru participate in the bidding for Kagome?
:O He obviously seems attracted to her, and with Sesshomaru being as possessive as he is. I don't think he would let anyone take what he wants.
So ecstastic to see an update!
Aw, I can't believe Kagome got whipped. Good thing Sesshomaru came to help her.
Yeah, it's a little corny but so romantic. <3
I am so glad that he was able to stop himself! Close call for her family! But I want to know what he is going to do next. He's obviously attracted to her, so will he be one to bid on her???? Looking forward to the next chapter!
*aaawwses....seshyyyy to the rescue.. Can't wait for the next chapters...:):)*
Love this story. Can not wait till the next chapter is up, update soon please. (:
I love the story! It definitly has me on edge and I can't wait to read more. Very steamy pre smut and I love it.
Interesting in the very least! I like the beginning. Usually you must wait for side note, for a previous review. Miss krazy.
That was a flame whether you admit it or not. If you are going to give a thick meaning behind criticism, then stick to it. It is true your opinion
Doesn't have value here, neither does mine. Maybe reevaluate your thought process. As to
What where and why a character does something out of context is invalid. This entire site is
Out of context to her/his real demeanor. If you can accept that, accept a growing
Story and the realitive fact that things are not always on point.
Interesting in the very least! I like the beginning. Usually you must wait for so many chapters before capturing that good lusty moment. Nice start. I'm curious as to how it will progress.
Noo, it ended too soon!
I fell in love with this story when I first read it, and I'm so happy to see an update.
Of course, I'll be eagerly awaiting the next chapter. ;] I'm sure it'll be super hawt.
I don't want to be mean or misunderstood but I have to say this...
This fic started out great, honestly. A bit confusing about the forest part and about walking for one hour even though your descriptions didn't make me feel the time passing by in the story (in other words, you didn't convey it well), but it was going well nonetheless.
The part where you say something about Sesshoumaru not knowing why he was travelling in a carriage when he could fly instead was simply ridiculous but kinda funny -- you could have given out a reason about Culture and Society making him do so or the-so.
But then... It got really ridiculous...
What kind of idiot is about to die and starts lusting for a guy she doesn't even know AND to top it all, she's a virgin. Did you know that usually virgins don't play around with a guy unless she has some feelings for him? Well, virgins who are decent and educated. Plus, a courtesan like Kagome begging for him to touch her? Where in hell is her pride? Her dignity? That's not Kagome. She didn't even see his face when she looked up at him!
I don't think the lemon is in place and if you wrote this just for the sake of putting a fic on Dokuga, well I think you would deserve some flaming. Not that I wish it upon you...
By the way, this is not flaming. This is constructive criticism. Yes, I didn't want to be mean but I ended up being mean because it's so... frustrating! Seeing such potential in a fic with all the political issues and the rich cultural background (the brothel, courtesans, marriage between two royal families, etc) but then! It all goes down the drain just because Sesshoumaru licked Kagome's back.
You're completely free to ignore this and keep writing the way you write. Who am I to judge anyway, right?
Best of luck.
I wish this fic had gone differently.
PS. you're free to PM me with anything you want; whether it's to help you out (even though I doubt you will want my help) or if you want to blow some steam at me because I took the time to read and review your story and be honest about it.
Love it! update soon!!!
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