Reviews for Honor Bound by NomDePlume

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LoveAndFaith (Chapter 113) - Wed 07 May 2014

Nice chapter, keep it coming.

cassandra (Chapter 113) - Wed 07 May 2014

That was just too adorable the way kagomes son defended her !

Tessitura (Chapter 113) - Wed 07 May 2014

HAHAHA! let the games begin!!

Tana_san (Chapter 112) - Wed 07 May 2014

Wow, amazing!!! I almost forgot how enticing this fic was! I don't know if I like or dislike Sessh's mom, but I think I understand her way with Kagome. She is definitely all Royality, pomp, and fuss. Kagome was lucky to get away with her life if just not bowing all the way to the floor was being disrespectful! I couldn't see at all what the Lady's fuss was about and then it made sense. She thrives on being all powerful and royal.

Rin or someone should have alerted her to this waaay ahead of time. Good thing Katsurou looked like Touga alittle or I wonder how she would have treated him. Maybe she just really likes kids?!? Anyway, he took to her quite quickly. Smart little guy. Oh yeah, Sesshoumaru spent time telling him stories of his Grandmother and Grandfather! At least he somewhat knew who he was meeting.

I can't wait for the InuYoukai lessons. Sounds like fun?!? Probably not, ne? This is a great fic. You're doing wonderfully! I so enjoyed the scenes with Kagome and Sessh trying to manage blending their powers without overtaking one or the other. They really are such dominant individuals that trying to be on an equal level may just take time like the old turtle said. Oh and by the way?...I love this character! He's such a tease with the two of them. I wonder if he gets along with the Grand Lady of the West? I also wonder how she came to the conclusion that Kagome was going to mate her son? Has Sesshoumaru ever done anything according to customs? If he did he would be mated by now with several grandpups.

Until the next time...You have a very wonderful talent!   JEN

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 112) - Tue 06 May 2014

Keep it up, keep it coming. 

rose (Chapter 112) - Tue 06 May 2014

next chapter please

cassandra (Chapter 112) - Tue 06 May 2014

That's odd. She doesn't  seem to like kagome but adores the little boy.  Can't wait to see how this plays out! 

Kagome Ketchup (Chapter 112) - Tue 06 May 2014

What a treat! Consecutive updates!

SouthernPrincess (Chapter 112) - Tue 06 May 2014

Don't understand how or why Shesshoumaru and Manako can be so accepting of Katsurou who is blood is even more diluted by his human heritage when they treated Inuyasha like he was less than nothing.

marisel (Chapter 111) - Mon 05 May 2014

its beeb forever since you posted?.....?

marisel (Chapter 111) - Mon 05 May 2014

its beeb forever since you posted?.....?

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 111) - Mon 05 May 2014

Great, keep it coming. Happy Belated Easter!

chevonne knowles (Chapter 111) - Mon 05 May 2014

Not knowing something doesn't make one arrogant. I blame sesshomaru for not leting kagome know how to carry herself. His mother is rude for the way she treated her.cowtowing is disgustimg to me. And anyone who thinks others should do that sort of thing is arrogant. Respect goes both ways. A bow would have been enough.

Rachael (Chapter 110) - Wed 30 Apr 2014

I love, love, love this story!  I can't wait for the next chapter ^.^

sarah duffy (Chapter 110) - Fri 18 Apr 2014

this was amazing. i can wait to see what way the relationship between kagome as sesshomaru goes. keep up the good work and writing

Kagome Ketchup (Chapter 110) - Sun 06 Apr 2014

Yay! Suspense!

Chandra (Chapter 110) - Sat 05 Apr 2014

I love it! Please add more soon, I'm eager to see how Sesshomaru's mother and Kagome interact!

LoveAndFaith (Chapter 110) - Fri 04 Apr 2014

This chapter is so stupid and dumb, April Fools!

NorthPeach (Chapter 110) - Fri 04 Apr 2014

Can't wait to read the next chapter!!! 

REDWOLF (Chapter 110) - Fri 04 Apr 2014

Hope Kagome puts on a show....mwahahaha!

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