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TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

She has to ask him!!! No one else would appreciate them more than he would along with her.

TruGemini (Chapter 15) - Thu 15 Dec 2011

I'm sorry!!! I read the last two while at my kids Karate class and didn't have a way to sign in. Soooo sorry!!! I thought the last two were especially sweet.

AbigailVictoria (Chapter 15) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

I'm so enjoying your story!! It's so cute and whimsical!! I can't wait till tomorrow's update!! Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous (Chapter 15) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Eeeh, this is my first time writing a review for anyone on this site >_>;  but I felt bad when I saw your author comment on how no one liked your last two chapters... and seeing how I've been watching this fic for when it updates and I never leave reviews, I decided to leave a little note ^-^

These past few weeks have been very hectic for me because its finals week in school.  I was taking a break from studying (procrastiating) and was looking up fanfiction on this site, and clicked on this particular story because it sounded cute.  The little notes are charming and the suspense and cuteness build in each chapter.  I especially liked the chapters with the adorable (and now poor and drugged up) kitty!  

There is a nice balance of not being creepy or cheesy while still being romantic and lighthearted. 

Thank you for working so hard and making my finals week not so depressing~ ^-^

Chaotic.Lover (Chapter 15) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Only Sesshoumaru knows how to cheer our Kagome up, ne? Really isn't it obvious that Sesshoumaru is her secret admirer? I mean he, Sesshoumaru always had people to deliver her gifts to the correct address. So why now saying that it came to his office by mistake? *giggles at my stupidity*

Kay (Chapter 15) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

aww i liked the last two chapters!! and this one too! Sorry i didn't get a chance to review...december is a super busy month for me lol but I always make time to read everytime you update :D

Cathryn (Chapter 15) - Wed 14 Dec 2011

Story is awesome. Just wanted to say I'm jealous about the Trans-Siberian. I make plans to go see them every year in Detroit, then i look up ticket prices and those plans are pushed back every year. sad face green with envy. lol. keep up the nice work. 

Tarawriter (Chapter 12) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

Declawed?  D:  Poor little kitty!  Bad Kagome!  >.>


I normally don't read drabble series, especially around the holidays because they're usually lacking in the, hmmm, blood factor, yeah, that's it!  The blood factor!  Anyway, this year has been a real downer for me.  My right wrist and two fingers are broken.  I'm so tired of typing one handed, and I decided to read loads of fic to take my mind off the lack of holiday baking being done because my hand hurts.  This is, by far, one of my favorites of the holiday drabble series!  It's interesting, has some really funny dialog, sweet, and perfect for taking one's mind off the real world when a break is needed.  I find Sesshoumaru's stalkery behavior isn't even giving me the heebie jeebies, heh, so much fun!

Calophi (Chapter 3) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

I dunno. I'd be pretty pissed if some ass sent me a kitten with a) no supplies or a gift card to get supplies, and b) no vet papers to show the kitten has all its vaccinations. Assuming Kagome lacks Buyo in this fic, she may be a new cat owner and would likely need a list of things she should get to care for a new cat as well, because there's little things that help that she might not think of.

liloni (Chapter 7) - Mon 12 Dec 2011

Great story!!!! I love it! It's so cute and it fits the holiday spirit so wonderfully :]. Just a quick question though. In the chapter about the christmas trees, you mention the family name "Cooper". I'm just wondering who they are, since it seems apparent that she isn't related to any of the Inu gang. I was just curious what kind of interaction Rin's parents have with the gang since they were mentioned rather suddenly. But that's me just being a curious busybody. I love your story nonetheless!!! I can't wait for more chapters to come out!! x]

TruGemini (Chapter 11) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

I love this's so cute and full of romance. Keep up the great work!

Kay (Chapter 11) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

I just want to like jump out from behind a tree and scream at her "ITS SESSHOMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



FayeMegan (Chapter 11) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

Sorry I haven't reviewed sooner. Sesshoumaru is kinda... creepy stalkerish. lol. But I do like the story!

Nev (Chapter 10) - Sun 11 Dec 2011

I definitely saw this coming! ^_^ Also I love/want more!

Cathyrin (Chapter 10) - Sat 10 Dec 2011

UGH KAGOME!! figure it out already. geez. lol. 

1CarinoInu (Chapter 10) - Sat 10 Dec 2011

What a slick little devil... Sesshomaru that is.  He's crafty, ingeious, inventive and oh so sweet.  i love the way you've used the prompts.

Keep 'em coming!

Kay (Chapter 10) - Sat 10 Dec 2011

Awwwww this is so sweet :D I love it<3 Update soon!!

Wild At Heart (Chapter 8) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

Kitsune Diva (Chapter 8) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

I really like your story.

Nicka (Chapter 8) - Thu 08 Dec 2011

Great Chapter!!!!! Keep them coming!!

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