This story was so good!!! I'm adding it to my favorites. I can't wait to check out more of your stories
This was the best rendition of Sesshomaru's mother I've ever seen!
Loved this story from beginning to end! Such a unique concept with the energy blockage etc! Was a delight to read.
Who laughs about someone being impotent, esp a person who can't get laid themselves? I hope it's not a sign of an OOC/rude Kagome.
Anyway, I wonder what Inu's problem is. He's prob not attracted to Kago and/or thinking about someone else.
This is nicely written.
like most of ur stories this was filled with lemon-y goodness and well worth reading. i love your stories for more than the lemons though. they have a depth of feeling that leaves you wishing Sesshoumaru was real. some writers have him ooc sometimes and that's good, but not if he's turned into some kind of sadistic just when no feeling or understanding or improvment towards the end. ur stories don't do that and i'm glad. the plots are original and written very well. keep up the great writing and i'll continue to read. c'ya'
Sesshoumaru is impotent?? omfg I'm laughing my ass off gawd hahahaha you make my day!! hahaha well I can't wait to read the rest of this story hahaha good job!! xDD
Such a great fic! 10/10, highly recommended:)
Yeah huge smut, but I love it. Keep up the good work.
I friggin love Sess' pervy mother....Not a sentence I ever thought I'd write...
This was awesomely funny! I laughed and giggled in some slightly inappropriate public places :)
I particularly enjoyed a lot of the closing quips for each chapter, and Masami was the cause of much mental jaw-dropping, face-palming, and snickers.
hey girl ! I just finished your story and it was amazing! my congratulations to you, you are the best I'm looking forward for more " fix it " material, bye! greets from Chile
Loved it fantastic!!!!
When I began reading this I wasn't sure on how much I would like it. But when I finished reading I had fallen in love with it. I love the portrayal and how it came to a finish. You kept me so intuned to this story that I am happy I read it. Thanks for the fantastic read. Your imagination made a beautiful story
Once I read the latest update, I immediately went right back to the beginning to read it all over again! lol It's sad to see this story end, but you did an amazing job through and through. :)
Fix it is finally complete! Thanks, a trillion, Smo! :) It's been a pleasure reading this lovely story.
What a wonderful ending! :)
*-* A fitting ending~
I can't wait to read more from you!
The story was awesome, amazing, beautiful and it had a fanfastic ending!
Hahahahhaha...Masami just had to include that little tidbit about not going with Inuyasha, did she? Gosh, Sesshomaru's mother is such a delight to read!
Thank you for the update.
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