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Allyonora (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

A new chapter!!! Yay!!!

You have to love Inukimi! She's absolutely the best! Superb choice in mate!!!

It's nice to see Kagome is taking Inuyasha's departure in a stride... Shows she's finally accepting they're not mean to be, and more important, not letting it drag her down. Points for her!

Now, about Sess behavior... Shame on him! It's not Kagome's fault, she's not even aware of the deal, and he shouldn't be giving her a bad time because of it! Bad doggie!

I think Kagome's wonderful and special just the way she is, and Sess needs to come to terms about respecting and loving a human girl, learning to consider her his equal. She shouldn't need to change for it to happen - those new powers aren't going to turn her in a overpowerfull godilke being, are they?

I wonder about her reaction to Inukimi's decision... To a modern girl, this is the equivalent of an arranged marriage, isn't it? I'm almost seeing the sparkles flying!

Lovely chapter! I'm dying for more!!! =]

KEdakumi (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

Good story so far.  Is it really going to be another "You have no choice, you have to mate Sesshoumaru, cause I said so" story and the big mamma and council forces them together? Poor Kagome and poor Sess.  I hope there will be some fresh twists in there.

I am anxious to see where you take this.

FayeMegan (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

Update update update! Please!! I wanna see what Kagome's reaction is xD

WolfQueen (Chapter 13) - Fri 28 Oct 2011

Oh lord. Imguessing it is Kagome and that she will be pissed off and yell. What the hell. Of Course no one asks me if I wish for it to be that way. And then sigh dramatically. I would continue to fight because I vowed that I would but I try to stay as far from Sess as possible while fighting.

GreyEcho (Chapter 12) - Wed 26 Oct 2011

A little sad but at least she can move on. :) Can't wait to read the next chapter and find out what the Mom is up too. XD

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 12) - Mon 24 Oct 2011

YAY INU-BAKA IS FINALLY OUT OF THE PICTURE!! *cackles evilly*    ahem.... *cough* sorry I got a little carried away. Anywho if I havnt said it before your doing a wonderfull job. I really like this story. Update soon.

Allyonora (Chapter 12) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

hahahaha! Sesshoumaru staring at his "possessed" hand! Hilarious!

Nice to see Kagome finally starting to let Inuyasha go...

I wonder what Inukimi wants...

Great chapter!


Mistress SleepWell (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

Man I wanna just gut hekai like a fish !! The poor twins! please update soon

amy (Chapter 9) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

Great start! Keep up the good work until the war is won on both fronts!

Hoshiakari Kokoro (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

wow poor kagome. Inuyasha is such a sucker...... Can't wait to read the next chappter!!!! XD

Allyonora (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

Oh, Inuyasha... how can you be so dumb?! *sigh*

Poor twins... that's a tragic story... but they're proving to be great characters!

And I loved the end of the chapter!!! Sess being supportive in a passive way! I wonder if he's going to get some mud in his clothes for the effort...


TruGemini (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

Poor twins! To know that happened to their mother. And of course Inuyasha is going to betray everyone again because he's an idiot!

Angela (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

You describe things Amazingly, I can't believe this is your only ff on this site. The ending of this chapter was adorable, how Sesshomaru let her cry on him. >.< I Loved it!!! Best chapter yet!!!


Can't wait for next update.

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 11) - Sun 23 Oct 2011

I absolutely adore this story! *sighs* Will inu-baka never learn? At least Sesshomaru was there for her. Well anyways update soon plz!

Kat (Chapter 10) - Sat 22 Oct 2011

absolutely love your story.  keep it up!!

A Secret Best Kept (Chapter 10) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

*gapes* well... That was unexpected.... Well kiky-hoe.... Is gonna use inu-baka against them again *sighs*  update soon plz lovin it so far

Allyonora (Chapter 10) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Inuyasha isn't going to fall for Kikyo's traps for the nth time, is he? Oh, wait, don't answer... It's Inuyasha we're talking about.


TruGemini (Chapter 10) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Stupid Inuyasha! As usual he falls for another stupid trap because of Kikyo. will he forever be an idiot?

Allyonora (Chapter 9) - Fri 21 Oct 2011

Oh, that'll be easy... they just need to wait for Sess to piss Kagome off, and voilà... enemy defeated - and doogie lord in need of cosmetic  cirurgy. Loved how she used the same move and mocked him about it!!!


Great chapter, I'm curious about the new characters!

TruGemini (Chapter 9) - Thu 20 Oct 2011

Man, if she masters that power the rest are done for. Who is the new enemy?

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