This is an adorable story! Great job so far :)
And I guess that answers that question of the relationship between them. I guess now the question is what will Kagome do with this information. Probably something wonderful to get on both of their good sides. two birds one stone. Sesshoumaru shouldn't even get mad bout the whole mice thing after this. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
OoOo...lying to get a boy up to her room. I wonder what she will do to stop Sesshoumaru from leaving when he finds out that there are no mice. Maybe he'll want to hang out with Rin. Still wondering what their relationship is...either way I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Hmm...wonder what Sesshoumaru's connection to Rin is and when we'll get to find out. I can't wait to see what happens next and see who guess what she's really up to first :)
Hmm...I wonder if he wonders why she is hanging out with him. I mean he did ask why she was there and then asked her to leave but it seems he is getting used to her presence. Im now interested in the whole Rin aspect. I can't wait to see what happens next and to learn more bout both of them :)
I wanna know why, lol.
Can't wait for another.
Oh, such interest!
Loving it so far, was cracking up the whole time Kagome was rambling to Sesshomaru until he made her shut up.
Keep this going!
Till next time
I was going to keep reading but,
"What's your name? My name is Kagome. You sure are awfully tall."
Made me laugh. Typical Kagome, so cutely blunt.
Standby for another review lol
no... she an't be... is she?... hmmm, i guess i will have to wait and see... lol cant wait for more chapters :)
Kagome's hidden intentions. I hope its what I think it is~ Keep up the awesome job, you've caught me already XDD
Looks like we once again are only peering into their world and slowly seeing what has lead up to this moment. I wonder what the deal was and what the deal is with Sesshoumaru. You gotta feel bad for Kagome but at the same time she is holding her own. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
oh, oh! This is very exciting! I can't wait to see how everything pulls together. Thank you for such fast updating! I know it can be very difficult!
ewww...creepy man with his creepy hands touchy her at his creepy request. I wonder how much she can rebel without him puinishing her for it. It doesn't seem like a Sesshoumaru swoops in and saves her either so Im really excited to see how things go. How will Kagome meet him again, esp with her first impression prob still fresh on his mind. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
uh can only image what he would have in mind. and how Sesshoumaru continues to play a part. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Im kinda surprised that he lasted this long. And why is aKagome blabbing about random stuff anyway. She has got to notice that Sesshoumaru hasn't taken part in the "conversation" yet. I wonder what he says. Probably 2 words that shut her right up or maybe rile her up and then she'll really never stop. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
hahaha...oh kagome. how did she even end up on that topic. clearly she feels comfertable enough with him to hang out just the two of them and talk about what really matters. and poor Sesshoumaru wonder why he doesn't just say something or walk away. I like the way that you are slowly reveling his past though. I can't wait to see what happens next and if the two grow closer with their heart to heart chats :)
Ohh Kagome. How cute :) I wonder if Sesshoumru will respond and try something to get him out of his misery. I can't see him putting in the effort into this friendship/realtionship. Though clearly he is worn down. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
I love this begining keep up the good work and MORE CHAPTERS!
OoOo...I love fairy tales. I can't wait for this one to unravel itself, esp the story of how Sesshoumaru was apperantly this great warrior but has fallen so far. Forbidden love is where it is!! Let the romance begin. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
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