Please update soon. I love this story so far and I cant wait to see what happens next...
Oh that was just an amazing chapter!!! YES!! You must get them together and give us a little love in that direction. Beautifully done. I hope you don't make us wait 3 years for an update. Cheers!
Wonderful Wonderful chapter! You have caught Sessh's cool distainful manner so well. It would be lovely to have just a little spice between our two favorites. Can't wait for more chapters. Cheers!
I am so loving this story. You have really done a wonderful job of putting together a very interesting story. Still a few small grammar errors but they do not distract from the understanding. Cheers!
I'm not sure if I reviewed the first chapter or not. You have put this sweetly together and I am enjoying the read. Interesting story so far.
Oh I like the way this is starting. Can't wait to read more.
Good start
interesting~ hope to see this continue :)
I absolutely adore this fanfic, I hope to see an update soon.
Although I've read some of your other work, today's update was my introduction to this story. I'm enjoying the thread of it and look forward to reading more. I will say that I can see in these chapters, your growth as writer since you published the prologue. You may consider a rewrite on the first few chapters one day (in your precious spare time I know ;) )
Please oh please tell me that this will continue soon!!!
Please update soon please
ohmygod you need to update like now..
Awesome! I love how perceptive the bird lord is of everything. ^+^
but... I think Shippou was held by ropes, not robes. ;)
Now the question is... how is Sesshomaru going to react to all of this? And will we hear more on his pup-image of a perfect mate?
Thanks so much for writing!
Girl, you got me hooked by the third chapter! Hahahhaha...I cannot wait to read about Sesshomaru's reaction to Kagome's reappearance in his life. It's going to get even more interesting from here on out. :D
I Love the story, please update soon.
0o0o0o0o0o0o s0o0o0o0o0o awesome! but DAMN THE CLIFFEE!!!!! *shakes all over and lobs bribery c0okies in your general direction*
Moaaaar! : D
ah no! Sango and Miroku were torn from their family with the youngest less than 3 years-old? :whimpers: Well... at least the children were well tended and hopefully remembered how happy their parents were with them and their lives. SO it was good... I think. Overall. It could have been Much worse.
Cute how you worked the other pairings. Especially Sesshomaru's little reactions to them.
So is Kagome there because of Rin's wish? :brow arch:
Heehee! Go npc miko! You tell them, and don't let them run off half-cocked and without proper preparation! ^_^ Go girl!
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