A witty Naraku--I love it.
Wow...so Naraku's doesn't even know what he is doing. That's comforting. Did enjoy how Sesshoumaru considered Kagome's warning bout almost hurting him a joke. Wonder how Sesshoumaru is going to take Naraku's trying to hurt him though. Imcan't wait to see what happens next and hope you get ur charger soon :)
LOL~! I love that last bit. XD
Hope you get your laptop back soon. No internet time sucks.
I LOVE how you are writing Naraku, so bloody funny!
Then Sesshoumaru came and killed him. The end. Well thanks for letting us know that you're still out there. I can't wait to see what happens next and how they wipe that smile off Naraku's face :)
Ehh...I'm not overly concerned. I can totally see Inuyasha popping up and saying something like "ican't believe you started this party without me." I caN't wait to see what happens next and how it all turns out :)
Hahahaha!!!! Poor, lonely Naraku! Has no social life!!! This one was awesome!.....just sad I have to wait for more....*sigh*
it's 5!!!!!! it very terrible, actualy i think is beyond scale!!
eh i'm totaly obssesed with your story:):) it's lighten my mood every time I read it:):):) i can't wait for next chapters:)
throws a rotten cabbage. >> wha, i ran out of tomatoes
5, its a bloody 5! and i hope u update soon! lol
4 and wow that was unexcepted.
(sigh) a week....
Wow, that was a... hum... what can I say? Level 5 cliff! Poor Naraku! Nobody wants to go to his parties!!! Oh, the suffering!!!
As for Kagome... she deserves a WHACK herself!
I never understod this need for secrecy. I mean, she is not Inuyasha's girlfriend. They're not together. He's the guy who's undefinetly on the fence - "I like Kagome, but I can't let go of my past love with Kikyo".
So, in my point of view, Kagome waited and waited and waited for the time when Inuyasha finally make is mind and decided to pursue her. That time never come (and that's true for the manga/anime too). So, now Sess made clear of his intention of courting her... Where's the impediment? She's free, she's single, Inuyasha isn't courting her, so she can pretty well accept a suit! ARGH!
Anyway... I love your fic! Please send us more chapters!!!
I only wish Naraku was like that in the show. Keep 'em coming!
You go Sessh tell her, he is not your kikyo Kag, open your eyes!!
love this, and every other chapter that you have put up, very strong word for Sessh.
wohoo! I love sesshomaru, well said! kagome stop being so stupid! I honestly wonder how kagome could have loved inu through it all. The moment he'd gone with that clay woman would be the moment my love would have ended. LET INU GO STUPID KAGOME!
"This is me being passionate,” “You may love me now.”
I Have officially melted...best romantic line EVER!
I hope she says something or does something to fix this. ;_; I feel bad for Sessh. she has been freaking out to cover it up in front of everyone.
NOOOOOOOOO! a cliff hanger for 8 days the horror!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR STORY CANT WAIT FOR UPDATE :)
Heck yeah! Go, Sessh!!!! I absolutely LOVE this portrayal of him! So awesome!!!
Extrordinary job. Keep it up ':)
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