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sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 5) - Fri 12 Aug 2011

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! i LOVE this, so wonderful and amazing and oh my *is in loves* wonderful job!

Fish Wishes (Chapter 4) - Sun 07 Aug 2011

I don't know whether to hate the ending or love it. I love it because it's not happily-ever-after. I love it because you left a certain mystique around the story: how the scrolls got to Sesshoumaru; what happens to Kagome and her child; ect. And then I hate it for those very reasons. Either way, I am so grateful you chose to end it in this fashion. Well done. Beautiful. Please continue writing.

Wishy (Chapter 4) - Thu 04 Aug 2011

god! its been so long since i read a decent inuyasha fic. And even longer since i read something that keep me thrilled to read  and read and read... So keep up the good work and hope u update soon!

Kagome-Miko-207 (Chapter 4) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

Wow for a sec I thought the story was in love with the fact that the child she spoke of was actually sesshomarus. I kept thinking it was mind always wonders in that direction. \

Anyways excellent chapter. Ur stories never fail to give me joy. :) Excited for the next chapter. 

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 4) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

D: please tell me there is more!@!!!

TruGemini (Chapter 4) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

I actually shed a tear...that was so loving and sad. Is it possible that Sess will find them in time and save them? I hope so.

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 4) - Wed 03 Aug 2011

~~GAW!!! What a horrible place to leave it! TT_____TT Please update soon! I was wondering how she could be a mother and you brought in something that I never expected! X( Now I want to know Sessh's reaction! T_T

Diane (Chapter 4) - Tue 02 Aug 2011

I hope that's not the end of it.

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 4) - Tue 02 Aug 2011

This story is so heartbreaking!

helikesitheymikey! (Chapter 3) - Tue 26 Jul 2011

really interesting story!


btw, how come Kimikyo is still alive even though her mate died? really confused about that.


so is Kagome's child Sesshomaru's or someone else's? how old is he I wonder...


Kagome will live in this right? I really hope that she her son and Sesshomaru get a nice Happily Ever After together.*gives puppy dog eyes*

Loveyaa (Chapter 3) - Mon 25 Jul 2011

This is def an interesting and intruiguing story. To have it be told partly through letters of events that have yet to come. Sesshoumaru wants so badly to meet up with this K.H and change things but if he did then he wouldn't be receiving the letters that let him know how to change it. I have a feeling that he will evenutally meet up with her as she is now in her cell and then free her. I wonder how she is getting the letters to him and why they are being sent through time to the past. I wonder if she knows that is happening and when we will find out how it all works. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Ashes (Chapter 3) - Sun 24 Jul 2011

SAD! Though the story is coming together really nicely.I like how everything is tying together at the kind of staggared pace that lends it a both wistful feel and a quick passed urgency.

I feel for Sesshoumaru; his predicament reminds me of something my husband said to me before we were married: "Would you rather know what is to happen and be unable to do anything, or be blind and in your clueless bumbling have the power to change the future?" He was so sad when he said it. I can imagine things like this going through Shessoumaru's head right now.

Oh and the smilie face totally made my day. Thank you! *feels loved*

Kagome-Miko-207 (Chapter 3) - Sun 24 Jul 2011

Even tough it is over used, and I hate using it, there is no other words to better describe this chapter other than "epic". ;)

I couldnt help but hear bad@ss music in the background when lady kimikyo busted theyre  $hit!!! lol 

Kagome-Miko-207 (Chapter 2) - Sun 24 Jul 2011

This story is so brilliant!!!!! Cuddos to u an ur amazing ideas!!! :)

Kagome-Miko-207 (Chapter 1) - Sun 24 Jul 2011

I think I might as well just fav u as an author because im falling in love with all your stories. :) 

This is genius pure genius!! 

Fish Wishes (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2011

FTW. Way to go. I'm very happy that Sesshoumaru is not portrayed almighty. I find it very cliche when he is shown in this light.

Thank you for adressing birth control, too. Thanks for writing!

NightQueen (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2011

This is absolutely terrific!! Every stroy I read by you is wonderful.  This one now has me on the edge of my seat! My heart is broken for Kagome and I only hope that Sesshoumaru can find her before anything else happens! May he win the war swiftly and put the others firmly in their places!!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2011

O_O i love this fic but some of the japanese terms are not things i know, and i'm sure i'm not the only one. maybe a definition at the bottom. i get the saysing but what is she calling sesshomaru?

TruGemini (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2011

WAR!!! Will he make it in time? Will KH perish? I'm so excited!!

sesshys_jaded_samuri (Chapter 3) - Sat 23 Jul 2011

Wow!  You've got me hooked...I can't wait for the next chapter!

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