Please update soon ????
Good story so far
This story is amazing. There isnso much passion between your versions of Sesshomaru and Kagome. I couldn't stop reading this story. How does it end!? It is really good. You have a fan that would love to read more if you are interested.
Abandoned :-(
Awwwhh the start of a relationship with Kagome and Rin - I think Rin will be good at keeping Kagome grounded
Kagura is scared of kids lol
It's nice that Sessh is (friggen finally) starting to see reaso. To bad I can't say the same for Daitaro.
Still think Daitaro is the shittiest of the bunch - he was like her father
Love that her and Inu get together as friends in this! I always love stories where they have a familial type relationship!
Poor Kagome - I have been in her exact situation and it can totally empathize - it's horrible waiting to see if you will ever measure up in the eyes of the the one you love. it took me a longtime to realize it was emotional abuse, and let go.
He's so clueless! How can he not see how he's hurting her! Smh some people just see what they want to and ignore everything else. And Daitaro is even worse since he's doing it all willingly!
Love this first chapter! Sets up the story well. I feel bad for Kagome, whether Sessh realizes it or not, he's taking advantage of a friend. I have a feeling it will come back to nip him in the butt!
So, I'm not sure how influential reviews are on such old stories, but I can't help but send my wishes along after reading this piece! I actually started reading this story knowing that it was incomplete after having just finished your other work, Striking a Deal with the Devil, and I was Jonesin' for more awesome works. When I began the story I knew I was going to kind grieve the loss of completion for these characters, which was a little heartbreaking. That said, I couldn't stop reading the damn thing! To begin - you're obviously a very gifted writer. Between the fluidity of the pacing, the seamless dialogue, complex plot, and well-written characters I found myself absolutely lost in the piece. You always know when a story is well-written when you ache with empathy, especially during those heart wrenching moments of betrayal, and feel the burn of wanting redemption for the pain of love lost. I know that it's been so, so many years since you last approached this story. If I could reflect on anything I think that there was a way that the story became a bit stuck in the tug-of-war between the two sides -- both hurt and a path to resolution not yet found, though the hints becoming clearer. That said, it felt like you were dancing on the verge of finding the path for them. I know it's such a long shot - and you're working on another piece (which I'm also reading!) - but I thought I would throw in my two cents and beg you to bring fresh eyes to a story that you obviously spent so many hours pouring your talent into. I loved your characters and would love to see them find resolution in this fantastical story arc you put together. Thanks for all your dedication!
just found and read this story sorry you decided not to continue too many things left unsettled you are a great writer really was looking for more chapters
AH! I was so sad when I hit the last chapter and realized you hadn't updated in a long time. I enjoy your writing and hope you return to your incomplete stories!
UPDATE i've read your stories in fanfiction archive will start reading here for more ^_^ im really hooked to your stories
Kagome is slowly, very slowly, being broken down on that matter. I wonde how long she will be able to hold out. With Sesshoumaru soon to work with her and I'm sure his father going to go berserk and get Sesshoumaru back, things should become even more interesting. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Great chapter, congratulations on the new job. Please update the next chapter soon, keep it coming.
Excellent my friend. Congrats on the new job! I loved the back in time part and when she attack Kagome. It sort of reminded me of Inu's blades of blood.
A little sexual tension in the air between them as well.
Im wondering how Daitaro will react to Sessho's plans, Im sure he will level the house.
finally a new chapter please please keep updating
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