>_< Please let sango end up as naraku's loveslave/hooker!
MAH! okay i love this fic But i'm going to have to wait for it to get a few chapters going from here on out to read, i cant stand angst, and this is too much.
seriously, okay so maybe inupapa didn't know why sesshomaru was being a bastard about this but now he does, if i was inupapa, and i had found out that the reason my son cut his female and my grandson out of his life was b/c of sango i would already be plotting her demise, no offense, she's EFing with pack. she'd be on the road to death right now.
Not only that, once sess found out that sango was lying from his father, why isn't he on the same war path, i would twin fold be looking to get kagome and my pup back and murder sango in the worst way possible, or worse, get her stuck in a situation with someone like naraku where she's in a situation worse then the one she forced kagome into with her lies.
b/c i cant stand the waiting and cliffhangerness I'm going to hafta back off this fic for a while until a few more chapter come out b/c seriously i cant stand waiting chapter to chapter, even if your updating daily it's too much suspense and i hate, hate, hate angst!
i really really really want her to get it bad in the end. :[
Wow, you update so so fast! Thank you thank you thank you! I've been reading your other story, and when this one came out, I knew I would fall in love with it. Sango is a little delusional in this one....I wonder what she'll plot with Naraku. Can't wait to find it, but it better not hurt Kagome too much.
what does she think she's doing? man sango is really pissing me off. Sesshomaru better get to kagome first before sango does something even more stupid. good grief i can't stand her!
this actually made me tear up a little! (damn pregnancy hormones) lol! Poor Kagome!! Great story, amazingly written! i can't wait to read the next chapter!
Also it is true that Sango is a complete bitch and I hope she gets a huge chunk bitten out of her ass. I detest her for what she did in your story. That is low. But still, Sesshoumaru should have known the girl he got pregnant and had a relationship with and at least have taken into consideration to check. How does the saying go? Ah: better be safe than sorry. I feel pity for him for he surely lost a grat part of his pup's and mate's life. Two years are indeed a long time to go by for humans. He won't be able to catch up the lost time and it might take a long time and a lot of work for him to get Kagome back. It is wonderful how you mold the characters in your story. I just can only say that Sango has her downfal from grace coming and she absolutely deserves it. I just doubt by the way you portrayed Kagome that Sesshoumaru will have it that easy. His thoughts on that matter became obvious in Chapter 7. He knows she might try to cause him considerable amount of pain. Well, who would not after your bf walked away from you while you were about to tell him that you are pregnant, and even worse, he knew about it!!!! Ouch....hey, he is a demon, he DOES NOT NEED a DNA test. LOL, I am looking forward to your next chapters. VERY CATCHING indeed.
Ja ne
Hi Time,
you've a great story written here. I can only say that Sesshoumaru is a complete moron for having left Kagome and not even asked about her pregnancy. What a low class one could assume. I am just looking forward to his burned pride and perhaps something more if Kagome goes into combustion mode. Well, that guy would definitely deserve it neh? You gave me a good laugh when he had to face his father and the truth was bared for him to see. "Poor" guy. He absolutely had it coming. Love your pictore of the old dog, Sesshoumarus sire. He is absolutely brilliant.
With a friend like Sango who needs enemies! what a bitch! hope Sessho finds Kagome soon and lets her know what Sango did!
I used to tolerate Sango as a character (of the series, I never liked her), but now I right down detest her, hahaha. Congrats on your character portrayals! Love them. Keep the awesome work. :)
That woman is insane! She tore the relationship apart and now it´s Sesshoumaru´s fault that Kagome suffered? Desillusional much? And now she wants to harm her even more? I can´t believe that she thinks to take down Naraku himself after his job is done. She might be efficient with stupid and lower class demons but she has no chance against someone like Naraku. Her arrogance will be her downfall. Naraku is strong and very cunning, Sango has no chance, that bitch will pay. Did it never occur to her that someday everything will come out because of Kazuki´s markings? She is after him, isn´t she? She is really stupid if she doesn´t know who his grandfather is. He alone could kill her with only one hand and without any difficulties. God´s, I hate her!
If This is friendship then I'm sure I do not want it!!! At least not from Sango!!! How dare she call that friendship? That b****.
Thanks for the update!!!
No, Sango has to go down now. She is going too far. I hope she gets exposed before it's too late or Kagome will really be in a Life or Death situation.
Have I said this but I think Sango needs to burn...lol
Loved the update!
o.o your not adressing the sango issue, b/c if i were sesshomaru, i would not only be thinking about getting kagome back but what i would be doing to sango, SHE would not get away with this, b/c in the change that i couldnt get kagome back, sango, SANGO would PAY! she would pay dearly, and she would know NEVER EVER to muck with me again. there would be no kinda hell she could hide from. and right now your not adressing that! @_@
I still cannot feel bad for Sess right now. I just can't yet.
So Sango needs to burn, I mean yeah she really needs to burn...I doubt burning will even compare to what painful torture Sesshoumaru has planned for her but yeah she needs to burn lol. -Sorry I have a thing for fire-I really loved the latest update, hehe I am right now re-reading the story so far for what seems the tenth time today...lol.
Keep up the good work!
Sesshomaru should have just asked inupapa for Kagome's address without going through all that trouble. but i don't blame him for trying to find her on his own. Man this confrontation is going to be big!!! can't wait to see it! looking forward for the next chapter!
i feel kagome's pain from just reading this chapter. lucklly she is very resorceful and has done well so far. after reading this chapter i am so mad at sango for runining kagome's happiness! Well the good part from all this is that Kagome will give them both hell when she finds out the truth. keep up the good work!
I can't wait for their confrontation!!!
Hope you update soon! This story is great!
Damn...everytime I read the suspense would grow..and I hate it..I hope they'll meet soon....I hate waiting..but in this case this is all I can do *sigh*
Please update soon
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