-(ch6) he comes home, but she's not there and her stuff isn't in the place anymore. He looks for her everywhere but not a trace, he even asks Sesshy (dude doesn't know anything).... in the end finds a note on the bed sayin 'was that whore worth it?'(or smth like that) and the divorce papers under
- (ch7 ) fast forward a couple of weeks. None's still heard nothin from kags, sessh reflects on what happened during that time, his feelings (he's more restless, worried for her?...), his thoughts on inubaka .....
- (ch8) Inuyasha's been more relaxed, still worried for kags, but pissed at her too. He didn't sign the papers, he even had the gall to move kikyo to their apartment, she sleeps on kags side of the bed, he fucks her in their bed. He gets too relaxed and one day, while sessh's with them (telling him he's a disgrace and to get the whore-bitch out of !Kagome's! place, he also say's that the bastard's blind and dumb to treat kags like that). Inu gets mad (kikyo was there with them)and runs his mouth off (just as sessh was about to leave) ... and at the end A voice asks 'really, inuyasha?'
-(ch9) Kagome sneers at inu and demands he sign those papers, or there will be consequences. inu gets pissed and turns on her. She stands up to him and inuslts him and kikyo with the TRUTH (cheater, whore, worthless, low......) Inu still refusing to sign the papers, sayin he could have them both, kikyo's a much better fuck, Kags has no choice against his word. Kag says she never really unleashed herself in bed with him, he's bad. inu transforms and lunges at her, sessh ready to help, but kagome blasts inu(new terrifying power). ... (get some kik in there too)
- (ch10)The walls are cracking, things flying through the air. she beats inu down in front of them all there, demands he signs the papers. he refuses, kik lunges at her. she beats kik down with one strike, smashing her nose/pretty lying face in the process. Inu fights harder against her in kiks def, that hurts and enrages her, she forces him to sign, and says she'll give him his punishment for being so violent/inhumane/cruel to her, both before and now. She purifies his youkai half and puts a seal on his blood, so that the youkai half can never rise/restore without her allowing it. she then leaves, sessh following after her. (his gazeon her back curious and interested)
-(ch11) sessh's thoughts on the new kagome (spark ;P).... at the and of chap he turns to kags (they're driving in her car)and asks about her enormous power
-(ch12,13) kags flashbacks at the time spent training. feelings, getting over inu, vengence, getting back at him (and proving sessh wrong)....
is that good? XD
REDWOLF (Chapter 3) - Fri 01 Jul 2011
I hope Sesshoumaru kicks Inuyasha's butt!!! This story is starting out great. I like the fight between Sesshoumaru and his beast! Keep up the GREAT work!
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