Inuyasha, you dumbass! His father would be turning over in his grave many times over about this. Human is boring. Onward!
Bahahahahha! What a fwoom. So the entire time that Emo!Inuyasha was wondering in the woods and reflecting while staring at his reflection, it never occured to him that wanting to become human will not win her back. There is no going back after what has been done. And once again, the little shows just how much he still does not know her. All Kagome hasever wanted was for Inuyasha to accept himself; she never wanted him to change for Kikyo or for anyone else. Once again, he is looking for what he thinks is the easiest solution to his problem. Perhaps he has not learned as much as he thought.
But yay for possible BAMF Miroku and a display of his spiritual powers.
Kayelyn (Chapter 260) - Mon 10 Dec 2012
Oooooo! Hoshihikari dropping a few hints on perhaps why his life is the way he was, and that maybe he wasn't the only one the clan has been waiting for either. I can't help but wonder though, if the Inuyasha experiment was a chance to see what would happen once the bloodline merged with an outside source. Hmmmm... Anyhoo. It seems that Sesshomaru is growing even more in his bond and feelings towards Kagome with his insistence that he will find a way to destroy Hoshihikari if he deems her a threat to him or if she uses Kagome to get to him, and in the care he took in putting her to bed.. It almost makes up for him being a twitard in the last chapter. Almost.
Kayelyn (Chapter 259) - Mon 10 Dec 2012
Yay! A sweet story from puphood! Kinda makes go all D'aaaaaaw over Chibi!Sesshomaru...until he went full on twitard. don't want her to be mother to even one pup, yet you wish to keep someone like her alive forever? And that's not including the fact that he has not taken any precautions whatsoever to avoid having said pups. So I guess this means we are back to the EmotionallyRetarded!Sesshomaru with a dash of Twittard!Sesshomaru.
What a fwoom.
its awesome!!!
do i get a cookie
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't make him a dull and boring human! I'm sorry, but I think being a hanyou would be much better. His senses would be dulled, he'd be vulnerable to illness and he'd be defenseless if he were human. Hanyous need love too damn it! Onward!
Kayelyn (Chapter 258) - Mon 10 Dec 2012
And now, there is a deeper understanding amongst the youkai of the shiro. The unmatchable has been matched. Though this will not and cannot change the fact that she is human, her power is worthy of respect because even though it may not be dangerouse to Sesshomaru, it is dangerous to them. Hopefully those that look at her in envy will be deterred by that power and Sesshomaru.
Kayelyn (Chapter 257) - Mon 10 Dec 2012
Yay for dancing! And the lusting! And Yoko for anticipating! I can't help but wonder, though, if now that Mommy Dearest is dead, Sesshomaru has moved on to his daddy issues. That comment about he looks enough like him without binding his hair was sharp and bitter. Hmmm...
This is an interesting chapter. Hopefully, Inuyasha grows a brain cell or two and be happy about being a hanyou. Why should he be a dull and boring human anyway? He's very vulnerable that way, the do-do. Onward!
*claps and squeals* Nice chappie. So excited for more. Onward!
Lilla (Chapter 258) - Mon 10 Dec 2012
Pricila (Chapter 258) - Sun 09 Dec 2012
Just excellent! Wow! Love both chapters, well done and written beautifully!
WOW!!!! (begins breathing again.)
I've been following this for some time, I don't remember if I reviewed before now but great story. Definitly need more.
Nice and sensual...I love it. Onward!
~~Ohhhh please tell me you're updating soon?? That was a very mean place to leave it ;)
Wahoo! I'm loving this chapter. I want to see what's going on in Edo though. A certain hanyou isn't going to like that Kagome's now Sesshomaru's mate, not like he can do anything about it. More! Onward!
Catching up with these chapters has been uber thereputic for my studying tonight. Much thanks for the wonderful updates in this week and a half of hell. <3
One chapter?!?!?! Awww what a tease come on.... Just a few more!
That was an awesome chapter. I want more. Onward!
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