This is just so awesome. You got me hooked!
love this, really hope to see this continue soon :)
Great story :)
really love this story thanks for updating.
wuahhhhhhhhh ! loved the story!! can't wait for the next one
Great story; I look forward to seeing where you take it!
An excellent story! I appreciate your take on youkai, for I have never felt they were what I would consider demons. I am so glad I found this one, thank you for posting it!
Sounds like some serious drama is about to happen. Something tells me that Chiaki expected this and knew something was going to happen. It will be interesting to see how the Inu no Taisho weedles his way out of this one.
Great story, keep it coming. Happy Easter!
Just found this story. Love how you've written the characters. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I'm so glad that you updated! I forgot how wonderful your story was. It is so full of small details that make the story intricate and deep with emotional and social symbols. I really hope that you update soon! I can't wait to read what happens next!
Very good, I look forward to the rest of the story!
~~Awwww I'm so excited to see more from this one! I've actually been thinking about it lately, or lamenting is more like...That you hadn't updated, but now there's more! I feel much better now! lol! XD I really do love this one!
i really hope they get a nice long time together and that their kid kills inupapa >_> or neuters him on accident x=
*lip wibbles!* you'll get her! and she'll be perfectly happy being stuck to you! maybe she's no matured either!
i love this fic so much I am EFing giddy >:3 like giggling happy i tell you! MROE! ...can't even type right!
I'm utterly in LOVE with this fanfic! There's just so much depth and details to this story. I love your style :) I look forward to your next update!
Don't worry about the last few chapters not be edited. They are still good, and as far as I know I'm still excited for the next chapters. I really want to know what's next!!! :DD Woooo GO SESSY AND KAGGY!!!! BEAT THE ANNOYING DAD (though he is sexy....) hahahaha. Please update soon!!
:DI love this fic, and don't know why I haven't seen it till now.
I want to deck Inu no Taisho. >:P
But Yay, their are married now. XD Can't wait to see what haapens next. If he'll mature fully during their time together, and yadda yadda. I liked the idea. and that he'll be able to tell at what feelings were lust and love. :)
INUYASHA © Rumiko Takahashi/Shogakukan • Yomiuri TV • Sunrise 2000No money is being made from the creation or viewing of content on this site, which is strictly for personal, non-commercial use, in accordance with the copyright.