Reviews for Subtlety by Skyisthelimit

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Mindy (Chapter 61) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this story, but I was a little disappointed in this chapter.  I guess it seemed a little anticlimactic.  I know Sesshomaru is awesome but it was a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am kinda non-fight.  The very end is a little redeeming, making me think that its not really as over as it seems, but with that I'm looking forward to something much more monumental and complicated.  Again, I am not trying to be antagonistic, just giving honest feedback.  Please don't hate me!

Thank you for the update and I will be looking forward to the next one.

TheShyOne (Chapter 61) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Heh. 'grave mistake.' Pun!!


ps: I enjoy your story a lot.

KT (Chapter 61) - Thu 14 Jul 2011

Well, to me it doesn't matter if it is 400 words or more because your writing is great! And that is all that matters!

Do please keep writing. I can't wait to find out what happens next! More sweet kag sess encounters??? XD

JeniNeji (Chapter 61) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

I like action. I do wonder how he purified them though :)

Loveyaa (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

Wow...that's one way to remove the threat without having to worry about it later. I mean she can still talk and therefore answer all of their questions. Good thing Sesshoumaru got there in time. Heroes always seem to be able to do that...get there in the nick of time. If she works with the dead, I wonder if this was the problem of the northern lord? or if that is still out there and this is just a bump in the road along the way. I esp can't wait to see Kagome's reaction to this all :)

TruGemini (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

What better way to forget about losing your ar than to remove others? I'm sure the hand is just the beginning though!

Vicky (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

I love this chapter. It was great. Even though Sesshy was only in it for seconds and didn't say a word, you can see how much he really cares about Kagome, it's unreal. I love how you keep them in character too. It's so fantastic. And yes, I would have to agree that he has some post-limb-loss anger. It makes sense. I can't wait to see more. You should update. Soon. Like very soon. Please?

Fallen0x (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

yay! Kagome's saved! haha your author's note made me chuckle - something I really really really needed right now... so thanks! :)

JeniNeji (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

Oh! Thanks goodness he saved her! And yes, limb off obsession, certaintly!

ruhiko (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

OMG~~!!! O.O Evil cliff hanger~!

KT (Chapter 60) - Wed 13 Jul 2011

Go sesshoumaru!!!! "Does the happy dance" Just in time.  A second later and kagome would have been dead. Now she must face the wrath of "violins start screeching" THE SESSHOUMARU!!!!



Fallen0x (Chapter 59) - Tue 12 Jul 2011

oh no! Sesshoumaru better hurry up!! O.o Can't wait for more! :) eh, i wouldn't worry too much about the slightly late update! it's not like it was a year! :) I feel badly because i might not be able to update for a month while I'm gone!

ruhiko (Chapter 59) - Tue 12 Jul 2011

Damn it I just knew that was gonna happen~! O_O

Avidreader (Chapter 55) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

Well, I would like to thank you for posting "Tryst."  The reasoning behind this is I had read about the first 5 chapters of Sublety some time ago and stopped reading it for some reason.  Long forgotten to pick it back up again and continue reading, I decided to read "Tryst" on a whim and it brought my thinking back to this story.  So... today I started again with this story from Chapter 1 and am now current.  I must say I like the writing style, the details with the subtle changes and the dark background.  I am looking forward to the next chapter!

cakeiton (Chapter 58) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

OOOOOOO!!!! I'm liking where this is going. Humor is great, but drama is awesome too!! Looking forward to updates!

cakeiton (Chapter 47) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

“Next time, miko, leave the disposal of cats to this Sesshomaru. You are breaking my house.”

Hilarious! I am enjoying this story so much!


cakeiton (Chapter 38) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

"He growled. “You have no business inviting someone to my home, miko.”

Kagome rolled her eyes. “Hey, it’s my home now too, isn’t it?”

Sesshomaru blinked, and looked down at her. She gave him a wide smile."

HA! I love that she didn't know what she was saying. Love it.

cakeiton (Chapter 37) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

ningen infestation lololololololololololol

cakeiton (Chapter 32) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

fan dance *drools* lol

cakeiton (Chapter 30) - Mon 11 Jul 2011

so glad i got to this on my fanfic queue. I'm loving it! And this chapter (Miroku reaching for Kagome and Sesshoumaru threatens him) has been my favorite so far! Lookinug forward to reading the rest! Keep up the good work!

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