I love love love this story! It just keeps getting better and better ^^
Ha ha Sesshoumaru got off easily! But the mood feels almost like companionship. ;D
That was a sweet chapter! It would be really funny if kagome started trying to prank or mess around with sesshoumaru!!!
Talk about a moodkiller!
Hahahahaha! I looove her reaction to finding out she gets some quality alone time with Sesshomaru :P I'm looking forward to this part of the story!
XD Gasps!!! The startling relevation that kagome will indeed be alone with sesshoumaru. I guess the tiger lord does have other lordy duties with which he needs to attend to. Wow so he did not ask anyone else to journey with him. Interesting!!! I hope sesshoumaru is ready for kagome. After all, she does need more sleep, food, and water than demons. lol
Can't wait to find out what happens on this adventure!!!
Kagome didn`t realize that they will be together alone? Ahahaha!
The 50th chapter! Congratulations! Thanks for writing! Your story is fun and interesting, original too.
I just love this drabble! I guess Kagome just realized that if she's spending days with Sessho .... she's also spending nights with him LOL
Alone with him for many days?? Oh, I'm so excited about this trip! And I'm not even going with them!
Wonderful new chapter!
Lolz. That was fantastic. Thank you! I can't wait to see her reaction later on when they are alone. Please please update soon! Can't wait.
>D Can't wait to see how the trip goes now. If she just froze up realizing that they'll be alone, then the trip promises to be full of fun. XD Will they go looking for a miko while they're out? I.I
Your fic is great and I always look forward to the next chapter. Fond memories of the shoe incident, dirt being kicked into a certain cat youkai's room, and a fan dance lesson from Sesshoumaru up close and personal. lol I also like the moment when Kagome finally see's Sessh. fling his ally through the air, proving it does happen.
And YAY for update coming thursday. >,< It'll be an extra special treat for me since it falls on my birthday.
Don't feel like a lone stranger. I noticed that, too, about reviews tapering off after a while. Sometimes it gets so bad that you wonder of you should even bother continuing to post any stories on here, if anyone is even reading them anymore. FF has a much more consistent review rate, so you know if ppl are reading and if they are enjoying or not. There's very few authors on here, though, that get that consistent review rate - ones like Miss Teak, Forthright, Oroyukai... I've often thought about going back to FF and posting strictly over there just because it feels like I'm just wasting my time. But I won't do that to the few that actually do read and review my stories - if even one person is enjoying it, then it's worth it, ne? So don't feel too bad when it seems like no one is bothering to review - I'm reading, and enjoying it, so there's at least one appreciative person out here who will - usually - review!
hahaha XD that is a little unnerving! XD and her response amused me! :) I can't wait for the next update! Kagome really needs to train!
Once again! I so adore this tale! Can't wait to see how Kagome's few days alone with Sesshoumaru go!! Hmm I also wonder who will teach her to control all that power she's going to hold! Can't wait for more!
haha i have to read more! :)
Hehehe, now she thinks about that :)
Haha, I love Kagome :)
XD I guess the alone-with-Sesshomaru-for-days-&-days part never occurred to her XD
Wow, they already have such close relationships: the master and the slave. lolI love when they are teasing one another.I liked this chapter.
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