Reviews for Bloodlust by Lyra

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Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 22) - Fri 07 Mar 2025

"I can smell your fear, Yozei. I can taste it - and you are a lord?"

Sesshomaru let go of her, could not believe his ears. His quiet Kagome, so soft-spoken and gentle – could she have such a venomous tongue?


Ahahaha! Love this part!


I will make the assumption that Kagome is now...or will be soon...stronger than Sesshoumaru. After all, she is now Inu AND she still has purification powers. She just became Inu, so she hasn't had time to hone her skills and she can still hone her miko skills, as well.


I will also wager that Yozei will become a special ally of hers. She proved that she can kill him, but has the heart to heal him.

Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 15) - Thu 06 Mar 2025

*Sigh*. InuYasha's funeral. It is bittersweet. He was lost, consumed by his demon blood. He knew that eventually it might/will happen. 



Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 8) - Thu 06 Mar 2025

"She did not know that it was the female essence of her that called out to them, the rapture of her blood. She woke the maleness in them, their most possessive, desirous nature. Until this moment she had not realized that it was that nature which she found so attractive about them; something inside her screamed with pride to hear those words, Sesshomaru's claim of her..."


I actually believe that the power women have - to drive men crazy - can be powerful. You are capturing the passion, the intensity, the power beautifully.

Sess2023/Topaz Gold (Chapter 4) - Thu 06 Mar 2025

Obsessed with this story! I'm only on chapter 4 and I am totally and completely obsessed.

KyraTekak (Chapter 43) - Wed 04 Aug 2021

Loved the story so far 

Midnight7 (Chapter 43) - Wed 16 Sep 2020

I found this story not even looking for it an I absolutly love it!! Was reading another story on and after I was done I was going through the author's favorite stories and ran into yours. I have spent the last several hours completely hooked in your story and I truly hope you come back to it eventually. I finished all 43 chapters and realized it wasn't finished but you also have it posted here so came to check if by chance you had more chapters up here, to no luck. With that I really really hope that you come back to this story. It is like nothing I have read before and it really drew me in like I was there as everything happened.

Emily (Chapter 43) - Sun 05 Jul 2020

I first read this fic years ago, and for the last 3 weeks I had been scouring this site looking for this story with only the clear memory of the ink marking in my head. Although it is unfinished, and may remain so, I am so so glad that I found it! i Reread this after rereading and finishing Alpha, and I knew I had to leave a review because your stories are phenomenal. I can clearly picture everything that is happening and the emotion the story is telling. I'm about to go read through the rest of your stories, they are so well written and I just absolutely love your writing style. If you have any published stories, I would buy them in a heartbeat. Whether or not you return to this story is up to you and what you want to do, but I will always be hopeful. Either way, I truly hope that you continue writing if it is your passion, you could tell so many stories and I would just eat them up, and if there were enough hours in the day and sleep was not so necessary, I would have finished this and Alpha overnight instead of over the past week. Honestly, I'm not sure what to write in this review to full express how much I adore your writing, and how much I appreciate you for having this archive that I can read through during these times as a needed break from reality, so thank you, thank you for writing these stories and sharing them with us.

LadyoftheLemons (Chapter 43) - Wed 13 Jun 2018

You have fallen off the face of the earth please come back and finish this

KyraTekak (Chapter 43) - Sun 18 Feb 2018

Great story so far. 

SammyJams (Chapter 43) - Wed 26 Jul 2017

This was so good! sad it was abandoned

Ashes (Chapter 43) - Mon 19 Jun 2017

O.O if I beg real nice would you please finish this story I only found it two days ago and have not been able to stop reading it outside of sleep and other hygiene needs.

Sesshysgirl-08 (Chapter 42) - Thu 17 Apr 2014

I. LOVE. THIS. STORY! I am sooo sad to see that there aren't more chapters here for me to read =[. I know you haven't updated this in about a year, but I genuinely hope you do soon! It would be such a shame to see this incredible story left unfinished!! I'm hooked! You have to be one of the best writers I've have the pleasure of coming across on here, or any other site, really. You're writing is so eloquent and beautiful, you just draw the reader completely and totally into the story. Writing like yours is so rare and I really do hope you continue this!! Soo...great job!! Keep it up! I'll be watching for new chapters, when and if, they come!

wolfoftheabyss5 (Chapter 35) - Tue 15 Oct 2013

Omg i love this magical thing you call a story

satuross (Chapter 42) - Sun 08 Sep 2013

hee hee after too much lemons in this site, a torture or two is good :D


and i like the new kagome

satuross (Chapter 42) - Sun 08 Sep 2013

hee hee after too much lemons in this site, a torture or two is good :D


and i like the new kagome

satuross (Chapter 16) - Fri 06 Sep 2013

i like how you killed off inuyasha XD

but why is kiwanai still around

satuross (Chapter 15) - Sat 31 Aug 2013

i love it! dead inuyasha!

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 43) - Tue 27 Aug 2013

And WHAT a surprise!!!  *contented sigh*  I end my day with a delightful chapter of one of my most favorite stories - how could ANYTHING be better than THAT???

Oh, the intrigue... the twists and turns and ups and downs!  I thought the original was terrific, but you have so far surpassed that in this rendition, I can't begin to tell you.  So much to keep in mind and piece together!  You, my dear, are a wizard at this and I cannot thank you enough for this oh-so-delicious surprise for my birthday.




LoveAndFaith (Chapter 43) - Mon 26 Aug 2013

Nice chapter, keep it coming.

Jemillia Grant (Chapter 42) - Mon 01 Jul 2013

please don't take long for the next chapters!! i love this story! i'll be waiting! keep it coming! really soon!!!!

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