next chapter please
I...this...UGH! It's just so good I can't handle it!!!! Poor Kagome!! And now I dislike Ai! Dammit! Wahhh, you have to update soon, Rinku-kun!!
I love this please I need more
Ah I feel so sad for her I can't wait to see what happens next
Oh My....
On so many levels this is disturbing, but I know it's for the plot. You did quite hit the mark on drama and angst, and before things do smooth out between Kags and Sesshoumaru PLEASE make her stick it to bring him down a few notches.
Love the story overall and looking forward to your most excellent storytelling.
Cant wait to read the next chapter. he needs to suffer for what he did to her. when is he gonna realize that he was lied to and that kagome never cheated on him
Hi Rinku!
I don't normally leave reviews and the few times that I do, they're usually pretty long; so I hope you have a good few minutes, because you're story is totally worth it!!
This had been done VERY well; like all of your other stories, it's rich in not just description but also plot and well-rounded characters. I was honestly thrown for a loop by Ai, since a lot of OC's are flat and as usefull as a chair to plot development. But then you twist things on us quickly by showing how he's not the 'perfect guy' Kagome first described him as. If you ever hesitated in making that revelation to us, I'm saying as a fan it was the right one. It adds more perspective to the messed up situation that our main ship faces, and if you'd maintained the facade and then attampted to go 'psych!' it would have felt like a last-ditch attempt to escape having a serious case of writer's block. No one would have believe it was planned.
Sesshoumaru believes Kagome cheated on him in some way; some way that you, dear writer-san, are keeping annoyingly close to the chest. *sigh* as a fan and avid reader I'm annoyed, but as an avid reader in general I'm well aware that this means that plot device is being well employed and will be revealed later. His immediate dismissal of Kagome and the fact he hasn't reconsidered his validity in not only a year but having known her his whole life shows two very in-character things. First, he still believe the worst of humans and placed more value in the words of the Demoness Kagura [speaking of, wonder when she's gonna show?]. Second, a pairing opinion of yours that really matches cannon. That Sesshoumaru, for all that he may 'love' Kagome in these stories, places less effort in getting to know her than she does/
Kagome, poor girl, is obviously too damn naive. If one date was enough to have not one but three occasions of Ai's dark side coming out, she should have learned about it a while ago. She's also blatantly stupid; that 'big honorable gift necklace' was obviously something that scent-marked her as though she had done it with Ai. She should've known something was up when Sesshoumaru jumped her since he goes tit-for-tat against his hated cousin. That being said and jumping back in time, she probably gave her relationship with Sesshoumaru a better chance than most other things, since she still trusted his commitment even after believing Kagura's lies about him cheating.
I want to end this with a big thanks and commendation to you for continuing these stories. It breaks my heart when good stories are dropped as their authors lost interest, because as vivid as my imagination is it's yours that brought this AU into mine.
:o! Updates!! Yayy!!
Ooo..she's done playing nice...excited for the next chapter!!!
Please keep them coming..! :D
As much as I want Ai to remove the mark off of Kagome's neck, I personally believe that Kagome has to remove the mark herself.
First off, she has already suprised Sesshoumaru in the last chapter by taking down his barrier with her own power. If I am reading this correctly, this is where Kagome begins to truely stand on her own. Yes she will have to 'train' shape herself up but the results will be worth it. For one to understand true power, the mind must accept both order and chaoc to be whole.
Lastly, yes Ai-sama does need to be informed of the situation but at the same time I am hestiant about it for some strange reason. Ai can show what needs to be done to remove the mark and help with the trainging that Kagome may imbark. I personally think that Kagome needs to preform a cleasing bath ritural to 'remove' Sesshoumaru's filth off of her. I do have to agree with Sango and Miroku, the time was indeed way too convenient with Ai's coronation coming about.
I am really concerned about what will happen at the coronation and the events leading to the point. I am gald that in this chapter you made Sesshoumaru 'scared' of what he has done, and there is more pain to come to him, I am sure of it.
You've started this tale with a powerful chapter and wrapped up this chapter in the same fashion. It is clear why him forcing himself upon her and marking her as a common breeding bitch was necessary. This is where her transformation begins. He has broken her naivety - obliterated her innocence and ideals. It is through his depravity that she will find strength. This resonates profoundly with in me as I believe it must with any of your readers that have been victimized in this fashion, or has suffered emotional and mental abuse. When such a thing occurs, one loses the bright-eyed view we once had of the world around us. This is what has happened to Kagome. It has taken the act to defile her, to finally open her eyes. Kagome can now thrive in a way. It is through profound suffering that one finds growth as well as the strength to let go. It is sad that it must take the death of a pure heart, to be reborn. Such purity cannot possibly survive in such darkness. As a result of this; She is untouchable. He has no more power over her. A phenomenal chapter!
Well... this was as scorching hot as a fireplace poker! I greatly enjoyed this chapter. I'm enjoying Sesshomaru as a pompous prick. He is a fiend, a pervert and I love it! Well... I can't help it. I paint Sesshomaru as a monster in my fic. I find the dark content of this story absolutely captivating. When I first read the title and summary to this, I made the assumption that this would be a cute plot, filled with fluffy awkward moments between them as roommates. This is nothing like that - not even close! What a twisted plot this is! I cannot get enough of it. Ai, is one hell of an OC. You've developed his character well. It appears even he possesses a dark streak to him as well. This has turned out to be one hell of an intense journey! Amazing job! You've got yourself a fan.
Wow, I do love this story. at this moment I can't stand Sesdhomaru and Ai is suspicious as hell. Please update soon, I need to know what happens next.
Holy ... wow... such a powerful beginning. Not at all what I expected.
Oh man! He's done it now.
I need to see what she's going to do as revenge.
Rough plotline creative and ingenious... I hope they denut Sess in this one but then ....
Intense start I love the jump into drama I felt this because I have btdt.... Great start looking forward to what you do with this....
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