Reviews for A Debt to Be Paid by Rinku

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Ditto Princess (Chapter 1) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Awesome... Nuff said!!!


~_~^-^~_~ - Ditto Princess

NicoRavenPen (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

~~OH that was SO SO SO SO EVIL of you! TT_____TT I really hope you update soon, you teasing, taunting creature!

mi (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

I really liked this chapter!

Hm, one thing I cant help but think about is the life mate situation. If Kagome got together with Inuyasha, disregarding the crazy-hanyo situation, he would leave her the moment he found his life mate wouldn't he? So her shoice was taken from her longa ago wasn't it? Heh, your chapters always makes me think about things! :)

Manatee (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Lime...fantastic.  Cliffy..makes me twitchy!  Thank you for updating, this is one of my favorite stories and I look foreward to every new written word you write for us. 

Sarah (Chapter 15) - Wed 04 Apr 2012

Yaaaay! Another chapter! And this one just blew me away. Truly a work of art :). I definitely loved the lime, too. Everything was like a movie in my head, especially the field of cherry blossoms. Your writing style is so unique (I just love the vivid imagry and long descriptive chapters; makes me think of Anne Rice). It's like looking at a piece of fanart and knowing right away who did it without needing to know the artist's name :D. Keep up the good work! This is honestly my most favorite fanfic I have ever read, hands down, and I can't wait for the next chapter! :)


FayeMegan (Chapter 15) - Tue 03 Apr 2012

Finally~ an update. I liked it! I hope you are able to post more soon.

dianne (Chapter 15) - Tue 03 Apr 2012

The lime was fantastic! I was so sad when it didnt end up goiing further but it just makes me that much more eager for when there actually is a lemon. :D

Agh, looks like things are gonna go from bad to worse for kagome. :( 

But it was a really great chapter, and for that you are forgiven for being away so long! ^.^  haha

Lillian (Chapter 15) - Tue 03 Apr 2012

nice job, rinku! It's really progressing well.

Patrine (Chapter 14) - Sun 25 Mar 2012


Y'know, when i'hev first read the first chapter, I though "this is gonna be just another shitty 'funny' fanfctions", but I as loking for something new to read and saw the dokuga awards, so decided to give it a try, again.

I have to say that I reeeeally enjoyed that half-breeds, mating e demon society thing you created. Its new, yet seem to fit in that case.

I loved the reaind and hope that you will be updating soon.

zandria (Chapter 1) - Tue 20 Mar 2012

love your stories can't wait fot the next updates :)

Terry Lynn (Chapter 14) - Tue 06 Mar 2012

Ahhh! I just found this fic and finished the last chapter like the last slice of cake for a fat kid! This fic is awfully good and I am anticipating for your next update.


By far, this fic has one of the best Kagome and Inuyasha portrayals. I'm admiring how absolutely loyal Kagome is and Inuyasha.. OH INUYASHA.. Angst of being a hanyou and him actually being the "good" guy?!! I'm not particularly a fan, but you even got me rooting for Inu x Kag; I can't wait how you are going to resolve and have Kagome falling for our favorite demon lord.

Loveyaa (Chapter 14) - Mon 27 Feb 2012

I love fireworks!!Sesshoumaru is quite the tactician though and that's kinda scary. Man (well sorta) knows what he wants and goes for it. Things are quickly changing and it looks like there is no way back. I can't wait to see what happens next and what new path is placed beforeeveryone :)

kagomesirene (Chapter 2) - Wed 22 Feb 2012

wow...a pretty good story so far....only question for me:

"why does sesshou want her while announing his undying hate for hanyou abnormalities....especially the one polluting his honourable blood line?"....i mean HELLO!?!? what about his and kagomes possible future abnormalities?!


criticat (Chapter 12) - Wed 08 Feb 2012

Oh my this has got to be one of the most amazing action scenes out there! I love it all. I've been holding my breath through the last part. 

InuLuna of The Moon (Chapter 14) - Tue 07 Feb 2012

Can't Wait for the next one! I'll be cheering for you

zandria (Chapter 1) - Mon 30 Jan 2012

awesome story can't wait for the next update :3

dianne (Chapter 14) - Thu 19 Jan 2012
I just found you story and I love it! You are an amazing writer and I cant wait to read more!

Margaret Armstrong (Chapter 14) - Thu 19 Jan 2012

I read a lot, I love great writing . The last few chapters have had me with tears running down my cheeks as I read. You have so beautifully caught the angst, fears, and turmoil of the situation a young woman is caught in, up to and including the desparate need to talk with her mother .  yself a grandmother, I wouldnt know what comfort and advice I could give in the situation of this story.I await the remains of the story with awe and fear, and know there will be more tears. FWIW, you have tremendous skill as a writer, and my heartfelt thanks go out to you for this story. Write on = )

Anonymous (Chapter 14) - Thu 19 Jan 2012

i love this story so much and i just wish kagome would give in already its killing me!

JeniNeji (Chapter 14) - Wed 18 Jan 2012
Rate? This story is awesome! I love love love it! Sorry for the late read! Thanks for sharing!

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