Poor geeky Sesshomaru, it's partially his fault, if he didn't act like he didn't like her she might think there could be something there. At least he's controlling himself and not killing Buyo, hehe.
Okay, Buyo was adorible, and so was the mug. XD
But AWE poor Sesshomaru!!!!!!!! That wasn't nice at all. but at least he gotto break the mug.
I LOVE how you did this!! I could feel the tension building with Buyo messing with him and when he finally cracked! Great job!!!
Hahaha! Buyo WOULD be snuggling up to our favorite Dungeon Master! *giggles* The imagery is AWESOME! Especially how you never actually Mention Buyo specifically.
And I love how Sesshomaru is upset -though in denial- at being 'just friends.' That should bode well for our little 'paladin's' infiltration plans.
Might want to fix the 'nuzzel' in the titles and first paragraph to 'nuzzle' as later you have them right. Also I'm thinking that the 'excepting' towards the end when Sesshomaru gets his new cup was ment to be 'accepting' as well.
Oh... and just thought you might find this interesting but after reading and rereading your story ... I bought my first set of pink dice. *laughs & headdesks* I've been a female gamer almost half my life now and never had a pink die -nor the inclination to buy one- but when I saw them in the shop while getting my seven-year-old his first set for his birthday (he chose green -his current favorite color) all I could think of was 'Kagome’s 20 sided die remained defiantly pink' and how Sesshomaru was attempting to melt it with the acid of his hatred until I could not resist the draw to be the gamer-girl with pink dice. They're a little translucent, a soft pink shade, and SPARKLY. *giggles* I wonder if they're the same you saw for Kagome's dice 'cause to me they're perfect. I get a kick out of them everytime I pull them out for games. The guys are surprisingly tolerant and amused by them. So at least every Friday night right now I'm thinking of your story. ^_^ Booyaka!
Thanks so much for writing!
lmao kitty!
I loved it! Poor Sesshomaru... but I love kittens so much! <3 <3 <3 Keep up all the good work!
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy~! This chapter cracked me up! I loved Buyo and his continual loving on Sesshomaru XD Poor boy! Keep up the fabulous work, oh Almighty Bucket!
Oh, please, please update soon. This is too good!
Her grandpa was about to become acid base components in a second. Hopefully Sesshomaru will keep his cool because he's crushing on Kagome.
hahahahaha good ol grandpa
Sesshomaru might be upset but it Was interesting how Kagome chose to put off her hrandfather's complaints. *grins* I just love that she's going to go make him tea now. ^_^
Thanks for writing!
XD OMG I cannot stop laughing! Why is this story so funny? Keep up the good work!
Aw! I love it!
Aw, too cute. I like how she said he has to insult her to be nice to her, he's just covering up. Next time they play dungeons and dragons i hope she kicks his behind good again.
HAHAHAHAHA! This is hilarious. XD My younger brother owns a comic book store, and we've always been comic and game geeks. Despite the fact that I'm probably ten to twenty years older than most of his customers, more than a few of them have seen me come into the place, stopped and then started whispering to one another. The best comment so far has been, "Oh my God! Do you think that's a real girl?" O.O I told him yes, but I was probably old enough to be his mom. Anyway, this fic is a great deal of fun, and you've managed to portray comic fans so well!
Ha Ha!! *big cheesy grin* I LOVE this! ^_^ Just tumbled onto these drabbles this morning and honestly was afraid I'd do something involuntary and embarrassing from laughing too hard while reading them. oh... oh how I can relate FAR too well to too many of the situations within. *reminiscent sigh* Ah the adventures of being a tabletop rpg female. ;) About keeled over at the Dorkness Rising rehash. *giggle-snorts* Putting Naraku, Miroku, and Manten in those three's place for that scene... *sputter-laughs* SOOOOOO humorously painful!
Sooo... *headtilts* What's with the catnip scent on Sesshomaru's jacket? I can't wait to have THAT one explained!
oh ~there's a 'bowls' in an earlier chapter that I'm sure was meant to be 'bowels' in referring to where gamer nerd boys dwell within their parents' homes. Forget which chapter.
On other chapters... Kouga! *laughs* omgosh! That was hilariously funny! Even more funny was continuing to the next drabble with no mention of his erstwhile proposal complete with a Kagome so singularly focused that she was COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS TO HIS ADVANCES. *sniggers*
I look forward immensely to future installments. *laughs* ah the memories. ^_^
a) YES!! wearing your man's clothes is EXACTLY that
b) HA! berate her as you court... sneaky dog
c) awesome
d) MOAR!
cute :3 silly puppy!
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You updated! I'm so excited! This was so good, Bucket! I can't wait to see where this goes from here! I love nerd Sesshomaru; he makes me smile and laugh. Keep up the brilliant work; I will eagerly await the next installment!
~Bucket 2.0
So, even out of duty, nerds can be romantic too?
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