This story looks like it could be interesting. I look forward to more as the only info we really have is from the summary.There have been 4 chapters so far, but 1 was only an A.N. & the 3 chapters that have been posted have been short,confusing & haven't added much to the story,plot or characters. The summary was interesting & I know from the A.N. the writer has been very busy . I hope when you have more time & you post more updates you'll give us some information that would give the story some flow & piece together the bits of info you've posted already. I don't mean for this to seem negative as I am really looking forward to how the story turns out. It's just that at this point it's difficult to understand what is going on in the story & the chapters have been sort of confusing or maybe it's better to say they've been hard to follow or understand.
I wanted to leave a review that would help the writer as I really meant what I said about the summary making the story sound like it could be really interesting & I look forward to reading more.
amy (Chapter 3) - Tue 01 Mar 2011
lara (Chapter 1) - Tue 25 Jan 2011
This story looks like it will be very good but it was hard to decipher what was going on because there was an enormous amount of spelling errors. I had to read it a few times to get a clear picture of what was going on & I really do look forward to reading the rest of the story & seeing where it goes & what she really is & because of how strongly I feel about how good the story could turn out I feel terrible having to say that the spelling errors were so bad that it was difficult to read so I sincerely hope the author doesn't take this as a complaint or in a negative way.
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