Reviews for And On That Day by Kanna37

Lady fría (Chapter 1) - Wed 12 Jun 2024

Buen día saludos, me tomo el atrevimiento de escribirle por una de las autora de fánfic Ladyfthehauseofmoon la tiene como favorita, de verdad le pido disculpa, por molestarle pero tengo años sin saber de ella deseo mucho que se encuentre bien de salud si tiene alguna comunicación con ella, le ruego encarecidamente que me responda sólo para calmar mi tranquilidad, a veces se que la autoras desaparecen por años quizás por falta de inspiración o por tiempo, sin embargo normalmente dejan notas y lady no se depidio ni dejo nota. Me entristece muchísimo, pensar que habrá pasado, disculpe enormemente molestarle. Sin más que decir me despido. Feliz noche 

Shaish (Chapter 1) - Thu 22 Oct 2020


sr (Chapter 1) - Mon 23 Apr 2018

that made me want to cry...

Pebbles (Chapter 1) - Sat 16 Apr 2011

Thank you for sharing that.  It reads as if you wrote it from the heart.  The many facets of the soul is honestly quite hard to comprehend.  With it we grow, we love, we sacrifice and we leave our imprint onto those whom knew us best.  I think this touhes on the longing for our counterpart and what occurs when they are gone.  I'm glad that you ended it with a reunion that more than likely translated to a similar reunion within your family. 

I would not regret your final wish for too long.  I too had experienced the same, yet my relative knew it would've been harder (for me) for such a thing to occur.  Sometimes the knowledge of what's in our hearts resides in theirs just as strongly.  I wish your loved ones peace.  I hope it helped your peace of mind to write this. 

TKE (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

so sad but beautiful...i lost a great friend and cousin within months of each other and never got to say goodbye and thats the hardest thing to go prayers are with u.

Rowdys girl (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

This is so sad, but still happy. It's very good.

I know how hard it is, Amber, but believe me, he knows you love him and he felt your goodbye before he left. My dad only lasted 10 months after mom died, when they are that tied together by the heart, it is very hard for the one remaining to go on alone. But keep faith with God and when your time comes, you will be with your beloveds again. I remember the good times I spent with my parents when I'm missing them, I remember all the fun we had and it makes me feel better.

Jane (Rowdy)

Kj (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

I've read nearly all your stories but not one of them has touched me as this one has. It was beautiful, heartwrenching....a masterpiece from my point of view. I'm truly sorry for your loss. I understand that I may not be able to relate to the pain of losing one so close, but if anything, you have my heartfelt condolenses. I guess, in a way, it is true, 'What doesn't break us, makes us stronger.'


I love all your stories and eagerly await any updates you may post.


TruGemini (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

I'm so sorry Amber. I know how much losing him hurt and still hurts. The one-shot was beautiful. It kinda reminded me of when my Grandmother passed back in 07. I do honestly believe my Grandfather came back for her because my cousin said she seemed so happy when she let go.

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 1) - Sun 09 Jan 2011

mou huggles! sad!

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