Why are there so few reviews in this story? It was interesting, funny, had a plot line, drama, action, each character shows personality, great consistensy, good story-telling. Sure, I didn't cry or was overwhelmed by their situations (if anyone suddenly wakes to a confusing waking call with nightmarish consecuences I'd think they'd freak out more) but I became enthralled by all of it and I'm very curious about the second part. What if Sesshomaru remembers the bygone timeline, or Kagome? The rest of supporting characters also need more focus and development but they did great. This was so awesome and left me happy at the open ending.
I hope you continue this amazing story.
Hi I was wondering when you were going to put up part two of this story. I love this one so much and I would like to see what happens next. Thanks
OhMan!!!!! I canNOTwait for the rest of this story !!!!!!!!
It is so TASTY !!!!!!!
Thank you for thinking it up and writing it down !!!
Samara (Chapter 4) - Sun 17 Feb 2013
Not fair... i loved this... such a great concept... well im off to see if there is a part 2... i really hope there is....
Wow this is an interesting story. It's a very fresh concept and very entertaining :) I find it interesting that all the events that have transpired have now been reversed. However, I have the sneaking suspicion that perhaps it may leave a lingering imprint on Sess and Kag both. I hope you keep going. I'd like to see how things pan out. Keep up the good work!
Aww mannn! the ending is such a CLIFFIE!! I can't wait to read read part 2!
lisa (Chapter 4) - Thu 14 Aug 2008
this was great i love what you have written.
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