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lara (Chapter 19) - Mon 07 Mar 2011

I feel like I have no Idea what's going on & I wonder if they are going to try to use Kagome's well to return or is Kagome going to have to absorb the other girls sibling's yokai??? I don't know  ......I feel so off why would her sibling show up at Kagome's home unless he knows something about Kagome???????/I don't know I'm baffled

Please update more soon or more often I'm dying

sousie (Chapter 19) - Sun 06 Mar 2011

that was amazing

lara (Chapter 18) - Sat 26 Feb 2011

you area really killing me & if you don't do something soon  & update with some real actual lenghty info I think I'm gonna die & I can't handle the lenght of time it take for an update almost feels like I'm being punished...

You know I love your story..but I'm so clueless as to what is going on & you have given little to no info. I don't mean to be a pain so I only hope you understand that I love this story & to wait so long between updates & then be left with nothing  but more & more questions ...I just feel that this story is moving forward at such a slow rate that the frustration is a bit overwhelming. I feel like I'll be reading this story for a year & still have no  questions answered...I understand the difficulty in writing along with having a busy life......& I'm sure someone like you with the ability to write such unique & creative stories must have at one time or another been someone who enjoyed reading just as much at least I pray that it is so.So I pray you understand how I feel & not get angered with my frustration & desire to read as much as possible & understand what I'm reading ...Right now I've read 18 chapters & have no idea what is going on,have little info towards the possible plot & practically no answers to the characters in the story or the parts they play in it.

I'm also confused ....if Kagome originally fell down the well at 15 & just told this girl she's only been doing it for a year,yet the shikon is complete,Naraku & Inuyasha dead....So,I hope & pray that since this is your story that Kagome isn't just a 16 yr old still in school,immature,undeveloped & naive...I really hope since it's your story that Kagome is older......or she's been coming to past longer than she told this girl as early in your story you've  menntioned that Kagome has been at Sessh's shiro for 3-4 months 1st healing then traveling off & on one point in your story it was mentioned that Kagome & Sai had become close after being stuck together for a couple of months or more before Sessh starting taking her on 2wk- 1 month outings to hunt the Kuro shards....................I hope you understand now why I'm confused over what Kagome said to this new girl about traveling from the future for only a yr & spending the last month in this shiro....unless I read it wrong or misunderstood the info I read

Right now I'm so confused....I'm unsure of what questions to ask to even begin to understand what is going on in the story now

I really hope you explain more soon

I look for an update soon   

lara (Chapter 17) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

I love this story but this chapter made me uncomfortable.   I don't want Kagome to have competition from some new girl from her time that Sessh might like... no I don't like that at all......she's spent years playing 2nd to a dead woman & having to feel jealous & makes me crazy that she always has to suffer & be unwanted.      I also don't like the idea that if Sessh gets a hard on from being near or thinking of Kagome that he dissappears for hours or the rest of the night or that he's going to see a concubine,some demoness or any other female to get relief thinking that if he just gets laid then he won't  find himself so attracted to Kagome or even see her as attractive. I really want to see Kagome find happiness with someone (Sessh) that only desires her & isn't afraid to admit it

It also bothers me that at this time after he's spent this much time with Kagome he hasn't begun to respect her for her strength both inner & outer,her intelligence..since in that era the only educated beings are nobility & royalty & even then it's usually only for men...& here she is a female who probably ,at this time, has more education than even him & Kagome probably knows english & one or more other languages that are compulsory education just to graduate & that's not even including her knowledge of the future....then when it comes to her could a male so attracted to power not be aware of a beautiful (he already has to fight himself as he's always remembering how beautiful she was naked in his onsen..he mind keeps replaying the visual picture of her & the memory of her taste that time),intelligent , strong , amazing smelling (which he's already aware of & admitted that her smell is better than any demoness),she is the most powerful female & it radiates off of her in her aura along with her purity & she's the most unique being he's ever encountered.................I don't get it ,he's had her with him this long now,traveled with her alone quite a while now & a number of times had to carry her uncoscious & every time he does he finds himself overwhelmed by her looks,her scent,her aura...he gets aroused just by thinking of her or when he's close to her......he's got this overwhelming curiosity & attraction to her.

I could understand in the beginning his original dislike for her was because he saw her as his brothers now he knows that wasn't true,she never belonged to Inuyasha, she never had a physical relationship with Inuyasha,she's still a virgin,Inuyasha & her were close friends & he was her protector,,,she never had a romantic relationship with Inuyasha,Inuyasha had a romantic relationship with an undead woman........I believe before he died it was like a family or brotherly love...........& if his other reason for not liking her was his issue with seeing her as being nothing but a weak human........since what happened he knows now that she is more than human & definiteley not weak

plus he's had a mind reader spending 24 hrs, 7 days a week monitoring her thoughts when she's awake & asleep & then telling him everything........when they travel alone or with Jaken & Rin ...he himself has watched her awake,asleep,fight,read,suffer,heal & something tells me that the time he caught her in his personal onsen wasn't the only time he watched her bathe ....he's already overly aware of her even when he isn't with her

I don't understand... why they are still so distant to each other or why he would still be treating her so demeaningly or why he hasn't started trying to train her with the sword that is now hers & it even

smcandy (Chapter 14) - Sat 12 Feb 2011

So far so good if you ever need a beta let me know. You got Sesshomaru and Kagome’s char. perfect and I love to see that fan art you are wokign on do post it up on your dokuga page when you can.

lara (Chapter 16) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

okay now I'm getting excited..I just hope that this means the story is starting to take shape & that this is both the beginning of the quest with a chance for Kagome to explain that she must be present in order to both find all the shards  so that as they find each one & she purifies each one she'll be able to gain strength so that it gets easier as it becomes obvious that purifying them takes alot of her Reiki & although Sessh realizes obviously that she is beyond a doubt the most powerful Miko he's ever met or heard of he finds out from her &/or from tapping into her subconscous that within her she is one with Shikon (Jewel of 4 souls) & Midoriko & hears via his intrusion (I'm hoping he comes to realize he knew Midoriko as a child who helped him thru the most difficult part of his past & hopefully accepts this) into Kagomes mind that she is stronger than Midoriko herself ever was & that she was made & chosen to be stronger than any mortal human & that the Shikon & Midoriko are willing to do what ever is necessary to protect their chosen vessel & keep her alive &  that as she purifies each dark shard she'll get even stronger & have more control over her powers & eventually he finds out & realizes not only her importance & how she is needed for only Kagome has the ability to save the world from this threat that is worse than Naraku & more dangerous.He hopefully learns that this & she are his destiny & hopefully accepts both his place in this & his importance in Kagome's life & survival & in learning more about Kagome & himself things between them are able to grow from there. 

        I also look forward to finding out more about Kagome,her ancestors,her powers & abilities ,her connection to Sessh & if it was always meant to be. I can't help but wonder if it is their destiny & why both Kagome & Sessh  have never found the one that was right for them.

I don't understand why the jewel wouldn't give her more of a fighting chance ...especially as it's chosen vessel...a human even a strong human is still a mortal being & mortals are not meant to take constant abuse & she's already suffered alot....she's had her soul sucked out once by the evil being who brought Kikyo to life & once by Kanna's mirror but Kagome's soul was too big & it cracked that doesn't even include all her physical body has been through poisonings that could have been deadly,severe injuries....she may have an uncanny ability to survive but being human means that..........the human body gets weaker if their body, heart & soul are constantly taking a beating           & now with a new,more dangerous journey????

Nilee1 (Chapter 16) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

Great chapter. Poor Sesshoumaru is displaying some of Inuyasha's worst characteristics--making Kagome think she's no more than a shard detector and always making her hurry. Thanks for not making Inuyasha a two-timing bastard just to make the story progress ;-)

Dragoness (Chapter 16) - Sat 05 Feb 2011

Wow, great chapter.  I looooove this story.  Poor Sai, he really is getting it between Sesshomaru's envy and Kagome's reading he is in for it. Can't wait for the next chapter.

lara (Chapter 15) - Mon 31 Jan 2011

I just had to read it again & now I'm dying inside waiting for more.Please update again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keisha (Chapter 14) - Tue 25 Jan 2011

I was sure she was going to give in this time (I would have! XD..too much temptation!) ~ guess I'll have to wait jajajaj...Oh I'm really looking forward for that fanart of sesshou ^.^

lara (Chapter 15) - Tue 25 Jan 2011

I still don't understand when this story is going to either pick up & start the relationship between Sessh & Kagome which at this point doesn't even look like a possibility or the new shard problem & hunt,her old friends & her kit, the voice & vision that Sessh saw in Kagome's mind or any of the other things that were brought up as major parts of the plot. If there is or isn't going to be anything going on between Kagome & Sessh now that she's healed what is the purpose of him keeping her at his place especially since he's not even concerned enough about getting info on the shards or any of the other many things that he's witnessed since she got there.At  this point I don't see what his point is in keeping her there at his place when he could take her back to Edo where her friends are & she can talk to them & they can decide if they want to help her with her new quest . I also wonder if with her body changing & merging with the Jewel becoming her soul & making her stronger you haven't given us any info on any changes to her physical body or if her power has increased or if she now has any new abilities I can't help but wonder if she was given a longer lifespan like a youkai & if she didn't smell like a human anymore

Miss.Undo (Chapter 15) - Mon 24 Jan 2011
Love it! Please update soon its one of my favorite storys, and your doing amazing! ")

lara (Chapter 14) - Tue 18 Jan 2011

I really like this story but I'm confused over some things that seemed important & vital to your story yet they seem to have been forgotten,dropped or put on hold  &  I don't understand.

Please tell me that Sessh & Kagome start to get close or closer soon. They have yet to interact in anyway, they haven't spoken of the visions they shared or the voice he heard in her head , it was a voice he knew from childhood that belonged to the person who helped him after the terror of the event where he lost his mother (& when the voice spoke to him in Kagome's mind the voice said

'Young lord…no…Sesshomaru-sama, I see you have grown to be a powerful taiyoukai, just as you promised you would be a long time ago.')Sessh knew that Kagome saw this also because she was crying over the pain he felt & at first he thought it was pity & got angry but then he seemed to realize she just felt the pain of the child that it happened to. It seems weird that Sessh is aware of the fact that he feels comfort from Kagome & the changes in himself from Rin & even in the nightmares of his parents they tell him to remember what makes you strong is having somone to protect.(for such a srtong person,in your story,he seems to be afraid of everything,he can't talk to anyone, can't sleep, it's like he sees possible answers & cures that make him feel stronger/powerful & can free him from things in his past that make him feel weak & he's afraid to change...he knew there was something about Kagome in the start of your story & he was waiting for the right time to take her,now he has her  & he won't go near her...what happened to the Sessh that sees what he wants or needs & goes for it cause he's This Sesshoumaru & nobody can say anything to him or about him)

,they haven't discussed the Kuro shards & I'd think it's like the most important thing right now .I know Sessh is very concerned/curious about them & was eager to question her about them til she collapsed after purifying them. Seeing how the shards caused her immense pain that brought her to her knees, how she fought the pain & pushed past it ,while the shards basically tried to fight her,even scorching her to keep her from purifying them & he decided he'd wait for her to rest. Shouldn't Kagome & those beings within her...(Midoriko & the 4 souls) that are teaching her to use her powers in her sleep shouldn't they be in a hurry to start hunting these Kuro no Tama shards that are basically trying to find a new evil host the form of a powerful yokai  to feed their evil into or to take over & control with their evil (like Naraku with the tainted shards of the Shikon) & destroy the world....for Yokai & Human alike?? If this is supposed to be a new quest with this new Jewel & they need allies & to start traveling & purifying these shards. Don't they need to get started instead of just hanging out around the Shiro avoiding each other,not talking or discussing any of these important matters ?? In the beginning of this story Sessh was following/stalking Kagome to figure her out & get info on the well.Now that she is in his possession & Inuyasha is out of the picture & the jewel is now merged with her soul doesn't she need to find out if the well still works ?? also she agreed to be Shippo's mother shouldn't she be trying to get to him & her friends about this new jewel problem I mean now that Naraku has been destroyed I imagine her friends are aware because Miroku's cursed hand should be fine & they had to find his body & bury it but what ever happened to the flea who was with them during that last attack??? did Myouga see everything that happened with : Inu dying,Naraku getting killed by Kagome ,Kagome being saved by Sessh who got his arm back as soon as he touched Kagome who was glowing,then Sessh tried to save Inuyasha but his soul was already gone & then when Sessh felt  Kagom e's friends coming he took Kagome with him. Did Myouga see everything & stay with Inuyasha's body & wait for everyone to get there or did he just get left behind ???did he tell everyone what happened & where Kagome is ??? Even if Myouga wasn't there to tell them what had happened before they got there they'd still know Naraku was dead cause of Miroku's hand but with Inu dead, Shippo would be able to smell Inu's & Kagome's blood amongst the blood covered mess,dead hordes of Naraku's demons all over & trees knocked down,all indicating a small war.Plus,Kagome missing & Inuyasha's sword missing wouldn't they be searching all over on Kiara to try to locate Kagome or her body &  would Shippo have smelled Sessh there at Inu's body & smelled that Kagome's bloody body & tears had been on Inuyasha's body??? are we going to find out any of these things any time soon???

are Sessh & Kagome going to start to get to know each other ,discuss any of these things & get closer? are they going to agree that they need to find these shards ?? together ?? I know Sessh doesn't usually think he needs anyone or needs help from anyone ?? For some reason Kagome & Inuyasha were able to talk to each other without speaking & now that Kagome is at Sessh's shiro this guy Sai can hear &/or see into her mind & Sessh can obviously tap into others minds also but it seems when Sessh tried to tap into Kagome's mind at first he couldn't get in & the last time he tried he didn't just get in but when he did a link was formed between them until he freaked out & pulled out in a panic...(was it because of that freaky flashback he had after the voice <was it Midoriko?> acknowledged he was there & spoke to him directly?)

Miss.Undo (Chapter 14) - Mon 17 Jan 2011
LOVE IT! Please updated it soon")

Miss.Undo (Chapter 14) - Mon 17 Jan 2011
LOVE IT! Please updated it soon")

Miss.Undo (Chapter 13) - Mon 10 Jan 2011
Love it! Please update.

Catherine (Chapter 1) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

Ok, so don't take offense to this, but I actually had to stop reading because of all of the spelling and tense errors. I am sure that this can be an excelent story, but you need to edit it better.

janjan (Chapter 13) - Mon 10 Jan 2011

AWesome!!! cant wait till next chapter!! cant even begin to guess! i love it

lara (Chapter 12) - Wed 05 Jan 2011

oh yeah if she is the jewels final home does that mean her lifespan has changed & if it has shouldn't Sessh be able to sense change in her, her power increase,if her lifespan is no longer that of a human wouldn't he be able to tell that she doesn't smell of decay the way a human does???

You've given us all this info & thats it

I also really hope to find out what overloaded Sai's system

lara (Chapter 12) - Wed 05 Jan 2011

please tell me you are going to tell us in detail what happened to the guard & when Sessh is going to start talking to her & giving her attention??? Are Kagome & Sessh going to become involved ??? It seems as though he is avoiding her  now. I'm confused about somethings. Is Kagome still human with a human lifespan or is she more than that??? If she merged with the jewel parts & is more powerful than Midoriko ever was & stronger physically then a normal human....does she smell of decay like other humans do to the youkai??? can the other powerful youkai feel how much more power she has compared to other miko's...can they see/feel/smell or tell in some way that she is something more???? Is Sessh going to give in & start to spend time with her to find out aboout the shards & the voice in her head...are they going to discuss things soon. She has a very important destiny & if Sai has this ability to see into her head then why is it that both he & Sessh seem to still not know of her destiny???? If she is more powerful then Midoriko ever was & is being trained to use some of her powers by Midoriko while she sleeps (wouldn't Sai be able to see these things) & if she also now holds other strong powers with new abilities when will she be able to practice them or learn about them??? she needs to get stronger so she isn't so drained when has to purify these Kuro shards.

I really like this story ...its unique, interesting & exciting but I'm starting to feel as if I'm being teased. She is supposed to have allies in her new destiny...are her old friends part of this also??? She is also  supposed to meet her destined it Sessh or is it another???? Right now she's being held like a captive by Sessh with no one to talk to about anything & a plate full of serious issues to be addressed.It appears at this time Sessh wants nothing to do with her but avoid her & keep her locked up....when are her powers (new or increased ones),her destiny,her relationship with Sessh or any interaction that will benefit our story going to happen???

       I'm getting over eager waiting for some sign that this story is going to begin to flow because we've got all this new info & so far other than what she has learned in her own head she has yet to discuss anything with anyone & even though there is mind reader with her at all times,Sessh has already come in contact with the new dangerous shards & has seen that once again only she has the ability to purify them,even though she has to suffer to do so & yet he hasn't even asked about smart as he is he has to know how dangerous these are......

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