Reviews for The Asylum by Daniella

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a Mysticlady (Chapter 7) - Thu 14 Oct 2010

Very interesting...  he is in there somewhere. No to just get the dark fog out of his mind. Hope to see an update soon.

InuAngel (Chapter 7) - Sat 09 Oct 2010

OMG! Your story is making me cry!  It's so sad and beautiful at the same time.  Who would imagine Sessy would go mad over a loved one? If you think about it I could imagine it, I mean someone who held their emotions and feelings at bay for so long and finally got to a place where they could actually feel and then this happens to them I can see that. I can see someone going mad no one is that emotionally strong.  Your story is very realistic I love it, gald I ran across it, it's unique and may help me with my psychology paper.  I'm a psy and studio artist major odd combo I know, your story piqued my intrest and grabbed hold of it and won't let go, I was sad to come to the last chapter so far, I can't wait for the next one!  It's odd that no one has concluded that Sessy is not a human but then again the human mind is not that opened at least not many we are a bit of an arrogant race believing that we are the only civilized beings walking the planet and even in the entire universe.  This last chapter is my favorate chapter.  I was beginning to worry that Kagome wouldn't beable to get through to him.  I was curious has to why Sessy didn't try to use his sword to bring his family back even  though it may not have worked.  I can see him standing there swipping his sword again and again over his family's body and letting out the final roar of pain and misery, anger and defeat. Maybe he did the unspken parts of the story. The way his family died is the brutial way of the fedual era, they were ruthless then, no matter who or what the way death was dealt out then was...excellent!!!

 I am curious to see if any other demons have survived the centuries and walking amoung the world.  I am glad that that the story isn't rushed in reality it will take time to reach someone in the state that his is in, but then again he is not human so maybe.  I'm loving your story soooooo much! It's so well written that it pulls at your readers well my emotions, I don't usually cry at sob movies or books but this story brought tears to my eyes and I didn't even realize it. Not that I'm a hard ass and one of those people who don't get emotional, I do but it's kept just under the surface, the tears are there but they don't fall, but they fell reading this throughout not just the last chapter, your excellent!!!  I really can not wait for more this fic has verything!!!  I'm addicted I need my fix!!! LOL.  Not rushing you it's a beautiful story and I know it had to take time to write and it can't be easy. 

Thank you so much for this story your incrediable.  I love that you write your story your way no matter what others may say, your warnings at the beginning are so strong stating without stating your writing it anyway the way you intended it weather you want to read it or not.  There are many writers out there that change their story due to what the readers ask and to me when they give in and the story is no longer theirs it becomes those who critize and complain and I stop reading them I have even pleaded with some to write their story as they indended not the readers version they can write their own, besides a true fan would never ask a writer to change their story like that.  Good for you.  You are a strong writer it shows in your work I love reading I can't wait for more!!!! Until then Write on!!

Much love


Feminafures (Chapter 7) - Sat 09 Oct 2010

What a tense chapter this heart was beating throughout the whole thing.  When Kagome used his lady's name I had the urge to shut my eyes for a moment wondering what Sesshomaru was going to do.  The ending was powerful.  I'm glad he is starting to see Kagome as someone who can help. 

Fish Wishes (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 Oct 2010

Wow, I am so sorry for making this seem like a second review, but I just realized how much of a dunce I am. Please, ignore "colon" and replace it with "comma" and "common" is suppose to be "comma". Jez, here I am giving advice and I can't even keep it straight!

Er... um... great with keeping in character, but also displaying the insainty and unstable mind of Sesshoumaru.

Fish Wishes (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 Oct 2010

Ooh! This story has me itching for more! I really like how you've made Kagome into a bird in Sesshoumaru's mind; I find it very appropriate!

Only other comment is be careful how you use semicolons. They donot act as colons at all. They connect two complete sentences. I.e. For example; this is incorrect because "for example" cannot stand on its own. A common should replace the semicolon instead.


Thanks for writing I'm looking forward to more.

Terry Lynn (Chapter 7) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

You got me bawling like a baby with that last quote!

jgem (Chapter 7) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

Wow! Another gripping chapter. You certainly had me in a constant state of wondering what would happen and how much more would be revealed. Definintely gets me on an emotional level and even lost, Sesshoumaru is still very Sesshoumaru-ish.

I don't mind waiting for well-written chapters!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 7) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

I'm having an epiphany... either that or my imagination just had a seizure (XP)...  Could it be that Rin was the one to betray the Lady?!

Madison (Chapter 7) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

Oh honey!

You had me almost shaking the whole time with this chapter! The way you displayed Sesshomaru's insanity, I was thinking he might just go through with it and kill her. Alright, he would have done so if Kagome hadn't used her powers. I'm glad you made them weaker then in the past, which makes sense, since she hasn't used them in a long time!

Phew, for a while, there I thought those guards saw her, but it would be TOO easy, lol!

You know, I'm loving Kagome's determination in this. Granted she might not do the same with every patients, and Sesshomaru's different, but still. They weren't friends of nothing, and she still tries to help him. Every time he speaks it breaks my heart, because you can just read the guilt, and the sadness through.

I love the little hints dropped in everything he says, and the pieces we are left to try and put together. It looks bad for a Sess/Kag perspective at this moment, but I know it'll unfold amazingly!

By the way, I loved the moment he reverted back to childhood!

Great chapter, don't doubt yourslef!

Lexie (Chapter 7) - Wed 06 Oct 2010

oh. wow. that is. so. intense. poor sesshoumaru i hope kagome can help him

please update soon!

REDWOLF (Chapter 7) - Tue 05 Oct 2010

Is he finally seeing Kagome for the first time in the present? Great chapter!

Banana (Chapter 7) - Tue 05 Oct 2010

this chapter is amazing. Him reverting back to childhood was really uncomfortable to me lol But having lived through this (well not exactly but insanity anyway) that's a very accurate feeling when someones being disallusioned like that. The ending really got me.

Jenniferelaine (Chapter 7) - Tue 05 Oct 2010


omg...i want moooore.

super job!!

it is amazing.

lightstar (Chapter 6) - Tue 28 Sep 2010

I love how you brought in a scene from Sesshomaru's past in this chapter.  I hope Kagome is ok going in there when he's raging like that. 

Terry Lynn (Chapter 6) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

:O!! It's almost 5AM here and I was about to go to sleep when I deicovered your fic update. Now I can't sleep! Update soon so my mind will be put to rest yeah? Lol.


Great chapter by the way. I got a little teary-eyed after Kagome read the myth. ;_;

EagleFeathersInMyHair (Chapter 6) - Mon 27 Sep 2010

The only thing better than this amazing story is the fact that I came across it with 6 chapters to read all at one go! I love this story so much and can't wait for updates.

You caught my interest with just the title. I figured that this could either be an amazing fic or a very blah attempt to examine the human (or demon, as the case may be) psyche. If done poorly, this story would indeed be blah. But you've made it very believable and I almost cried on the first chapter. I've never cried at a fanfic before, so way to go! In my mind, what makes this even sadder is that we know Sesshoumaru. Seeing anyone in such a state would tell you that a horrible thing has happened to them... but you know the event must have been truly horrific to impact one with such a strong resolve as badly as it did.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I'd love to know how long you think this fic will be, if you've an idea. I ask only because I'd think it would be difficult to get from where they are now to a happy ending. Not that happy endings are necessary... I love me some angst and tragedy as well.

Please keep with this amazing piece of work! Words can't express how hyped up I am over this story. It could be the medication (LOL) but I don't think that's what's got me all excited. Of course you would receive praise for this story, dear! It's wonderful.

Plan on hearing from me in the future! I wish you all the best:)


Madison (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Now I completely agree! This has to be your best chapter so far!

You got me all teared up during the scene with Sesshomaru and his mate. To be honest, for a little while, I almost thought it was a real moment between the two, then I took conscious it wasn't especially when she mentioned he couldn't hide from "her" forever. You know I think that means Sesshomaru is conscient, without fully being conscient. ... At least that's what I think, if it makes sense.

I enjoy very much the research Kagome was doing, and how she found out. Poor girl, knowing how emotional she can be! Now she's going to want to be even more involved!

Urgh, I don't think Sesshomaru's break down is a good thing.

I HOPE Kagome will be able to do something before worse happens.

Edina (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

OMG!!! this is one hell of a story! it MUST continue....the plot is amazing, my heart aches for our beloved sesshoumaru!!this is fantastic!

REDWOLF (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

Interesting chapter. It is good to understand why his mate was killed, however, I can't wait to read how Kagome could have possibly stopped it.  I guess the wish must have had something to do with it unless, it was the breaking of the stone itself.  Such possibilities always makes for a fantastic mystery.

yinzi (Chapter 6) - Sun 26 Sep 2010

it just gets better and better! and such an evil cliffhanger!

looking forward to your continuation - this fic makes my day.

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