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BloodValkyrie (Chapter 2) - Thu 08 Jul 2010
Doesn't Mrs. Hirugashi know that dogs aren't supposed to be bigger than Clifford the Big Red Dog?

BloodValkyrie (Chapter 1) - Thu 08 Jul 2010
Imagine Sesshomaru in his dog form humping something. My old pet chihuahua tended to hump his toys. What would Sesshomaru hump, Jaken? Lol! :P

D (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

This one shot Collection is one the best i have read in a very LONG time. Thank You and “Next time you want to insult me, Sesshoumaru, remember that this  bitch always  finds a way to bite back.”  has to been one of those lines that will stick for forever and make this story and more great for me. Thank you so much for writing this.

sesshomarusbitch (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

poor poor kagome she has it sooooo ruff

Natalie (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

Oh Kami...Poor Kagome! *dies of laughter* I feel SOOO bad for her...but I cant stop laughing! XD

Krazy (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

xDDD update soon!!!

Tarn (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

Needed a good laugh.  Thank you.  I look forward to new chapters.

InuLover (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

I'm really sorry for not reviewing before now, Kanna, and I'm so sorry for your loss.  But, as I read this fic, I can't help but think that your dad is watching over you, and probably laughing as much as we are over this very hilarious story of yours.  And, I'm quite sure he is very proud of his very talented daughter.  Stay strong, 'kay?  :D

Sess Koibito (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

LMAO! Naraku & Miroku betting! I'd love to see fanart of this chapter! Another great one! :)

daapatemysoul (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

Oh Kami.... That poor girl. I can't believe you did that to her! I imagine this is going to dirastically change their quest to kill Naraku. Great chapter, once again. Though I have to ask, why do you use such a large font instead of the standard size? There are methods for making text bigger for those with everysight issues, if that's what it's about. Otherwise, it just feels odd to read.

Kirai (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

NO! BAD! BAD BAD BAD BAD!! Not Naraku too. I mean i can understand the whole spanking turning on but NO! Sess had better win!

MissTeak (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

Hi dearie! This was...OMG OMG OMG HILARIOUS. I couldn't stop giggling when I was reading how Naraku had fallen for poor Kagome as well, and I can just imagine the crazy drama that would ensue!! It's going to be soooooo hilarious. I'd bet they'd get to some tug-of-war match eventually with poor Kagome stuck in the middle, but of course, it's your story so we will see where it goes!! :D

Thank you for the kind wall post as well! How can I not love this story? It's everything I look for in a good, light-hearted read!

Much love to you!

Your fan,


Lexie (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

OMG!! poor Kags!! she'll n ever catch a break

please update soon!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 10) - Sun 04 Jul 2010

FOBSAROFLMBO!!!!!! Kanna, yer killin' me!!!! Now Naraku is in the fray!!!! *Slams hand down on floor, screaming with laughter!!!!*

Mel (Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010


This has been one of the most enjoyable and fun reads i hav e had in ages! I am trully looking forward to reading more of you work.


Firehauke (Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010

roflmao!  Poor Kagome! I

(Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010

rofl, lmao. the last bit at the end was so funny. our poor little miko, what will she do now?

TruGemini (Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010

SPanking!!! LMAO...ROFL!!!! Oh MAN!! Amber that IS the finniest one yet! I know you are going to fuss at me, but IO'm at work so couldn't sign in....but dammit...that was genious!! Did I tell you how much I love you? No? I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssss MUCH!!! Thanks for the laugh!

LadySafire (Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010

OMG! Amber!!!! LMAO!

 You are just as perverted as I am! (HUGS) Love this chapter. OMG, I'm laughing so hard to tears are running..... Happy Fourth!

sugar0o who lurks (Chapter 10) - Sat 03 Jul 2010

lmao =x OMFG thats just O_O awesome =x

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