Wow, I am speechless! I have held off on reading this fic for a long time because I know I wouldn't be able to put it down once I started, and I was right. I have never cried so hard and often from reading anything, and I've been around reading fanfiction for the past 15 years now. The way you've captured all the pain, the heartache, the suffering from the journey, truly evokes crazy emotions from every single chapter. I truly love Kagome's character development through the many lives she's lived, and how you've weaves a new perspective on death and acceptance. The relationship build up between her and Sesshomaru was a rollercoaster, the whole story was a roller coaster! Even though this story is not complete, I feel a good satisfaction from knowing that eventually, it won't be long before she gets her happy ending to reunite. And glad that her son is with her through her last years, and that she'll know Sesshomaru is always waiting for her. My heart is still clenched from reading this, if you have some time to still write, it would truly make me happy (and everyone else reading!) to see it reach the end goal to give the long-awaited happy ending and epilogue. Even if not, I am glad to have found this masterpiece. You've done a great job, and this is a legendary story.
This is such a beautiful story, wished it was finished but happy that I was able to read this piece of brilliant work. Thank you
I feel like I made it aaaaaalllll the way to the end only to be cut off before the resolution. I wish this wasn’t abandoned, it was an amazing story.
omg this has been such a good read. I discovered this story because i saw some fanart of Death! I hope you return someday to finish! but i know that RL doesnt always abide enough time for writing! Thank you for creating a great story even if i have to use my imagination to create an ending hehe :)
this is too sad. why did i read this again? i hate all this crying. was worse when sesshoumaru died! like, what! please, i know life is busy fer you atm, but can you please return to finish this story? i need a happy ending. i srsly do. and only you can give it.
there's still 19 chapters to go. i refuse to feel any hope! refuse!
well, just fack all these emotions. fack. fml. why did i pick this up? i am a masochist, that's why. smfh.
yup. totally fine. watched shakugan no shana, after all. then again, i can't remember if she was dead or if he was... hmm.. ????
I love it
Amazing so far, more please!
I have read your story. I have to say, im touched by it. I would like to show my appreciation. You have a wonderful job. Keep up the good work. Your an wonderful writer. Sincerly Ruby
~Cries and yells at the screen~ Oh my goodness, for the last three chapters I have been crying pretty much non-stop. Not surprising since Uncle T.O.M. is here, but still. Please update. I need to have my fix of angstyness.
Oh hi...congrats on everything in your life. I am so excited for Kagome to finally get her happy ending. I was wondering if the original Kagome will get the new Kagome's new memories? I was also confused as to who Kagome had to wait for now. Does she not have to wait for her son or for the new Kagome to die? But she does for her grandfather, mother, and brother? I do like how you incorporate thoughts on time and death, it is quite a jam packed story with so much depth and content. I can't wait to see what happens next :)
Oh my goodness! This chapter had me crying so bad. Beautifully written but so very sad. I do hope Kazuki gets on with his life before Kagome leaves. I eagerly await the next chapter Quiet! :)
I have cried and cried and CRIED with this story. It is amazing! Well written and I am so ready for Kagome to go home to those she loves! Keep up the great work :)
Can I just say that I LOVE YOU!!!! and I'm still reading this lovelyness. I had to go on a forum just to ask ppl if they had read your story cause my dumb butt forgot to favorite it. Man oh man poor Kagome, I just keep imagining that everyone is reincarnated and a) she dies and nobody is there in the portal or b) she has to keep on recycling and taking their souls without ever dying herself cause her task is no complete.
ja ne till next time and keep up the good work
ALL of my tears.
All of them. this is perfect, everything is perfect, you are perfect (at RIPPING HEARTS OUT)
I don't remembered the last time i cried this much. wow. You have an amazing talent to pull at heartstrings, and bring on waterworks. Your writting is amazing!
I was so surprised to see another update in my inbox. This chapter was not full of tears, there seemed to be a sense of relief towards the end. This chapter made me happy.
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