Reviews for Capital Offense by Oroyukae

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Neva (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Im going to be fidgeting till the next chapter. I have a few ideas of who might have forged the note so i cant wait to see! brilliant chapter :)

Tana_san (Chapter 58) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

I guess you already figured it out by now but the last review was for 57 not 59. I got so caught up inthe excitement that I hit the forward instead of review and I wanted to write individual reviews while the thoughts where still fresh in my mind....ANYWAY, I then accidently hit the forward again instead of back and reviewed. That's what happens when my mornings meds kick in, among them being morphine. To screw it up more I wrote a great review and stupidly hit the delete instead of send...*cry* but I'm persistent...

The scene between Inu and Kagome was excellent! She thought he was angry with her over staring at him and he was just worried about Kikyou. I LOVED the explosion she had and ended up blurting out EVERYTHING she didn't want him to know. His rant was just as compelling and meeting Sato at the airport was a blessing in disguise!

Now I've got to say that if Sato has anything to do with this I will be surprised as well as diappointed. And that goes for Miroku too. I can't see him going through all this to induct Sessh then screw the whole thing up. Plus, he doesn't know Sessh well enought to forge that letter. I also can't believe it would have been Sango unless she was forced OR brainwashed somehow. She was at the facility when when all this started. She could have been taken or drugged when Miroku was busy and then brainwashed. Here me doesn't make sense that she and Kagome have been best friends forever only to hurt Kagome, even if she thought she was protecting her some way. AND she would be the first one to agree with Miroku to find out what's going on without question as it involves Kagome. Her disinterest just doesn't make sense.

Now the fight between the two brothers was beyond excellent... and beyond fantastic. InuYasha was willing to give up his brother for Kagome and that should say alot since pack is everything, they're the only one each other has left. Sato leaning against the wall while the fight played out was quite amusing to me, but he was there quicker than you can blink when he was needed to stop an all out blood bath. When everything was revealed, I was relieved...finally! And the icing on the cake was his congadulations, DAD!

Now this is why I adore you so. You keep me always intrgued and thinking how to second guess you. You're amazing! JEN

Eve (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

This story just keeps getting better and better and better!!!!

Keep the presses rolling!!


Awaiting with bated breathe for the next exciting installment!




LOVE it!!!!!

stars (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

please updata

Tana_san (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

I am sooo sorry for not keeping up. This virus just doesn't want to let up and now my whole family is down sick.

This was really good. InuYasha was only worried about Kikyou and Kagome's been worried he was angry with her. Glad she doesn't care about them kissing. The whole scene where Kagome gets enraged after InuYasha berates her, again, for not telling Sesshoumaru was fantastic! She finally let's him know what was in the letter! Gotta wonder though, he didn't smell that Sessh's scent wasn't on the letter. hmm

Now the the whole scene with Sato, excellent! I don't know why Miroku had to have him back at the facility no but it was a blessing in disguise for InuYasha.  JEN

knifethrower (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Wow!  It was Sango, wasn't it?  If it was, I'm not prepared to be forgiving...  Can't wait to truly find out, and to find out why, and to witness the reunion of Sesshomaru with Kagome.  Hurry, please!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

uhoh, poor Miroku, I know where this is going now...

Midnight Cat (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Wow!! This story just keeps getting better and better!! I love how Inuyasha didn't show any fear of the consecuences of comfronting Sesshomaru, and how his last word managed to turn the world upside down in one second.

I Also love the little twists this plot has that keeps us guessing who the villain is who could have written something so painful to Kagome and caused so much pain to those involved.

I look forward to every little update to this story, and even thou, I might not review every chapter, I continue to support, read, vote and love everything about Capital Offense!

Please continue to update and twist our emotions like you have until now!

snowbird (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Oh boy.  I feel so very sorry for Miroku and the upcoming confrontation.  Everyone else will be surprised, also.  I wonder if Sesshoumaru will still want revenge against her when he finds out who is responsible especially if she thought she was doing it for Kagome's own good.  I don't think she should go completely unpunished, though.  I'm curious to know how he gets her to confess.

Walter205 (Chapter 59) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

 I'm guessing it's either Sango or Mikaru that is behind the forged letter. My money is on the latter though, since the former wouldn't really know that much about Sesshomaru and how he is. =D


 Looking forward to the next chappie. =D

Firehauke (Chapter 58) - Fri 05 Mar 2010

Bad Yasha, Kagome will be very cross with you! LOL

Interesting turn of events.

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

Ohh snaap~... XP  way to break it to him gently, 'Yasha

Snowfall (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

So sorry I haven't been reviewing.  I loved the end of the chapter.  It cracked me up.  At least, maybe someone can get word back to Kagome that the letter was a fake.  These last few chapters have been pretty intense in the drama department.  I don't do well with reviewing those types of chapters.  Just know that I read them.  ^_^  I promise to learn how to review drama chapters.  ^_^

1CarinoInu (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

YES!!!!  At least things are getting cleared up and now Sessh knows about the pups.....

Inu is going to be one dead dog when Kagome finds out.  He still broke his word....


mary (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

phew! finally! he knows. he KNOWS. it took quite a long time noh?

Sprinks (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010


that was SO MEAN!!!
i read this chapter twice it was so good!
i hate you right now!
i wanna know what happens! :D



Chelsea H. (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo killing me with the cliffs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iwas like so into it.........................and then I couldn't scroll down anymore. Where is the're absolutely amazing and you would amaze me even more if you updated as quickly as possible.....................PLEASE

Silver Silence 89 (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010


knifethrower (Chapter 58) - Thu 04 Mar 2010


knifethrower (Chapter 57) - Thu 04 Mar 2010

It is all coming to fruition!  I have waited so long to find out what the heck is up with those letters, and now it's coming out!

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