Reviews for Cybernetic Mishap by Aki

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Sora-chan (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

75 pages in one sitting! thats really totally awesome.

Sesshoumaru, I want to ride you until Hailey's comet comes back around. -Kagome  XD

haha I love when she says that she doesnt only want to sex him, "i want to cuddel!"

Oh gosh I love this story to death! its just so adorable and i dont even know!

I cant wait for the next update!

much love!


akeira (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009
Awesome! Please write more! Its funny and brilliant! Great job! PlEeeeeeeAaaaase update soon!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

Yuppers!  XP  Can't wait to see how Kouga fails... or not...hmmm.... >.>

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

Another great chapter! I love how Sess sent Inu a virus! That was priceless! ahahaha. Great job, can't wait for the next chapter! 

Hoshi Phoenix (Chapter 2) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

ahahaha!! "Sesshoumaru, I want my hands down your pants". omg! I was dying when I read that! I could so see that image in my head when Kagome says that. lol Great job!!

RayRay (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

Muahahaha why yes, yes you can! >:D It's amazing how hooked I am to your stories :P I'm an addict and you are my fix, lmao I don't know if that's good or bad! None the less, Loved it and laughed my ass of while loving it :D You might wanna booty-bump up that rating for some of the insinuations and language, but omg, too funny. Dear Sesshomaru, please let me ride you all night long. Sincerely yours, Kagome...yes, that would be my version of an e-mail to send XD Can't wait to see even more, and I can't wait to see what happens when Kagome finds out Kouga thinks of the dinner as a date D: that should be interestiiiing. Good jooob~ and much love to you~!!!

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

So i'm sensing a run in. As in, Kagome runs into Sessh while out with Kouga? Great chapter and yes Jhonny Depp is hot *stands in salut pose*

Saholia (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

LMAO!!!! Omg their gonna bump into eachother arent they? AREN'T THEY?!?! haha--keep 'em 'commin Aki-chan!!

tina (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

wow I didnt even know that anyone outside my generation even knew about 21 jump street !?!?! ( and no I'm not old enough for a teen kid , my oldest is like six and thinks I'm bonkers as it is ) lol the email /journal format is awesome it puts a really fresh spin on a story and for the title yay for the bloodhound gang !!

Darcy (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

You know i'll keep loving it...(wait that didn't come out right and sounds kinda creepy -_-' some where along the lines of "don't worry Bella, i've been watching you sleep for it's not creepy.."lol)Pshh..Joint custody..never heard of the word! Nonesense!

Asuka-sama (Chapter 4) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

Omg. The mention of Johnny Depp and 21 Jump Street made my day!!! AH!!! L.O.V.E. this story! Poor Kags. All she wants is Sesshomaru. Hm... maybe on her date with Kouga she'll see him?! :D Lol! Should have known Inuyasha would blow up when he found out Kouga asked Kagome out. Can't wait to see what mayhem ensues!

Again, I love your story and it's sooo interesting. You have to update soon, soon, soon! I'll be waiting! :D

Arc-an Angel (Chapter 3) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

I love this concept! Great chapter and I love the way that you're witing the story. I also agree with others about Bella and how so many girls are saying they can her...O_O. Please continue to construct this fantastic story.

RayRay (Chapter 3) - Fri 27 Nov 2009

I diiid! I found it I found it! *does a cheer and dances around* [/hypermoment] lawls, anyways! Tonight I didn't get the chance to have any powdered donuts, so my laughing as I read this chapter was completely your fault xD you're my sugarcrack when I have none! I was surprised they actually managed to talk to each other via e-mail without having a shock-attack, because kami knows I'd probably be sputtering if I got an e-mail from Sesshomaru XD Anyways, can't wait for the next installment and great job--as always! Much love to you! <3!!!

Darcy (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

Yey!You keep the confetti and i'll keep naked Sesshy *rubs hands,while smiling mischievously*

Yeah I had no idea that there were that many Twilight spychos out there either..I even discovered a "closet twilight spycho" amongst my friends i'm sad to say*tear* Because she can soo relate to Bella and her life..yeah a 19yr old girl who lives in the beach area going to college and works at wetzel's Pretzles part-time..yeah twilight soo took a page out of her life..I was just having that argument with Edward and the gang...curse you Stephenie Meyer!

kimakaanna (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

Okay so I actually opened up a link for the youtube vid you used and wow! Amusing vid lolz! I bet I'm the only nut to look at it just to see if it was really Astronomy! Great job by the way with this story!

kimakaanna (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

This is really interesting! I can't wait to read more! I've never seen a story done like this so it's a nice break from all the cliches!

SilentlyFuming (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

**sing-sngy voice** Love it~!

Can't wait to see what happens next!


Asuka-sama (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

Whoo! 3rd chapter! I was definitely LMAO in this chapter. It was hilarious. I especially liked the part where Sesshomaru sent Inuyasha the computer virus. Lol! I kind of figured Sesshomaru would freak out when he saw that it was Kagome who e-mailed him.

Anyway, update really soon! Your story is so funny and so interesting, and I look forward to reading more! Can't wait! :D

Sora-chan (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

Sesshoumaru, you're such a good writer! *pant pant*  I think I'm going to need a more "hands on" approach to this course


brilliant!!! XD I bet that thesis made her all hot n bothered.

I love this!

much love!


Kristin (Chapter 3) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

awsome!! you updated. I just stated reading your fic earlier today!! i love the nerdy Sesshomaru!! dungeons and dragons? I swear that was on wizards of waverly place...Is that a real game...hold on i'm looking it up....


Well anyway, it's 3:37a.m. and i really should get some sleep.

Love the fic,


P.S.: i also love Sesshomaru and Naraku's relationship!! Naraku is soo funny!

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