can't want to see whats gonna happen!!
keep writing! I can't stand the suspence!!1
I love your fanfiction !! the idea would be jealous of Kagome is a good one, but I think it isn't in her character. she's more like Kagome, even if she can jealous, she also can't let the jealousy eat her.
well, I'm looking forward an update !
You still havm't told us what happened to to make things the way they are.
why does rin hate her.
It...It really pains me to know that Kagome will have to go through 500 years of heartache with Rin before it gets resolved. T_T
civility sucks.
Rin is a snotty, manipulative little witch. Jeez, I hate her!
Good job though I feel so sorry for Kagome.
(Though I think Sesshomaru should have slapped Rin silly for her comments about Kagome.)
Ugh...I've never thought I'd say this but Rin is such a Bitch! (please excuse my language) I kinda want to strangle her (you know its bad when you want to kill fictional characters *laughs*)
besides that I really I have enjoyed reading this fic! its very interesting and completely least I've never read anything like it :D I'm curious to find out what happens next both in the future and in the past. I cant wait till your next update!!
Heyy great new chapter!! Very origional story. I like how it is slowley unfolding can't wait till past seshomaru and kagome realise thier feelings for eachother!! kand have lots of babies!! very interested to find out what actually happened between kagomes and Rin... its either something kagome couldn't help Or an accident Or rins overreacting!! who knows could be something else but thats my guess!!
keep writing can't wait till next chapter.
I am definately HOOKED!
I think Rin acts like she should be more than a daughter to Sesshoumaru and he should just disown her. Shippo has also been tolerant enough of Rin's strange behavior. 500 years is a long time, I stilll think she is just using Shippo to get at Kagome more. Can't wait to see what you have instore for them next. This is such a great story!
i know this is a dumb question, but when are we going to find out what made Rin and Kagome hate each other? and it was really wierd to see Rin talking like that, i never thought i'd see something like that. anyway, like i always say, keep updating.
Ohhhh! Why can't Sesshomaru understand?! I want to know what happened between Kagome and Rin! It sounds like Kagome's trying, and Rin's being stubborn! Also, Rin in the feudal era is a little brat! Taking satisfaction that Sesshomaru only likes HER?! Ick! She needs to be taught a lesson or two! This chapter was really good! I love that you're showing that even a happy couple otherwise still has a few things they disagree about. That is what real life is about. Please update soon! It's so great!
Ugh, this is one of the first ever fanfics that I've ever read that really made me dislike Rin.
Goodness, she is being such a spoiled brat, ugh.
Both Sesshoumaru and Rin are being stupid.
Sesshoumaru was a crabby bastard to her. She was only trying to be nice and thoughtful. She was not aware that Rin would be so warm and protected from the cold next to Ah-Un. He could have been much nicer in explaining it to her. It was not her intention to mean it as an insult. He was just in a crabby and irritable mood it seemed and took it out on her. His actions were also a rejection of their budding friendship. It seem to start while she was talking to the others and him thinking her foolish. What was unintelligent about their planning? If you don't have a real plan, then you go with what you do have and start with a process of elimination. Some plan is better than none. Besides, if he had a better idea, then he should have said something. He just seemed in a dark mood where everything seemed to irritate him. I loved the way she stood up to him. Kagome better not apologize to him because I don't think she owes him one. He owes her one. If it was me, I'd just ignore him unless the situation called for me to have to speak with him and then I'd keep it business-like and formal. I'm the type of person that if you deeply hurt my feelings, I don't easily forget or forgive and I let you know it through my actions after that by being distant and cold but polite.
I wanted to turn Rin over my knee and spank her bottom red. I wish Kagome had seen her 'smile' and saw it for what it was meant to be. Rin's jealous of Sesshoumaru showing attention to anyone else and that could be the root of her and Kagome's future problem. Sesshoumaru wants her to mate with Shippo when their older so why does the older him not like Shippo?
Bokusenou, you'd better come and straighten out Sesshoumaru!
this chapter made me very sad.
I just don't see rin being happy about sesshomaru treating someone badly.
it seems to make her vindictive.
This is one of the best stories i have read in a long time thanks a lot for the effort
Great chapter as always! BUT please tell me that the past Kagome will be able to fix her relationship with Rin just like she did with Inuyasha so their relationship in the future changes! Update again soon! :)
Mmk...Rin's a total bitch in this story...interesting ><;
So what exactly happened between Rin and Kagome to cause such a rift betwen them in the future? Is the fact that Rin wants Sesshou all to herself? Can the younger Kagome fix things so that Ao and Chairo will have a better relationship like how Kagome and Inuyasha fixed theirs? Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next update :P
Rin is always portrayed as untroubled by her past and all nicey-nicey. This is a much more logical characterization of Rin- it seems natural that she would be jealous of Kagome. Sesshomaru's part in this little conflict is interesting, he is the manipulated father figure, very interesting. Keep up the great work!
up until now, nothing had been changed in the past from what kagome learn in the future, could it happen for this? I can't stand neither the rin from the past and from the future and for the first time, I really don't like sesshomaru (because of how he is manipulated by rin). The only way to change things would be if he finally opens his eyes. I hope that it could happen. if nothing can be done in the past, I hope that kagome will do something really drastic in the future (thing she seems to have never done before or things would aready be different) to force sesshomaru to realize the error of his way in the matter and react in consequence.
Love your story
hope you can update soon, please!!
yay, the story's getting really good. it's also a really cool plot twist that Rin and Kagome don't stand themselves. how did that happen? anyway, Keep updating
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