Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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SessQueen (Chapter 16) - Thu 26 Nov 2009

I love this story. It has a little of everything. I can't wait to see what happens next. Your a great writer.

REDWOLF (Chapter 16) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

I am beginning to think that Sesshoumaru is nuts! I really enjoy this fic and always look forward to your updates! Sesshoumaru keeps talking about Kagome growing heavy with his pup,  he is so fixated on power, I can not wait until he has to have her love before all his plans can work! This will be great to read of Sesshoumaru's suffering for his over-bearing ways!

autumngold (Chapter 16) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

Thank you for another wonderful update!  I like how differently Kagome and Sesshoumaru see their relationship.  I can't believe how Sesshoumaru isn't even bothered knowing how much she hates him.  I guess her feelings really don't mean anything to him.  Inuyasha is a piece of work.  I hope he has finally gotten it through his thick brain what he has done to Kagome.  Please let her have the opportunity to spit on him and tell him what he has done to her.  Inuyasha deserves to hurt, not just because his new mate doesn't give him the comfort that Kagome used to, but because he screwed his best friend out of her life.  I really, really want him to hurt!!  Please let him feel at least some of the pain that Kagome has had to go through.  Thank you for having Kagome be so caring to her child!  I'm so glad that she isn't going to try to escape, knowing that it would probably mean the death of her baby.  She is a good person, and her baby is lucky that she's his mother.  Please post another chapter soon! 

Arwyn (Chapter 16) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

*snickers* Hrm...go Kagome for enduring hell and the taking the time to plan her escape, instead of blindly running for it. And poor *note the sarcasm there* Sesshomaru is too delussional and power hungry to realize that he's starting to have softer feelings...I'm loath to say love because, yeah, that's going to take a couple centuries of swimming in 'De Nile'

Esha Napoleon (Chapter 16) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

Awesome chapter ;)

Kanna37 (Chapter 16) - Wed 25 Nov 2009

Wow.  When you say darkfic, you certainly mean it.  I think the darkest thing I've ever written is Malice - and I have to admit, it's gotten a bit dark, though not descriptively so.  Anyway, when I first saw this one come out, I was hesitant  - and I do ahve to admit I still am a bit, because I just can't see her ever coming to love the one who has dealt her so much pain and humilation, but hey - you are an excellent writer, and I'm along for the ride.


shiningstar* (Chapter 15) - Mon 23 Nov 2009

I knew Sesshoumaru was clever, but two of him... sounds like something out of a fangirl's birthday dream.  

Star:  WTF... there's two of you?

Sesshoumarus: Indeed.

Star:  Hehehe...

*ends dream sequence*  sorry, randomness... I have fallen in love with your story; not only have you offered a variety of spicy hotness between these two, but you have written about a relationship between two of the unlikeliest, yet this website's favorite pairing, of characters with such complexity that it snatches at my attention with every word. 

Great job, I hope to read more soon!  (Do you really intend this to be 100 chapters?  I thought I read that earlier, but I wasn't sure... You could easily stop after the war on Naraku and the first pup born, but I truly hope you don't.)  Until then!

shiningstar* (Chapter 4) - Mon 23 Nov 2009

As terribly wicked that rape was, all I can think of is the birds from Finding Nemo- "Mine! Mine! Mine!"  ^.^  After so many raves about this story, I had to check it out for myself, and I'm glad I did.  Expect further comments!

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 15) - Sat 21 Nov 2009

Meh.. I do agree that this isn't one of my FAVORITE chapters persay.. but it was very informative and quite creative in the sense of how Sesshoumaru came up w/the plan to decieve Naraku into thinking he can get away so easily. It's kinda like pulling a fast one on him by using his method. Well done, Texanlady!

Can't wait till the next chapter(s)! c;

Updata soon plz ♥Aoi-Kaji

P.S. I remembered another thing I liked about the last two chapters on Kagome's personality, I enjoy how you portray her as a hard working woman and worth truly loving. What I mean is, how you point out in her that not all women want to just find a rich man to pamper them and never have the pleasure of working for what they obtain rather than just being given to them or being greedy and thinking about money and stuff... lol I'm really tired... ANYWHO, I just wanted to say I see alot of myself in Kagome's character which is why I enjoy your fics so much. <3 ano, I'm done now! lol lates ^-^

Aoi-Kaji (Chapter 14) - Sat 21 Nov 2009

I just had to review for this specific chapter before continuing onto the next one. I was just so, agian, bewildered at how well you portray the characters whether it is in a good sense or bad. I enjoy how you aren't going to make Kagome detest her childred just because she hates Sesshoumaru, or have them despise him as a means to revenge against him. You truly show the true colors of the characters and that is something to be praised upon. You've just opened up new doors the more you continue on w/this fic that just makes it better and better. I honestly can say that I truly enjoy your fics. There's so much more I'd like to say but it's 2:03AM where I'm at so I'm a bit tired but good nuff to type what I've already said out d= Now onto the next chapter!

P.S. For readers that can't just be patient and just have the pleasure of being surprised/impressed by the story as it goes and that they have the need to want to change it's course, here's something from me to you c; "There's always a light at the end of a tunnel" Just hang in thurr! Hurrrrrrrrrrrr C;

Sesshoumaru's Lady (Chapter 15) - Fri 20 Nov 2009

Hiya Texanlady!  I have to say that I am really enjoying this story so far and while your story has sensitive topics, I still am enjoying this journey with you.   I need to confess that even though it's early I am intrigued by your character Kenji.  He has so much potential and I hope that you have more in store for him in the future of this story.  I know that you explained that oath that Sesshoumaru's Guard's takes for loyalty purposes but it would be interesting that until Sesshoumaru's road to redemption happens what type of relationship Kagome and Kenji will have until then. 

As always, I enjoy reading your stories and look forward to see what you have planned for Kagome's escape knowing that even if she manages to pull it off that she won't be gone for long, especially where Sesshoumaru's is concerned. 

Great job on this story and I can't wait for your next update. 

Take care!

Your Fan,

Sesshoumaru's Lady

Trinitysc08 (Chapter 15) - Fri 20 Nov 2009

I think you're an awesome story. every chapter has me on edge! Looking forward to the next update!!! (don't take too long lol :-) )

Sala (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

Always a pleasure to see this fic being updated! :)

SakuraDreamHeart (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

This is really good ^^ please continue!

Samantha (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

I have a milion votes for Kagome escaping Sesshomaru.  And maybe even a scene where he is dragged to hell for his trangressions, please? An alternate scene? lol Just a suggestion.  By the way great story gotta love/hate all of the angst.  I can't get enough of it.

blacksapphire (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

this is a great fic I hope you updaye soon!

Rowdys girl (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

Why? Why do I have this feeling there's a large, golden cage in Kagome's future? Why? I really feel sorry for Inuyasha. Yeah, he brought it on himself, but I like him and I know I'm going to cry when he discovers the trap he walked so willingly into.

I can understand the problem with writing so fast. When I write, I have to go over it and over it to find even half the errors I've made. My problem is I tend to see the work the way I meant to write it and not how I really wrote it. LOL. And transpositions? I am the Empress of Transpositions. Anyway, you have opened a can of worms by thanking me. It's just that you write so well, your story is so wonderful, that I want your work to be perfect. Here are some things I found:

Maybe…maybe it was the future, but now that Lord Sesshoumaru has claimed her that future is no more…yes.

but if that is it, would not her memories of the future change?

Shaking his head Kenji, determined that time traveling was a tricky and confusing business

All women are greedy and concerned only with garnering as [much] many creature comforts for themselves as possible.

At the moment the other lords were questioning Sesshoumaru on how

Regarding the other lord Coolly, Sesshoumaru replied

Kagura is a better warrior, but she has a warrior's desire to be free.

He is infamous [from] for running from a fight

Withdrawing a small glass [vile] vial from his robes, Sesshoumaru tossed [them] it atop the table between them with all the war maps spread [atop] there.

One thing I would like to point out: commas are your friends. They should go after, or around, parenthetical phrases. ;)

I think this was a very good chapter, I understand that you regard it as transitional, but I enjoyed seeing Kenji actually thinking about what she had told him and seeing his opinion of her beginning to shift. And Sessh is still an arrogant douche bag! LOL. You do get me going with his attitude.


Samantha (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

That was an awesome chapter.  Quite the treat you gaves us with two chapters this week.  I am so enthralled with this story!  I am so eager for more and yet I know I will be completely sadden when this tale is finished.  Kind of just like the Harry Potter books!  Thank you for writing this story please update quickly!

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 15) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

During this time away from Sesshou, couldn't Kagome very well learn to use her miko powers better? She could learn to focus better and break the collar. Maybe she could talk to the Elite guards some more and get them on her side? What will happen when Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha find out the truth about Kagome's condition? What will they think? Keep up the good work and update soon :P

WhiteRose-Kurama (Chapter 14) - Thu 19 Nov 2009

If Kagome is able to get under Kenji's skin and make him sorta see things from her perspective, then does that mean she can get Sesshou to do the same? Can she get the youkai under Sesshou's rule to see that just because she's human does not mean she's worthless or beneath them. Will she be able to change the western palace for the better? :P

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