Reviews for The Breeder by Texanlady

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gildedglass (Chapter 27) - Thu 02 Jul 2015

Hi! I know I've reviewed here already, but I kind of had an idea...? Like, Sango and miroku try to rescue Kagome, but fail. Sesshy wants to punish them, but kagome, i don't know, promises to act like a perfectly willing mate for a day or something. and then sesshy realizes exactly how much he values her willing consent and then lalala. Sorry, I know you must have some things planned, but this idea was sort of stuck in my head :D

Anyways, kudos on this fic, and I hope you update soon!

silentsoliloquy82 (Chapter 1) - Sun 10 May 2015

TEXANLADY IS ALIVE.  The memorial page isn't hers, folks.


silentsoliloquy82 (Chapter 1) - Sun 10 May 2015

TEXANLADY IS ALIVE.  That memorial page is for someone else.


StarDust (Chapter 1) - Thu 07 May 2015

Here is the link to TexanLadys memorial page. She apparently died back in 2013

Haven (Chapter 29) - Fri 01 May 2015

Please tell me this is far from over 

No Uta (Chapter 4) - Tue 14 Apr 2015

Oh wow! Your story was recommended to me by a good friend of mine,  due to my love of dark fics. This is pretty damned dark and twisted so far. I am intrigued. This is also an interesting and unique plot. 

StarDust (Chapter 29) - Mon 23 Mar 2015

Oh my goodness! I just read the writer of this story TexanLady, died back in 2013 at age 37! If this is wrong I am sorry. I just can't believe it! The Breeder will never be finished by this talented author. At least her work she had made is still here.

StarDust (Chapter 1) - Sun 22 Mar 2015

Hello TexanLady, I am writing to commend you for your wonderful Fanfiction The Breeder. It is an incredibly well written story and every single chapter has my complete attention and ends with my eagerness to see what happens next. The story flows extremely well and never disappoints. I made an account here just to say this to you and to ask if you could by any chance please complete the story. I realize we all have busy lives and perhaps writing this story isn't a priority but if you have the time I am so anxious to know what happens next, how you have imagined the story to go. If you could that would be great!! I know I have seen many others wish for the complete story! 

Fuyuki (Chapter 29) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

this story is amazing! I know it's been awhile since you've updated, but I really hope you can find it in yourself to do so. It's feeaking amazing!!

Fuyuki (Chapter 1) - Mon 26 Jan 2015

this story is amazing! I know it's been awhile since you've updated, but I really hope you can find it in yourself to do so. It's feeaking amazing!!

Jess (Chapter 29) - Sat 24 Jan 2015

I just started reading your story, you're an amazing writer by the way! I really want to know what happens next, please update soon! :) 

Fanfic Reborn (Chapter 29) - Sat 17 Jan 2015

I've reread this story and i STILL LOVE IT. I hope you continue on with this as well C&C. I'm fan yours really and truly. 

REDWOLF (Chapter 29) - Fri 16 Jan 2015

Really good story. Hope you come back soon.

VivWolf (Chapter 29) - Wed 10 Dec 2014

Please update. This story is amazing. I want to read about Kagome fighting this battle. I want to see how Sesshomaru and her relationship develops and how having pups will change each one.

As dark as it is, it is well written!

Shareece (Chapter 29) - Wed 10 Dec 2014

Love this story please update

Koree (Chapter 29) - Fri 14 Nov 2014

Sigh..... I Do Feel Really Bad For Inuyasha He Was So Easily Tricked , Although What He Did Was Wrong I Still Feel Bad For Him :/ Anywho This Story Is Very Entertaining :) I Thought I Wouldn't Enjoy It Because Of The Rape & Cruelty That Kagome Was Going To Face But It How Can I Say It..... Goes Well Into The Story ? Ehh Not The Words I Wanna Use But It Kinda Explains It . I Don't Like The Rape & Cruelty But It.... It's Part Of A Bigger Picture In The Progress Of The Story . Hm That Sounds Better Lol But I Love This Story :D 

Koree (Chapter 14) - Thu 13 Nov 2014

I Usually Don't Review Until I've Read The Last Updated Chap Of A Story But Geez ! Kagome Just Slayed All Youkai w/ Her Speech . When She Said " funny how youkai think they are superior.... " Something Along Those Lines , But That Part Had Me Like " ooooooooooo she told you * snap snap snap * yes hunny " Lol But Yea I Just Had To Review This Chap Because Of Kagome's Speech Of All Speeches :3

Dragonscloud (Chapter 29) - Wed 29 Oct 2014

This story is really good. Please continue it

Orionda (Chapter 29) - Tue 21 Oct 2014

Just registered on this site only to be able to comment on your fanfic, and here I am having no clue where to even start. :D

Well, thank you. Right know I don't even have enough words to compliment your amazing story. I'm just sitting and smiling at the wall like some kind of retard. XD

Okay, gotta get a hold of myself... so...

First of all, I love the way you stay true to the original characters used in this fic. When I read my first Inuasha book like 10 years ago, I was only somewhat exited about the story, but found that the plot just wasn't rolling anywhere. It was replaying itself. There were characters I loved, like Sesshomaru, since he was one of those rare characters you ever saw to develop anyhow during the whole story, and characters I hated, like Kagome, who always seemed to be in trouble and never felt to learn of the mistakes she made. Plus she was presented just like a perfect girl in the next door with love problems. In your story you have given both of those characters so much more substance you actually made even Kagome interesting to me. I think the problem in the Takahash'is original books was the fact that there were far too many characters for one story and far too little time to ever learn too much about any of them. Still, the Kagome and Sesshomaru you have created don't feel like total aliens at all, more in contrary you have given them life, like every character in your story this far, they always deserved, with regrets, dreams, feelings, pros and cons. Your characters feel like they are actually living right now, and they go through changes as the time in the story passes, both physically and mentally. That is one of the most wonderful things to keep your story so lively and fresh, no matter how many times some things happen again and again in this story.


And second, it might be just my personal opinion, but I must say that I love the dark tone of this story. There's so much depression, anger, hate, sorrow... such powerful emotions lingering all the time in the atmosphere as I keep on reading. And still there's a little promise of love. Be it motherly or love you share with friends... or a lover, it is there nevertheless. That fact also brings the feeling of hope into the ending of each chapter. Hope for what, that's for everyone alone to decide.

The truth is, also I belong to that mass who likes happy endings, but the fact that not everyone may be getting one in your story just makes it so wonderfully realistic!Not everyone gets their happy ending in real life either. I especially like the fact that even though Inuyasha is one of the main characters in this story (at least I got a feeling that you have still something in store for him ;)) and he's overall loved by people in general irl, he's future seems so very gloomy and dark right now. And god how I love it!! Call me wicked or twisted or anything you want, but I just love this darkness in your characters and story. Heck, if I actually knew you I would buy you a bucket of black paint for no reason right now! XD


Third... I'd be a lier if I said I didn't enjoy this story also because of the erotic moments. To say the truth, I actually stumbled on this story a couple of days ago while searching for some Inuyasha hentai (oh the shame!). It didn't really mattered if it was pics, comics or fanfics, but after I read some lines of your fic on google and after I read through the prologue and chapter 1 I was miserably hooked to your story! The adult content wasn't even the main reason I kept on reading, though it was a big (like BIG plus), but your skill had (and still have) totally captivated me into this fanfiction. I am not much writer myself and english is not even my first language but I have to say that I adore your style of writing, and your taste in stories. ;) I actually even read very seldom, only the obligatory books we got in school and fanfics, maybe two per... a year? So congratulations! You've been the one lucky writer to get me as your reader this year, and believe me that's much said considering how lazy a reader I am! XD


I see it's been a long time since you last updated this story, and I have to doubt if you even read this comment either. I just wish, very deeply, that if you ever have time to keep on writing this specific story of yours, I'd be ultimately happy. Somehow I always have the luck to find some very nice comics and stories, only to learn that their writers aren't going to finish them... ever. So, I hope that isn't the case when it comes to The Breeder.

I once again thank you for this amazing story you've written so far. I have saved your dokuga site and story to my bookmarks/favourites and will be checking it out every once in a while, in hopes for a new chapter. I also wrote your and your story's name up to my calendar, so there's no way I could ever lose those!

I wish you the greatest of luck to your future, and send you warm hugs all the way from Finland. The days are getting shorter, darker and colder in here each passing day before summer comes again. It will be only a matter of time before the first snow rains from the sky again, since extremely little icy drops, nearly frozen, have already been here. ;)


Michelle (Chapter 1) - Sun 05 Oct 2014

Realy a great story  looking forward to more from you :)

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