Reviews for Seclusion by Oroyukae

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Chelsea Harris (Chapter 28) - Tue 01 Sep 2009
Man that was unexpected. I could've sworn those three words would've come outta her mouth. Dang. You killed me. But it was still a fab update. Huggs and Kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rosedream (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
Yah!!!! such an awesome story! I can't stop smiling! I hope Sesshomaru makes hot love to Kagome and then kicks that other guy in the butt!!

Infinite Silence (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
I love you!!! Happy belated birthday ^__^ I was going to post a happy b-day to you yesterday but the power was fluctuating and I am kind of having a family emergency, so uh.. yea.. but I love you!!! And your story is awesome!!!

Snowfall (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
I almost forgot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it was a good one. ^_^

Snowfall (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
Oh squee! Did Inuyasha plan all this? Did he know where Kagome was? He sure seems to be very intelligent in this fic. I like it. I sure hope Sesshoumaru doesn't get spiteful with Kagome. They've both suffered so much. It was too funny when Sesshoumaru finally gave in to Inuyasha's guilt trip. LOL You have a surprise for me? *jumps up and down, clapping* Can't wait! Thank you, and thanks again for posting! ^_^

ADES (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
I'm so glad I found your story because it is an amazing story. I'm sorry I didn't find it sooner, I'm not very often here - I'm more on, but you know what they say better late that never. I love the way you have portrayed both Sesshomaru and Kagome, I loved to be able to be in their minds and I loved how things progressed between them. You got me from the first paragraph. I have few favorite stories and yours is definitely one of them and I'll be back to check on it. I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter. Happy birthday! Keep up the good work!

malom (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
Reunited and it feels so good...ooops, we are not there yet but almost. Yay, exciting!

shiraishi_haru (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
huh...huh...HUH!?????? CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!~~~ mou....T.T aww man! update soon^^ heh..first time i actually took the extra effort to comment...hmmm..your stories really must be that wait...what am i talking about..they are awesome!!!~~

TruGemini (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
You are so awesome giving us your readers a birthday present on your B-day. You are sooooo wonderful. Finally they have reunited! Oh please don't keep us waiting too long!

Patricia (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
you updating fast then anyone i have ever seen! i absolutly love you for it! everyday i get excited and get to read a new chapter. you have got me on a cliffy right now!! i cant wait to read the next one. you a talented writer and i love all your storys so keep it up.

adriana (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
YAY!!!!! :) They found each other again!! What's going to happen?? And Did Inuyasha know she was there somehow? or did he really just want to rest?? update soon

Chelsea Harris (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
YAY freakin YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Together at last!!!!!!! I hope he heard her little pleas. Oh i hope he forgives her then go whoops some butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saholia (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
OMG! OMG! OMG! They finally met!!! I'm so excited to know what's going to happen now. ^o^ Now I wonder what Kagome fiancee will be plotting in order to have his revenge???

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
WAH!!! Is he gonna be all cold and nasty? Did he hear her admission?? Will he let her explain??? Arrgghh... While I am so very happy that you had such a wonderful birthday with all the wishes and stuff, I am agonizing that I won't be home until late tomorrow night to see if you've updated again. Although, if this chapter came out early, I'm supposing we won't see anything tomorrow, will we? Believe it or not, I will be thinking about this story the whole six hour drive... and will, most likely, blow off my family until I check my 'puter! Which will suck for them, cuz I haven't been away from the whole lot of them by myself in about 14 years, so I imagine they will ALL have things they need to say. Too bad... STORY comes first!! Hee, hee. I'm mean like that. ANYway, terrific chapter, once again - you never disappoint, that's for sure!! Thank you for feeding my addiction once more... :D ~~Wiccan~~

REDWOLF (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
Yoshirou is in for a real ass whipping here. Wait until Sesshoumaru forgives but does't forget the slap. Yelp, Yoshirou will be bitch slapped next. WOW...I checked all day to see if you updated, glad you did.

1CarinoInu (Chapter 27) - Mon 31 Aug 2009
Yay! Back in his arms! I HOPE to STAY!

Snowfall (Chapter 26) - Sun 30 Aug 2009
That was fun! I can't believe that Inuyasha actually managed to calm Sesshoumaru down after Masaru spoke up about Kagome being attacked. Poor half-breeds. Sesshoumaru is still so closed off. At least Masaru got a compliment from Sesshoumaru. I almost laughed out loud when Sesshoumaru told Inuyasha that he got bored. LOL I am so intrigued by Inuyasha's existence. I can't imagine how he might have survived. I kind of feel sorry for Sesshoumaru as well. He internalizes so much that it cuts him off from what he could have. I like the song you chose. Maybe you can work in one of their other ones; 'Truly Madly Deeply'...."I wanna stand with you on a mountain, I wanna bathe with you in the sea, I want to live like this forever, until the sky falls down on me." ^_^ I keep wondering if maybe Kagome is trying to trek her way back up the mountain. Man, Youshiro needs his ass kicked in a major way. I sure am glad that Inuyasha and Masaru were there to protect her. Sesshoumaru should stick around, if for no other reason than to protect Kagome. Nice chapter. Thanks for posting.

WiccanMethuselah (Chapter 26) - Sun 30 Aug 2009
My part was soooo minor. I simply helped you bounce the ideas you already had around - but I thank you profusely for the dedication - I am HONORED!!! I love the way you handled it, along with the introspection, as well as the way you provided the information Sesshoumaru needed to know. You do that so masterfully, with just enough description, but not an overwhelming amount. The two previous chapters were terrific, setting up this one. Indeed, what Yoshirou wanted Kags to agree to was unforgivable... now I am wondering just how Sesshy is going to go about finding the girl, since he now knows that her engagement isn't the loving arrangement it seemed to be in the picture. As always, I can hardly wait for the next exciting installment!!! I'm so pathetic - even on vacation, I can't stop myself from sneaking away and reading... yup, I'm hooked all right!! :-) ~~Wiccan~~

Adriana (Chapter 26) - Sun 30 Aug 2009
Where did Kagome go?? Did she go back to the mountain?? because if she did, that would be great :) update soon

moonstar31548 (Chapter 26) - Sun 30 Aug 2009
I hope Kagome is at the cabin waiting for Sess.

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